Breaking Rule #2
Going through my head at Zero-Dark-Dark this morning are TWO very important rules I learned a LONG time ago.
Rules I stole from a guy named Brett McKay (and his wife, I think)
always give credit when credit is due.
"We can't have any Old Fat Guys beating any of us Young Fat Gu...
You young fat guys??? Never lose to the old fat guys
Off the Grid and On the Ice and 11 times in history
Since last Thursday my family and I were in San Diego for the Mite X California Championships. We Won and my son, Hunter, displayed a wonderful example of Sportsmanship and Team work that would make any Coach, but more importantly DAD, proud.
How I feel about the future of communication.
I don't WANT to use these...# I want to TALK to people.
This quote is too good not to share
You can take a gym guy and put him in a fitness center, but you can't take a fitness center guy and put him in a GYM.
What would you do? AND...You're name can't possibly be Anonymous.
You don't GET to lift weights. You EARN the right.
Friday and it's Day 2 Not shot yet
“The most important six inches on any battlefield is between your ears.” ~ Gen. Mattis
Sheena...I DID IT!!!
As for training today...yes it took place. Lots of Dynamic Upper body stuff along with a crap ton of conditioning
Friday Not a normal sun's out, but Sky is out
Selkow was the strength and conditioning coach of the NHL Arizona Sundogs as well as for the Bradshaw Mountain High School football program. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in multitude of sports the last 35 years. Selkow is currently working at Combat Sports Academy in Dublin, California.
Selkow Reveals the Training Secrets Obama Doesn't Want You to Know
If Selkow were president, he'd lead a thick-neck nation.
Train Like a Linebacker, Eat Like a Bodybuilder
The awesome one gives his guidelines for a blissful living.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: It Takes a Village to Raise a Child
It takes more than one person to teach a child the ways of life.
Have You Earned Your Title as Coach?
You don't just get called coach as a title. It is something that is earned.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Lenny
“OK, you need to go out and get a can of sauerkraut, but ditch the cabbage, and set the juice aside."
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: How to Train Different Personality Types
What elitefts™personality are you?
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: More Than Just a Coach
Some will argue that it isn’t our “job” to be a friend, parent, or mentor. But I disagree.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Somewhere in the Middle of the “Curve”
It's time for New Years resolutions. What will your goals be, and where will they lie on the curve?
The Selkow Diet
If you want to be like the Barefoot Buddha of the Iron, you must keep your nutrition in check. But that doesn't mean you can't have any fun.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Prehabilitation
Instead of rehabing, think about prehabing. It's less painful and you certainly won't regret it, unlike the alternative.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: The Physical Culture
We have come full circle, to the time when we are now called the “Physical Culture” once again.
Doing What NEEDS to be Done (Part 1)
Next, I’ll write about how I adopted this principle into that very thing which gets in the way of our training…"LIFE!”
Squat Like the Man You were Designed to Be
Believe me, your training will all of a sudden be turned into another kind of important.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Commitment to Excellence
I would love to hear feedback not on the content of this article, but ideas YOU have about the Commitments you can make to Excellence.
The Genius is Not in the Program
You don’t need to be a cheerleader, but your interest had best be served by serving the athlete.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Shopping with My Wife
You can replace “wife” with any other word of endearment for your “significant other” that you’d like, but I need to tell you of from my perspective, I did something along the way VERY right.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: It’s About Making “The Decision”
What decision are YOU going to make? I know, you know!
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Sweat Pants, Cargo Shorts and Hawaiian S...
Does anyone remember the Zubaz pant? They were those crazy baggie pajama bottoms that were worn in the late 80’s and early 90’s with those incredible “tiger stripes” of various color?