If I Knew Then What I Know Now: FEAR or F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appear...
Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Keep Your Standards High, Not Your Mind
This statement is summed up with one word, WISDOM.
Pull-up Progression (Part 2: SHWt Edition)
You’ve probably read the first part of “Pull-ups” according to “H” and say to yourself, “Sure, that’s fine, but I can’t even do a single rep.” That’s ok. In this part, we’ll address your need(s) in being able to perform that repetition.
Pull-up 101, Part I
When Elite asked me to write an article about pull-ups, I thought, no problem. This will take about one line—grab a bar and give it a tug. That’s it. Finished. Done! Then I thought, well, no…
How Harry Selkow Trains the Arizona Sundogs
Good talking to you yesterday. I even tried to keep you on the phone longer since I knew you had to hit the “head” to relieve yourself. I have to tell you, I always walk away refreshed after talking to you. It makes me realize that there ARE other nuts out here with a different view and that’s good stuff.