Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

Death By Push Up
Death By Push Up
Have I ever mentioned how much I love PUSH UPS?  They are easy to get away from and yet, they are a great source of rendering the SUCK. Their variety in application can make the weakest of people able to succeed and the strongest benchers shaking like they have the Detoxes. In groups of 2-5 […]
WHAT?  It's almost Christmas
WHAT? It's almost Christmas
where does the time go?
Some running and Go Navy; Beat Army
Some running and Go Navy; Beat Army
Before the sun came up, the miles went down. 5K before breakfast Then the rest of the day was in preparation of the Army-Navy Game. Go Navy;Beat Army GREAT game for those who watched it.
Pec Pump by Pushing out Push ups
Pec Pump by Pushing out Push ups
D.E. Bench: 12x3x50% DB Row: 6x8 Fly: 3x15 Shoulder Crank: 4x15 C/S Rear Delt Raise: 4x20     I finally stuck a plate on my bench. Incline Bench/Flat Bench super set for 8 sets of 8 reps as fast as I could get it done. Cable Fly: 8x8x40 Push up Pyramid with two other training […]
Just some Dead Lifts and Conditioners
Just some Dead Lifts and Conditioners
Air Dyne Bike or Row for 12 minutes Three Pin Pull: Pull for a heavy one rep.  Leave some in the tank. Back Extension: 3x20 Squat to a 10" box   Touch and go. 12x12x50 20-10-20 AirDyne sprints 20 seconds as hard as you can go 10 second recovery 20 seconds as hard as you […]
Going To Need To Call The Veterinarian.
Going To Need To Call The Veterinarian.
Because these Pythons look SICK!
Embrace the Suck
Embrace the Suck
Tuesday and our Bench session has turned into "Project Holiday". Along with most things we do this time of year, "Project Holiday" is geared for that time of year when folks will gain 7-14 lbs of unnecessary weight just because, well...it's festive. Nope, not the case with me and mine.  We are truly embracing the […]
Jo Jordan IS Super Santa
Jo Jordan IS Super Santa
Talk about being insightful...
Your Body Doesn't Give a Fly'n EF
Your Body Doesn't Give a Fly'n EF
That it's the weekend or any other time of the year,month,week, or day
Chest and Shoulder Double Time'n IT!
Chest and Shoulder Double Time'n IT!
I needed to crank it up a bit today.  Having little time and a lot of volume to do, I gathered a couple of my training crew and knocked out 10 sets of 10 reps of the following TWO exercises: Incline Bench and Flat Bench.  Using only 100 pounds on each the goal was to […]
WHAT? No caffeine???
WHAT? No caffeine???
This might find some resistance. Think I'll give it a try.
I actually LIKE Embracing the Suck
I actually LIKE Embracing the Suck
I've earned this pain, again
Further Nut'n it Up!
Further Nut'n it Up!
Here Matt Ladewski and I discuss the mini Prowler.
Earning My Pain
Earning My Pain
Day 3 of "Stopping the Wheeze" Even here in California it gets down to freezing.  Not for long, but before the sun comes up, it is 32 degrees.  YIKES!!!! The toughest part today was making sure my insides were evacuated before heading out.  As I remember, nothing is worse than having to stop and "litter" […]
Run Until the Wheezing Stops
Run Until the Wheezing Stops
I'm EARNING the rights to the pain!
Black Friday (because it matters)
Black Friday (because it matters)
That my friends is very funny when you think about it.
Thanksgiving 169
Thanksgiving 169
because 170 reps are just too many
Training WITH me vs. Training in my program
Training WITH me vs. Training in my program
No really, Happy Thanksgiving!
Harden the F Up!
Harden the F Up!
It may suck, but inside my head, that suck is going to get comfortable
Back to Basics
Back to Basics
We are working HARDER than ever to keep that L column small
Friday.  Just the Session
Friday. Just the Session
  DB Floor Press: 5x20 Dynamic Effort Bench: 8x3x60% Pec Minor Dip: 3x30 Stretcher Push up: 3x30 Alternating DB Shoulder Press: 3x15 DB Lateral Raise: 3x30   Me: Incline Press: 5x11x80 Bench Press: 5x11x80 Cable Fly: 5x11x25 Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30x20 Shrugs: 4x12x455    
2 Exercises and a Lot of Wobbly Legs
2 Exercises and a Lot of Wobbly Legs
Tomorrow should look like the scene in Bambi when he took to the ice for the first time
Back and Arm Accessory Day
Back and Arm Accessory Day
There was WAY TOO much going on
Unspecializing My Movements
Unspecializing My Movements
Move like a Predator
"How are You?"
"How are You?"
Today, on my bike ride home, I thought I'd have a bit of fun with the people that I see regularly on my route.  We pass the same faces daily and occasionally we might nod or smile.  So I thought I would add to that and actually say something that most folks will say in […]
Heart Thump'n Spine Stabilize'n Veteran's Day Celebrating
Heart Thump'n Spine Stabilize'n Veteran's Day Celebrating
Well done Vets. Keep the faith and America as free as you can
First the Shoes Then the Pants
First the Shoes Then the Pants
Path of least resistance
Getting Beat vs. Losing
Getting Beat vs. Losing
There is a difference
Friday's 9:00 AM Hard Stop & Got Yoke
Friday's 9:00 AM Hard Stop & Got Yoke
Or I have smart people in my gym "S.M.R.T. SMART"!
Some days you have it
Some days you have it
other days you Don't realize you have it.
The Best Time of the Year to Train SALE?
The Best Time of the Year to Train SALE?
You really need to buy something NOW. Christmas is closer than you think
Floor Pressing until the STRAIN happens (again)
Floor Pressing until the STRAIN happens (again)
Someone find out who this floor press girl is.
Training WITH my Wife
Training WITH my Wife
is how we started and is STILL fun.
You Sound Intelligent
You Sound Intelligent
but you are unrelatable.
Thursday's Part II
Because sometimes you have to wait for your son to get out of school
Max Effort Good Mornings and Prowler
Max Effort Good Mornings and Prowler
The Prowler is quite possibly my favorite conditioning tool.  Everyone that trains with me has a love/hate relationship with it as well.  While everyone will tell you the horror stories about my Prowler programming, EVERYONE that lives to talk about it, does so with affection.  I think... hmmm...well MAYBE. We love to glamorize it too. […]
Stop! I'm Hungry and need a NAP!!
Stop! I'm Hungry and need a NAP!!
My version of Zoolander's "Blue Steel"
My son's "Dry Land" training
My son's "Dry Land" training
Before our Ice Hockey games we have a warm up known as "Dry Land".  Here the boys get a bit of my PRE GAME.  Last week I spoke about FINISHING.  Finish a play, a check, a goal, a line shift, the GAME.  Never quit.  "They'll have to KILL you to make you stop". This week […]
Monday Morning and I'm Alone
Monday Morning and I'm Alone
These women make this picture look good with me in it.
What Crash Davis Believes in
What Crash Davis Believes in
From Bull Durham
For my Smits
For my Smits
Going to be the fastest M.D. on two feet.
Tuesday Part II Conditioning
Tuesday Part II Conditioning
After a bike ride and hockey roller blade pick up from school, Hunter and I hammered out 10x50 yards with an emphasis on the starting five steps.  Hit top end and coast to the end. Brought the big dog with us too.  He's still a bit winded.   That's him when we was a puppy.
Just Because it's a Bad Idea
Just Because it's a Bad Idea
Doesn't mean it can't be a lot of fun!
Monday Back on Track
Monday Back on Track
Dynamic Squats, some squats and other squats.
Lost my MIND!
Lost my MIND!
Squat and Prowl
Outta Gas on MONDAY???
Outta Gas on MONDAY???
But..you won't hear me say it!
Beyond the Comp Day III
Beyond the Comp Day III
Squats and Prowler GHR too
Beyond the Comp Day II
Beyond the Comp Day II
Back Accessory and Arm day
Second Training session of the Day
Second Training session of the Day
Because Clint Darden and I are BADA$$!!!
Beyond the Competition?
Beyond the Competition?
Maybe, but why I do what I do.
Fear of Failure?  Squats and Deads
Fear of Failure? Squats and Deads
Failure isn't even in my vocabulary.
Back and Spinal Stabilizers
Back and Spinal Stabilizers
Nothing to see here...move along

Items 2420 to 2478 of 2661 total