Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

Max Bench (Chest/Shoulders)
Max Bench (Chest/Shoulders)
Close Grip Floor Press: Work up to a heavy 1 rep.  BEAT last week. (We did)  Either we sand bagged last week OR we got stronger.  I'm going with the latter so I can feel good about myself.   Incline Bench Press: Work up to a Heavy 5 reps   Seated DB Press: Work up […]
How do I do that?
How do I do that?
short hard hitting session today
Twice the Reps; 50% of the Sets
Twice the Reps; 50% of the Sets
...and it STILL took me 4 hours to finish
How Can a Neck Hurt?
How Can a Neck Hurt?
Especially since I don't have one.
Air Assault
Air Assault
Popping hearts one session at a time
Saving time by smashing self
Saving time by smashing self
Yea, that's my 9 year old. He does PULL UPS
In the Words of Jim Wendler
In the Words of Jim Wendler
"You are being lied to"
Good Mornings & Prowler 'til ya PUKE
Good Mornings & Prowler 'til ya PUKE
Yes a great morning. I saw many dinners from last night
I am an ARTIST!!!
I am an ARTIST!!!
Accessory Back and Call the Plumber...Someone needs to check out these pipes.
My "Look" sometimes goes to places far better than my words
My "Look" sometimes goes to places far better than my words
sometimes goes to places far better than my words
Fred Duncan vs. Internet A$$whipes...Squats and PROWLER Growlers
Fred Duncan vs. Internet A$$whipes...Squats and PROWLER Growlers
I was reading Fred Duncan's article this morning about "In Season" training.  Fred hit the nail on the head for many reasons.  One reason in particular that I surmise is that Fred OWNS and OPERATES a gym in the Greater Buffalo NY area. Fred is in the trench working his butt off and training all […]
Back and Arm Accessory Stuff (no story) Matt and me
Back and Arm Accessory Stuff (no story) Matt and me
Some days you only need the MEAT.  This is one of them.  Too much going on right now!  (All good stuff)   Shrugs: 4x12x405 4 way neck: 1x25x6.0 Fat Grip Blast Strap Body weight row: 4x25 Mag Bat Wing Pull down: 4x6x200 Mag Bat V wing pull down: 4x6x200 Dips: 4x25 Skull Crush: 4x15 Rope […]
Saturday's Bench Training, Congrats Vinny Dizenzo, and why re invent the wheel?
Saturday's Bench Training, Congrats Vinny Dizenzo, and why re inven...
Over the last few years, if you haven't noticed, Vincent Dizenzo and I have been nurturing a pretty cool friendship. This last weekend Vinny competed, benched press BIG TIME and did it while not being a fat crap. Vinny has been taking care of himself getting into what we often forget in Strength AND Conditioning […]
 Tinker Bell breakthrough and Accessory work for me
Tinker Bell breakthrough and Accessory work for me
Eunice, aka Tinker Bell is 4' nothing and weighs 90 nothing.  Her goal was to squat a "big boy plate". Today after she had finished her Dynamic portion of the session, she got to put a weight on her back and NOT max it. She was darn comfortable with 165 lbs. She did the "Tinker […]
Dynamic Bench
Dynamic Bench
Shrugs: 4x12x405 4 way Neck: 1x50x6.0 Dynamic Bench: 8x3x55% C/S Row: 2x10  no working sets DB Lateral Raise: 3x30x55  (first 1/3 of the movement) Cable Cross over: 2x15 just for the pump Tricep Pushdown: 2x20 again, just for the pump.      
Sunday Bench and Vincent Dizenzo Worship
Sunday Bench and Vincent Dizenzo Worship
I was going to use Vincent Dizenzo's pic...Because he is the KING of Bench
3 Exercises that put me in a Coma today.
3 Exercises that put me in a Coma today.
and have me searching for food like a scavenger.
Super Slow Motion Had Me Shaking Like I Had Parkinson
Super Slow Motion Had Me Shaking Like I Had Parkinson
Me and Miley Cyrus. Love this kid...Dustin Creson
Who Cares WHAT the 75% say?
Who Cares WHAT the 75% say?
and Dynamic Bench/Shoulders
Squats/Deads/Asthmatic Prowler and Class Acts
Squats/Deads/Asthmatic Prowler and Class Acts
Dynamic Squat: 8x2x55% or 285 lbs -Mastodon Bar and low box with my new EliteFTS top cushion Dead Lift off a one inch deficit: 8x1  Because I hate doing math, we just used the same 285 lbs GHR: 2x10 4x6x25 lbs vest   Reverse Hyper with a moderate weight: 4x10  We usually make the set/rep […]
Squats and Lake Tahoe
Squats and Lake Tahoe
Hockey at Altitude
1000 Rep Arm Workout
1000 Rep Arm Workout
Can...bbbbaaarrely....t y p e
Dynamic Bench and Conditioning
Dynamic Bench and Conditioning
I ride angry.
I keep forgetting to add the ...AND Conditioning
I keep forgetting to add the ...AND Conditioning
and I'm not talking about my hair.
Get a little (or a Lot) of help from my friends
Get a little (or a Lot) of help from my friends
It's like getting to train WITH a team member at any point in time.
Just one of THOSE days
Just one of THOSE days
"BAR WENCH...brings us some more HOOTCH! For tomorrow we HUNT!"
I'm Leaving Stupid
I'm Leaving Stupid
Because Social Media sucks your brains dry
Heavy Squats and Traci Tate's Make a Wish Contribution page.
Heavy Squats and Traci Tate's Make a Wish Contribution page.
We give so much and ask so very little.
Caveat emptor
Caveat emptor
Getting in this morning, I realize that I have about a billion different customizations to the program. Different people with slightly different needs that warrant "fine tuning" of the template that I offer daily. No Problem!  The HITCH is that I don't remember numbers as well as I use to.  Solution!  Write it all down. […]
Some Days are Filled with Thunderbolts
Some Days are Filled with Thunderbolts
others are just nuts and bolts
Rule #67
Rule #67
Stop Complaining and enjoy Jo Jordan's thumbs up.
A long run?  Why?
A long run? Why?
Because for no particular reason, a person should.
"Meth addict on Cocaine???"
"Meth addict on Cocaine???"
Coming from Jim Wendler, I'll take that as a compliment
Nothing thought provoking...Just some killer squat training.
Nothing thought provoking...Just some killer squat training.
even that is so simple this will take you 30 seconds to read. (Lifetime worth of strength gain)
Mediocre Session at it's blandest
Mediocre Session at it's blandest
For me, it is always better to have a plan BEFORE going to the gym
Fun with Rule #67
Fun with Rule #67
I have 100's of them and they are all numbered
Monday and back to normal
Monday and back to normal
Must have been the moon aligning with Mars and Ef'n Venus
Wonder what their homes look like?
Wonder what their homes look like?
By the way people leave my gym I'd think they can't find anything at their own homes either.
It's how we do things in my house
It's how we do things in my house
Even the best of kids sometimes need a hard lesson
Call this number:  888-854-8806
Call this number: 888-854-8806
If you're not talking to Rhonda (Customer Service) you're missing out
My Beard isn't exactly like this yet...
My Beard isn't exactly like this yet...
But it has more white in it this time
Squats and Dead Lifts
Squats and Dead Lifts
My boy is JUST like me
Monday is about Accessory work
Monday is about Accessory work
and weapons
It's all ok, and normal (for a BADASS)
It's all ok, and normal (for a BADASS)
Going to use a car to check me into the boards? Well...OK!
Banged up.  Barbells, Bags and Baby
Banged up. Barbells, Bags and Baby
Getting hit by a car sucks
and me ornery?
Dynamic Bench
Dynamic Bench
Must reads
Damnnamic Squat and how to Clean Up
Damnnamic Squat and how to Clean Up
Everyone needs a little time at the Ocean
Nothing but Back and Arms
Nothing but Back and Arms
Swiss Bar C/S Row: 4x8x185 Suspended Knee Ups: 4x10 Pull up Hell: 5 hand positions x 25 reps in each (Monkey Bar Attachment) 45 degree side flex: 3x10 Cable Pull over: 4x10x80 Tsunami Bar Pull Down: 4x12x80 DB Reverse Curl/Hammer Curl/Regular Curl: 3x8x25 as a GIANT set Cable Reverse Tri Ext/Rope Tri Ext/Regular cable push […]
Sunday Chain Press'n
Sunday Chain Press'n
Easy like Sunday Morn'n
High Flight
High Flight
Suspended Good Mornings w/ Mastodon Bar: Work up to a heavy set of three reps.  Rest 5 minutes  Do another set of three   GHR: 4x8 with the foot pad all the way up to the top   Back Ext. 4x25   I remembered this poem and how much I enjoyed it.  Thought I'd share […]
TWO Women for Every Guy
TWO Women for Every Guy
This ought to stir either a laugh or anger. Remember this is all tongue in cheek. Not fist in head.
Do most of the workout with the same weight and
Do most of the workout with the same weight and
cut your workout time in half.
Tuesday's Speed Leg Day
Tuesday's Speed Leg Day
Coconut water taste like Poo Poo..
No watch; No stress
No watch; No stress
Nothing is more important than what you are doing

Items 2479 to 2537 of 2661 total