Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

Ralph V. That's Dr. Ralph V Ph.D. That's Dr. Ralph V. Ph.D. and 80 years old participant in my program for the last 13 years. Other than all the cool alphabet that follows his name and being 80 years old, Ralph wanted to train with me to pick up his wife's oxygen tank, which weighed […]
Don't Waste a Second Chance
Don't Waste a Second Chance
Opportunities are rare, but a second chance is the rarest. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Stretch: Plantar Fasciitis stretch via Gastrocs and Soleous leans. Then some self-myofascial release by rolling on a bar. C/S Row: 6 rep max from an extended dead hang Chin-ups: Make sure each rep is from the dead hang position to chin […]
EliteFTS. Do You Know What the FTS stands for?
EliteFTS. Do You Know What the FTS stands for?
Today while rep squatting, I was forced to notice the pain in the bottom of my foot from the plantar fasciitis. While escalating the weight to a "Perceived Rate of Exertion" of 80ish% I kept wondering "Am I giving this a higher value because of my setback or is it really this hard?" We were […]
REMEMBER, The Feeling
REMEMBER, The Feeling
Remember, the feeling you get from a good workout is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were working out. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute...it was really cold this morning. So much so the outdoor shower (that only has cold water) was warmer than the air temperature. So the ride in […]
Stand Up Straight...
Stand Up Straight...
Because our eyes are in front of our heads we tend to focus on all things forward and do most of the work out there as well. We begin to create a certain amount of muscle tonus in the anterior part of our bodies. Compounding the issue of poor posture, our eyes begin to fail […]
How To Grow Younger: What Are Two Ages You Can Control?
How To Grow Younger: What Are Two Ages You Can Control?
Today is my 66th Birthday and I pulled this article from someplace on the interweb. (Sorry I can't cite it, but know it isn't mine and I thought it was cool!) There are three ways to consider your age: chronological, biological, and psychological. Your chronological age is the number of years since you were born.Chronological […]
Strengthen in Silence
Strengthen in Silence
Your mind is the epicenter of sustained personal growth. Strengthen it in silence Today's Training: Row: 30 mins Cycle: Commute 4x10; 1x20 of the following: Lat Pulldown Chest Supported Row DB Pullover DB Curl Concentration Curl Side Ab Flex: 4x10 Cycle: Commute
We Are in Danger...
We Are in Danger...
It was FREEZING this morning in the Bay Area of California. 31 degrees! (yes, I know that's a heat wave for some, and I endured winters in central NY but I've lived here for the past few decades). Regardless, I do my early mornings with pride and prejudice. I also continue my cold showers outdoors […]
Surround Yourself
Surround Yourself
Surround yourself with people who are on the same quest as you. If you want to get stronger, hang out with five strong people and you'll be the sixth. Likewise, if you want to get fat??? Hang out with five fatties and you'll be the sixth. If you choose slothfulness, five lazy friends will do […]
You Can't Stand In The Same River Twice
You Can't Stand In The Same River Twice
When I first heard that, I thought, "Hmmm, how is that possible? Of course you can". But then it was explained to me that the river is a moving body of water headed for the sea. Once you stand in it, the water around you moves away and you are now standing in newer water […]
Be more than motivated
Be more than motivated
"Be more than motivated, be more than driven, become obsessed to the point where people think you're fucking nuts." ~D.G. Today's Training: Run: Easy 3 miles No Cycle today. My dog wanted to go to the gym and hang out. I'm not kidding! Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10 BOSU Sit-up: 100 Chin-ups: 100 Dips: 200 […]
"It takes relentless self-discipline to schedule suffering into your day, every day" Happy New Year faulkers!
"It takes relentless self-discipline to schedule suffering into you...
While some nursed and burped and licked their wounds from the celebrations that took place, others took off on the goals they set for 2024. I'm not saying you shouldn't have had the time of your life kicking 2023 out the door, you should have! Good riddance. But even doing so, you should have licked […]
Wild Hair (or is it Har?)
Wild Hair (or is it Har?)
After I finished the run this morning, a pain set in on the bottom side of my foot. Thinking it was plantar fasciitis again, I hobbled about getting ready to commute to work. On the ride, my inner dialog started. That is always interesting and sometimes I wish one of my other personalities were present […]
Weight Lifters Don't Die
Weight Lifters Don't Die
We only smell like we did. Note to self: Use soap and deodorant. Today's Training: Run: Easy/Slow 3 miles Cycle: Commute Push-ups: 100 reps in as few sets as possible Dips: 100 reps in as few sets as possible Dynamic Bench: 10x3. Today's cue is "Pull the bar apart to straighten your arms" DB Fly: […]
The Seven P's of Success
The Seven P's of Success
In the last few days of 2023, I begin to program 2024 training. I do it based on the overall needs of most people and what time of the year it is as well. The basics will remain the basics. Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and Overhead Press are the staple exercises that tell me everything I […]
No Man Has The Right...
No Man Has The Right...
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." ~Socrates 469-399 BC (My college roommate) Today's Training: Run*: 3 miles (easy) Cycle*: Commute C/S Row: 2 RM […]
P.C.P.  "Pre-Christmas Pump"
P.C.P. "Pre-Christmas Pump"
If you ever read about all the people telling you how badass they are because they got up and trained even though it's a holiday and they take no time off because David Goggins wouldn't and you are made to feel guilty, know this: Guilt and worry are two useless emotions. Worrying about something has […]
1000 Rep Arm Routine
1000 Rep Arm Routine
Yep, it was that time of the month. Just so happens to have fallen on the last Friday before Christmas and we all know that going into Christmas it's a good thing to have bursting pipes!!! (Better call the plumber) The only thing is, a small group of us did it with a twist. Instead […]
Bad Training Day vs. Good Training Day
Bad Training Day vs. Good Training Day
“If you’ve never had a bad day training, you’re probably doing something wrong. If you’ve never had a good day training, you’re definitely doing something wrong.” Today's Training: Run: 3 miles Cycle: Commute Dynamic OHP: 10x3 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x35-25-15 Shrugs: 4x10 Side Ab Flex: 4x10 on each side Cycle: Commute
Stupidity is a Weakness
Stupidity is a Weakness
As a Strength Coach, my job is to work on a person's weakness, thus making that person stronger. Too often I find that people are plain stupid and I believe that quote is..."You can't fix stupid"? If someone does something wrong because they don't know it's wrong, you can't fault them because that's ignorance. But, […]
As you know I commute to and fro via my bicycle (not an electric bike either). It's quite easy to do with the abundant bike paths and right of way. The weather is also very forgiving as it is rarely anything other than GREAT. That's not to say it doesn't get chilly or rainy, which […]
A FREE Christmas Gift For YOU!
A FREE Christmas Gift For YOU!
I just recommended this to an old dear friend of mine. I think it's so good that I'll share it with anyone who cares to read and apply it. FOR FREE! Here's what I said: "You may want to try my 30/30/30 plan. 30 minutes of "fasted" conditioning, and I mean not so hard that […]
Friday's We Clean The Gym
Friday's We Clean The Gym
“Once you learn how to see how your inner turmoil manifests itself through your surroundings, you can reverse engineer this, mastering yourself by mastering the space in which you live.”— Shoukei Matsumoto Since moving to the new space, I have complete control of the environment. Although I would vacuum and mop the space, the crowd […]
Ask yourself...
Ask yourself...
Ask yourself, "Can I push more?’. The answer is usually: "Yes" How much more? Let's agree on 3%-5% more each time. (some days I'm happy with that 1% improvement) Today's Training: Run*: 3 miles. Fasted one since my injury. Not bad at all for an old guy. Cycle*: Commute DB Lateral Raise: 4x8 DB Front […]
If you lift you are a lifter
If you lift you are a lifter
If you lift you are a lifter. It doesn’t matter how much or how many reps. (although, there are stronger and yes, weaker lifters. But that doesn't matter) It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been lifting for fifty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, […]
Stop Trying to Be Perfect
Stop Trying to Be Perfect
My imperfections are what make me Today's Training: Run*: 3 mile Easy Cycle*: Commute Daily Incline Cable Fly: 4x15 Flat DB Fly: 4x15 Bench: 4x15 DB Supine Tri Extension: 4x15 Dip: 4x15 4-way Neck: 1x15 Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10 Cycle*: Commute
Nothing Fancy. Two Exercises!
Nothing Fancy. Two Exercises!
Whenever I put up two or three exercises you better count on it being f'n HARD! Remember it's about F.I.T. Frequency, Intensity, and Time. Since this workout doesn't take long, or is it wrapped around anything else, the Intensity needs to be HUGE. It's max effort after all. Major ques for this workout were to […]
"Don't Quit" Is a Poem That Hangs in My Gym
"Don't Quit" Is a Poem That Hangs in My Gym
" We all have moments in our lives when we feel like giving up. However, during these times of hardship, it can be helpful to remember the wisdom of those who have gone before us. Edgar A. Guest's famous poem "Don't Quit" has been a source of encouragement for many people over the years. This […]
Are You Crazy?
Are You Crazy?
Whenever I get asked if I'm "Crazy, Insane, or Nuts?" I simply reply, "Yup." That's it, End of discussion. Done, finished, complete! No need to continue. Today's Training: Run*: 3 miles Fartlek Cycle*: Commute Daily DB Lateral Raise: 4x12 DB Front Raise: 4x12 DB Rear Delt Raise: 4x12 Face Pulls: 4x12 4-way Neck: 1x15 Cable […]
December 6th, 2023. Kinesiology in 3 Seconds
December 6th, 2023. Kinesiology in 3 Seconds
There are two ways to exert your strength: one is pushing, and the other is pulling. That's how you train. You are either pushing or you are pulling. There is no need to complicate this. Today's Training: Run*: I got up extra early and couldn't go back to sleep, so off I went. 3 miles […]
12/5/2023  Do You Get Tired?
12/5/2023 Do You Get Tired?
I've been asked if I ever get tired. Do I overtrain? When is it enough? The answers I have are, yes, probably, and never. I've been doing this since I was 12 years old and I'm now 65 going on 66 next month. So for 53 years I've hit and missed with training, learning about […]
Get Off Your A$$
Get Off Your A$$
Remember, the feeling you get from a good training session is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were training. Today's Training: Run*: 3 mile Fartlek Cycle*: Commute C/S Row: 4 RM Chin-ups: 3x AMRAP Barbell Curl: 3x5x Heavy...it's ok to put a little body english in it 4-way Neck: […]
12/1/2023 Why the Odd Number of Reps?
12/1/2023 Why the Odd Number of Reps?
I chose to do a bunch of odd-numbered reps as a training suggestion because... I'm not sure if it's the power of suggestion or that "I'm that good", but the high rep number and the weird rep were perfect as I planned. As the participant passed 30 reps the thought was, "This isn't so bad". […]
Try?  Risk?
Try? Risk?
"If you try, you risk failure. If you don’t, you ensure it." Today's Training: Cycle*: Commute Daily Dynamic OHP: 10x3 Hang Cleans: 10x2 Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x36-24-18 Shrugs: 4x10 Cycle*: Commute
Sometimes you must go to war with yourself to fix yourself.
Sometimes you must go to war with yourself to fix yourself.
"Self-improvement demands internal battles. At times, you must confront and overcome your own struggles to fix and better yourself." Today's Training: Run*: Fartlek 3 miles Cycle*: Commute GHR: 4x10 Dynamic Squat: 10x2 Box Jump: 10x2 Single Leg Step Up: 10x5 on each leg Reverse Hyper: 4x10 Daily BOSU Situp: 100 reps STRETCH and FOAM ROLL!!! […]
Spread the Floor/Separate the Bar; Squat/Bench Not Unlike Each Other
Spread the Floor/Separate the Bar; Squat/Bench Not Unlike Each Other
It doesn't matter if I teach the squat or the bench, the verbal cues are almost identical. When squatting I let the lifter know that I'd like him/her to push the floor matting apart. "Increase the seam" by extending the knees. "Spread the floor and push the hips back like you're sitting on the toilet". […]
Do This Instead of That...
Do This Instead of That...
"Do the work. Don't be lazy. Stop waiting around, the time is now. Rely on only yourself The Universe doesn't give a rip about YOU. Be practical. Winning isn't a theory Get stuff done early in the day. Don't dick around all day. Don't be a baby and for God's sake, STOP complaining about everything. […]
Your Actions Speak So Loud That I Can't Hear What You Say
Your Actions Speak So Loud That I Can't Hear What You Say
Rare is the person who actually does what they say they are going to do. I've made it a habit to be a person who actually does what I tell you I'm going to do even if it is at a cost of money or time to myself. I will tell a person that they […]
One Of My FAVORITE Ed Coan Quotes...
"There’s nothing wrong with being strong"~ Ed Coan (The GOAT) Today's Training: Run*: 3 miles easy Daily Pull-ups: 10x4 Chin-ups: 10x4 DB Hammer Curl: 5x8 BB Curl: 5x8 Side Flex using the 45-degree back extension: 3x12 BOSU Sit-up: 4x25 4-way Neck
TWO Things You Have Control Of...
TWO Things You Have Control Of...
The two things that are absolutely in your control is attitude, (so make it a good one) and your effort. (Half assed equals zero gains) Today's Training: Run*: Fartlek: I'm rehabbing the hamstring/calf strain and although not exactly looking much like a speedster, I'm getting stronger every day. Cycle*: Commute Daily Incline Cable Fly: 4x12 […]
11/20/2023. Been a Busy Day...
11/20/2023. Been a Busy Day...
Every now and again, LIFE (and Death) rear their attention-seeking capabilities. Everyone is busy, yes. But sometimes you get a really good curveball sent at you. That's what makes it all exciting. I have always believed it isn't what happens to you, but how you react to it that is important and a difference maker […]
Today's Training: Run*: Has to shorten it because the path was "closed". WHAT? I tried to continue (of course) but it was really CLOSED! Blocked by fence and gate. (too high to scale with my dog) Cycle*: Commute Gym: Cleaned! And I mean cleaned. From floor to ceiling (including the crap on the ceiling fans) […]
Did You Know???
Did You Know???
Doing hip extensions from the floor or from the side of a bench regularly stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips. It strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings. It improves the circulation of blood. AND...It alleviates stress and mild depression. Now add a band around your knees to abduct them while performing the hip extensions […]
Change your habits
Change your habits
By changing your habits, you will change your life. Get up earlier Stop eating sugar Read fifteen minutes from a positive motivational BOOK (not your stinking phone or iPad) Take an ice-cold shower (do it outside regardless of the weather. I do.) Learn something new every day Make someone laugh YOU laugh no less than […]
Someday You Won’t Be Able To Do this...
Someday You Won’t Be Able To Do this...
Today is not that day! Today's Training: Run: (sort of) 3 miles* Cycle*: Commute Daily C/S Row: 6 rep Max Chin-ups: 3xAMRAP (16,12,9) Barbell Curl: 3x5xHeavy BOSU Situps: 100 Cycle*: Commute
Great Opening Day!  11/13/2023
Great Opening Day! 11/13/2023
The first day of West Coast Elite Strength and Conditioning was AWESOME. As predicted, everyone (except ONE, but I know where he is) transferred from the old stomp'n grounds to the new one. The reality is that I believe I will have actually to CAP the number of people allowed into the program. It's not […]
Why So Foul?  11/10/2023
Why So Foul? 11/10/2023
I was sitting on one of the benches yesterday when out of the blue I began to smirk. One of my training partners inquired, "What the fuck is up?" That's when I began to laugh. Not the maniacal type of laugh, but the satisfying, I just fixed my attitude and I'm happy kind of laugh. […]
Of Every One Hundred Men...
Of Every One Hundred Men...
"Of every hundred men, ten shouldn't be there, eighty are nothing but targets, nine are real fighters, and we're lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the ONE, one of them is a WARRIOR, and he will bring the others back" ~ Heraclitus Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle* Single Arm Cable […]
Make THIS a Rule!!!  11/8/2023
Make THIS a Rule!!! 11/8/2023
The moment you feel too old to do something, GO DO IT! Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle* Daily 8: GHR: 4x10 Dynamic Squat: 10x2x escalating weight from 40%-60% Box Step Up: 2x50 each leg Obliques Flex: Use the 45-degree back extension; 3x10 Cycle*
Stop Explaining Yourself!  11/7/2023
Stop Explaining Yourself! 11/7/2023
Stop explaining yourself and telling everyone everything. You owe no one any explanation of what you do! Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle* Bench: 6 rep max Cable Cross Over: 5x12 Dips: 125 reps in as few sets as possible Daily 8: Cycle*
11/6/2023  Perfect? No!
11/6/2023 Perfect? No!
Better? YES! Today's Training: Shoulder Reliever* Cycle* Lat Pulldown: 4x12 C/S Row: 4x12 Single Arm Lat Pulldown with a supinating twist: 4x12 Lat Sweep: 4x12 Ab Wheel: 3x12 Cycle*
Do I Train or Do I Not Train?  'Tis the question...
Do I Train or Do I Not Train? 'Tis the question...
The feeling you get from a good training session is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were training. Today's Training: GHR: 4x10 RDL: 4x10 GHR (again): 4x10 BOSU Crunch: 100 reps Blast Strap Row: 60 reps Pushups: 60 reps
It’s supposed to be hard.      11/3/2023
It’s supposed to be hard. 11/3/2023
“It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard…is what makes it great!” Today's Training: Cycle* Chin-ups: 10x5 Dips: 10x10 2 sets of 5 reps super slow followed immediately by 10 "pump" reps of the following exercises: Daily 8: Cycle*
West Coast Elite
West Coast Elite
I was in contact the other day to check with Dave Tate to make sure there weren't any infringements or possible conflicts for using "West Coast Elite" for the new gym I am heading to come November 13th. He thought there was no issue. That's it! West Coast Elite. Has a nice ring to it, […]
No Limits   11/1/2023
No Limits 11/1/2023
"Your only limit is in your mind" Today's Training: Cycle* Belt Squat: 10x8 GHR: 10x8 Leg Press: 10x8 Daily 8: Cycle*
Training Teaches You Discipline and Patience  10/31/2023
Training Teaches You Discipline and Patience 10/31/2023
"Training teaches you discipline and patience like few other things do. You can't buy a fit body! You can't get into shape overnight! You can't blame anyone for not being fit! It is only going to happen if you show up EVERY DAY and be PATIENT! Today's Training: Run*: Again, sorta run. Just when I […]
The End of an Era  10/30/2023
The End of an Era 10/30/2023
It is with mixed emotions that I make this announcement. Sometime within the next two weeks, I will be ending my tenure with the ownership of the Combat Sports Academy. My home for the past decade is moving its base to a space two towns north of where we are already with an inconvenient address […]
I Don't Use Olympic Lifts In My Program  10/29/2023
I Don't Use Olympic Lifts In My Program 10/29/2023
I've been asked on numerous occasions, "Coach, how come we don't do snatches, cleans, power cleans, clean and jerks" or basically, Oly Lifts? My answer is simple, "Because I don't know them". I mean, I can do them but because the Olympic Lift is a Sports Skill that requires a lot of repetition (and not […]
10/27/2023 The Greatest Enemy of Human Potential.
10/27/2023 The Greatest Enemy of Human Potential.
The greatest enemy of human potential is a place called "The Comfort Zone". Today's Training: Run*: 3 miles Shoulder Reliever* Cycle* Cleaned the Gym Chin-up: 3x5 Dip: 3x10 Tricep Overhead Extension: 5x15 Cable Rope Curl: 5x15 DB Supine Tricep Extension: 5x15 DB Curl: 5x15 Cycle*

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