Harry Selkow


Harry was the strength and conditioning coach of the Arizona Sundogs as well as for many High School football and Youth Hockey programs. He has worked with hundreds of athletes in a multitude of sports over the course of the last 50 years. Harry is currently working at West Coast Elite in Pleasanton, California.

2/26/2023  The War Within...
2/26/2023 The War Within...
I am all about my rule #67 which states, "No Complaining". When I bring it up to people who are complaining, they will stand in front of me and tell me that their rhetoric is NOT a complaint when in fact...IT IS! For me to live by my codes I need to exhibit the behaviors […]
2/24/2023  If It's Physical; It's Therapy.
2/24/2023 If It's Physical; It's Therapy.
I said that years ago and still think it would make a pretty cool T-shirt. Today's Training: Concept II Row: 6500 m or 30 minutes. Whichever comes first. Abdominal Side Flex: Use the 45-degree back extension: 3x10 on each side Hi-Lo Cable Woodchop: 3x10 Med Ball Side Slam: 3x5 on each side AirDyne: 15x15/45
2/23/2023  Strained THAT one (again)
2/23/2023 Strained THAT one (again)
I've always had temperamental hamstrings. I have pulled them countless times and torn each one twice that probably should have been surgically re-attached. But I didn't so now I have some really cool-looking scars on the back of my wheels. Today I was playing around with an alternative to the Good Morning: Weighted Back Extensions. […]
2/22/2023  "When Your Feelings Are Screaming..."
2/22/2023 "When Your Feelings Are Screaming..."
"When your feelings are screaming that you've had enough, when you think you're going to break emotionally, OVERRIDE that emotion with concrete logic and willpower that says one thing...I DON'T STOP!" ~ Jocko Willink Today's Training: Run: Sprints; 10x50 yds Cycle: Commute Graded Treadmill Walk 3.3 mph; increase the grade 1%/min until the max elevation […]
2/21/2023 "Out of Every One-Hundred Men..."
2/21/2023 "Out of Every One-Hundred Men..."
"Heraclitus was a philosopher who wrote about men on a battlefield. "Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters and we are lucky to have them for they make the battle. But there's ONE and THAT ONE IS A WARRIOR!" From the time you […]
2/20/2023 "You Are in Danger..."
2/20/2023 "You Are in Danger..."
"You are in danger of living a life so comfortable and soft that you will die without ever realizing your true potential" ~ Dave Goggins Today's Training: AirDyne: 10-10-10 Cycle: Commute Prowler: 10x80 yds Duo/Poly Reverse Hyper: 3x10x BW GHR: 4x10 FWD Stepping Lunge to Knee Touch: 100 on each leg. No sets. Just do […]
2/18/2023  Do You Want A Great Motivator?
2/18/2023 Do You Want A Great Motivator?
Playing sports growing up I always had the next season coming up. I always had to prep for football, wrestling, lacrosse, or any of the inter-scholastic or inter-collegiate activities that are out there. Never was there a day that didn't get the attention to the prep work necessary to excel at any given sport, so […]
2/15/2023   Keep Moving...
2/15/2023 Keep Moving...
"I'm too busy to train today". REALLY? I call bullshit! It doesn't matter how busy you are. It doesn't matter how lethargic you feel. It doesn't matter what time of day it is or all the things you piled onto your agenda. A QUICK training session is better than a NO training session! Today's Training: […]
2/14/2023   I Am Your Coach...
2/14/2023 I Am Your Coach...
Your arguments are invalid, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. Now GET TO WORK! Today's Training: AirDyne: 10-10-10 Cycle: Commute Row: 5 mins steady; 12x15/45 Dynamic Bench: 10x3 super set w/ Band Face Pulls: 5x20 and Band Pull-a-parts: 5x20 Push-ups: 150 Tricep Pushdowns: 4x15 Single Arm, Crossbody, Supine DB Tricep Extension: (minus the waterboarding today): 4x15 […]
2/12/2023  PROWLER!
2/12/2023 PROWLER!
I have always been a huge fan of this little diddy. From the time it showed up on my doorstep right to this morning. The morning of its arrival while I was coaching in Arizona, I wondered, "what sort of mayhem can I design?" So I packed it in the back of my truck and […]
2/10/2023 The Next Step is Your Most Important Step
2/10/2023 The Next Step is Your Most Important Step
Every day you get 24 hours. That's IT! What you do in the next evolution will determine which direction you take in your life. You have three choices: You can do nothing at all You can do the exact same thing you always do OR you can take steps in the direction you want to […]
2/9/2023  Do Something That Sucks Everyday...
2/9/2023 Do Something That Sucks Everyday...
This counts! This workout SUCKS!!! You have to find a very dark place inside of yourself to complete this one. The objective is to keep moving and FINISH it. It can be done, but you have to reach way down inside and you might have to kick Satan right in the balls to accomplish it. […]
2/8/2023  Do Something That Sucks Everyday
2/8/2023 Do Something That Sucks Everyday
Yesterday I was having a conversation with one of my long-time athletes. This guy has been with me since his days of high school lacrosse and now is on top of the business world. He was the one that came in with a shitty attitude that I'd NEVER seen before. So he was the recipient […]
2/7/2023 On Good Days...
2/7/2023 On Good Days...
If you're having a good day, TRAIN! If you're having a bad day, TRAIN HARDER!!! Today's Training: Run: Fartlek 3 miles Cycle: Commute Graded Treadmill Walk: 3.3 mph; increasing the grade by 1% every minute for 15 minutes. Then maintain the pace and grade at 15% for 5 mins. Reverse Hyper: 3x10 Bench: Work up […]
2/6/2023  Dumb...
2/6/2023 Dumb...
The dumber you are the smarter you think you are... Today's Training: AirDyne: 10-10-10 Cycle: Commute Reverse Hyper: 3x10 GHR: 4x10 Deadlift: Work the weight up to a PRE of "7" doing 6 reps at each weight increment. Once you have found your 7, do THREE additional sets at that weight. Fwd Stepping Lunge: 100 […]
2/3/2023  Keep in Mind...
2/3/2023 Keep in Mind...
There are no secrets or magic tricks that replace the basics in training Comparing yourself to others doesn't do anyone any good. Your recovery is as important as your workout. Training means stress and restoration. Progress is greater than perfection. Focus on it! Training is a marathon, not a sprint! You can go hard or […]
2/2/2023 The Order is Important Today...
2/2/2023 The Order is Important Today...
Today's workout was a "pre-exhausted" squat routine. It is important to follow it in the precise order listed. If you are new to this training the lunge can be broken into sets but the idea is to drive yourself through the pain threshold and just get it done! By the time you get to the […]
2/1/2023 "I'm Tired..."
2/1/2023 "I'm Tired..."
I heard it today, The "I'm tired" excuse, and my response (to the amusement of quite a few) was "So...Do it tired." Discipline and training build confidence, and confidence is damn sexy! Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins Legs only/ 10 mins Arms and Legs/ 10 mins Arms only Cycle: Commute Versi-Climber: 10x 50 Reverse Hyper: […]
1/31/2023  168 hours in a week, YOU have time...
1/31/2023 168 hours in a week, YOU have time...
I've heard the "I don't have time" excuse for years. So I figured this out for one of my participants to see whether or not they really didn't have time. Here's what we found... 24 hours per day x 7 days= 168 hours per week Let's say you sleep 7 hours per night x 7 […]
1/30/2023  Be More...
1/30/2023 Be More...
"Be more motivated, be more than driven. Become literally OBSESSED to the point where people think you're fucking NUTS" ~ David Goggins I got up today NOT feeling it. I really wanted to return to bed and sleep for another hour. But then how could I roll into a day when I knew I had […]
1/27/2023  The One Secret to Winning
1/27/2023 The One Secret to Winning
I was talking about winning and losing today and determined that there is a secret that no one wants to talk about or explain when it comes to WINNING. So here it is, and as simple as I can make it, all you need to do is OUTWORK your opponent. That's IT! Outwork your opposition […]
1/26/2023 You know what rhymes with Thursday?
1/26/2023 You know what rhymes with Thursday?
Squats and Throat Punches. "No sweat; no beauty No squats; no booty" ~ unknown so it's me! Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins legs only/ 10 mins arms and legs/ 10 mins arms only Cycle: Commute Anderson Squats: 4 RM; SSB Yoke Bar GHR: 5x10 Ab Wheel: 5x10 4 way neck: 1x20x3.0 Cycle: Commute
1/25/2023   No Excuse!
1/25/2023 No Excuse!
A one-hour workout is 4% of your day. NO excuse!!! Today's Training: Run: 3 miles (My glutes were on the verge of cramping?) Cycle: Commute Graded Walk: 3.3 mph increasing the grade 1%/min. up to 15% then back down the same way. C/S Row: 4x10 Mountain Dog Row: 4x8 Lat Pulldown: 4x10 BB Curl: 4x8 […]
1/24/2023  Thanks Tim Baker...
1/24/2023 Thanks Tim Baker...
Your kind words aren't taken lightly. But as you can tell, I don't know how to even respond to your comment except by designing an entire "Coaching Log" to it. I think what might need to happen is we bypass the podcast and have a "Live Audience" where EVERYONE can participate. I mean to say, […]
1/23/2023  Do You Know What Rhymes with Monday?  Deadlift does.
1/23/2023 Do You Know What Rhymes with Monday? Deadlift does.
Today we were going up to a four-rep max. Granted it's four reps and the weight won't be nearly as heavy as a big ass single, it's still a "max" exercise. As we approached the bigger weight there were a few lifters that had that "I'm not sure about this" moment. This is a guarantee […]
1/20/2023  Why I Don't Do Podcasts
1/20/2023 Why I Don't Do Podcasts
One of the participants in my gym asked me, "Coach, why don't you do podcasts like all the other fitness gurus?" I told him, "#1 I don't have a phone so there isn't anyone that can reach me to do one. #2 I don't put one on because I'm not technical enough with the fancy […]
1/19/2023  It's the 19th!!!  Some will; Some won't; So What?
1/19/2023 It's the 19th!!! Some will; Some won't; So What?
Today marks the day most New Year's people quit on themselves. Yep, 19 days is enough for the weak to return to their weak ways. Sure, they talked a good game. They had themselves convinced that this year...2023 was THEIR year. New them! They couldn't wait to take selfies and post them on their media […]
1/18/2023  Can and Can Not...
1/18/2023 Can and Can Not...
We all have things that we find very difficult to do. Some things are impossible for many. The key is, don't let what you can't do interfere with the things you CAN do! There is ALWAYS a way! Find it. Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins Legs only; 10 mins Arms and Legs; 10 mins Arms […]
1/17/2023  Flush Your Bowl...
1/17/2023 Flush Your Bowl...
Every morning I have an opening ritual. I go through a mental checklist to make sure the administration of my workout can go smoothly without a hitch. That means not only setting the room up for multiple people in the weight area, but simple things like turning the heat on, unlocking all the doors, and […]
1/16/2023  Coaching on Dynamic Day
1/16/2023 Coaching on Dynamic Day
I totally enjoy dynamic anything lifts for many reasons. Mostly I get a chance to teach and coach the main lift of the day. Because the weight is in the 40%-60% range it's lighter and I can focus on the person's technique. Once the weight it getting up there in the 85% and higher range […]
1/13/2023 January's 1000 Rep Arm Day
1/13/2023 January's 1000 Rep Arm Day
Choose weights that you can do all 25 reps with good form. Superset any Odd numbered exercise with any Even numbered exercise. Keep Moving!!! Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins legs only/ 10 mins Arms and Legs/10 mins Arms only Cycle: Commute 4 sets of 25 reps of the following: Barbell Curl Cable Tricep Pushdown Dumbell […]
1/12/2023   The Chances You Take.
1/12/2023 The Chances You Take.
I was on my ride home from the gym today and this thought jumped up in my head and was at the forefront the entire way..."You get a certain amount of chances in a day to help someone, whether it's physically or mentally, or both." My concern was, did I accomplish that objective and make […]
1/11/2023   Only Quitters Fail
1/11/2023 Only Quitters Fail
History NEVER talks about the quitters! Today's Training: *Run: Fartlek 3 mile Versi-Climber: 10x50 steps AirDyne: 15x15/45 Pull-ups: 10x3 Chin-ups: 10x3 Blast Strap Row: 4x35 Ab Crunch: 125 reps Concentration Curl: 6x10
1/10/2023  65 Years Ago My Mom Birthed a Menace
1/10/2023 65 Years Ago My Mom Birthed a Menace
Yea, today is my birthday. I have had quite a few HBD offered and it's only 9:25 PST. I am blessed beyond words, to say the least. I wanted to share a note that I received from one of my people that have moved away, not so much as a "HEY LOOK AT ME!" but […]
1/9/2023  Dear Trainees...
1/9/2023 Dear Trainees...
Stop apologizing for being slow or weak. As long as you are giving it your all, you're still better than everyone who has already quit or never got off the couch. Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins legs only; 10 mins arms and legs; 10 mins arm only Hex Bar Deadlift: 6 Rep Max 45 Degree […]
1/6/2023  Just the Training Today!
1/6/2023 Just the Training Today!
Apologies! But I have a LOT on my plate today so I won't be telling any stories... Today's Training: Run: Fartlek 3 miles Cycle: Commute Prowler: 15x80 yds x Just the frame. The surface was/is wet and anyone with Prowler experience knows that it's REALLY hard to push that sucker on wet pavement. Single Arm […]
1/5/2023  Super Legs With a Twist
1/5/2023 Super Legs With a Twist
Today's training left most of the people quite challenged to say the least. The plan was to start and finish within an hour. This meant you had to haul ass on the two sides of the workout plan. Part I: Row 5000 meters or 30 minutes, whichever came first. If you finished the 5K then […]
1/4/2023  I Don't Need to Hear Your Excuses.
1/4/2023 I Don't Need to Hear Your Excuses.
I don't need to hear anyone's excuses or what they have to say. Their actions already spoke volumes of truth! Today's Training: Run: Fartlek 3 miles AirDyne Bike: 10/10/10 mins; Legs only/Arms and Legs/Arms only C/S DB Incline Row:4x15 Lat Pulldown: 3x15 Blast Strap Single Arm Row: 4x10 Barbell Curl: 8x8 Ab Wheel: 4x12
1/3/2023 Wow! That Only Took Two Days...
1/3/2023 Wow! That Only Took Two Days...
This is remarkable! Someone caught on quicker than I can ever remember. "Coach! We're doing an awful lot of conditioning..." Ummm, YEA! For the next 90 days, we are concentrating on just the BASICS in strength training with maybe one, possibly TWO accessory exercises. An ab exercise per day (you have 8 points of innervation […]
1/2/2023  "A New Year a New You?"
1/2/2023 "A New Year a New You?"
Yea, we all know how that goes. How about this??? Instead of waiting for your "Participation trophy" you get back to work, only harder. I don't take new people into my program until February. Why? Because in the past I will spend most of my time teaching the new folks taking away time for the […]
12/30/2022  The New Year is The Beginning of Anything You Want?
12/30/2022 The New Year is The Beginning of Anything You Want?
I am one that doesn't wait for the beginning of a new year, week or day to get started on something. I believe that if you want to do something, get something, give something, go do it NOW! We don't get to have this moment again. "You can't stand in the same river twice" is […]
12/29/2022  Simple and To the Point...
12/29/2022 Simple and To the Point...
Today's Training: AirDyne: 10 mins legs only; 10 mins arms and legs; 10 mins arms only Squat: 15x1x70% of gym max GHR: 5x10 Ab Wheel 5x10 That's it!
12/28/2022  Work the Basics Because They Basically Work
12/28/2022 Work the Basics Because They Basically Work
I quoted the great Ed Coan yesterday on a social media page. He was simplifying people that overtrain and add too much to their programs. "The new generation grossly overtrains.You can’t do it all, choose what brings the most bang for your buck. Your approach should be one bullet, one kill. To quote from The […]
12/27/2022  It Comes Down to One Simple Thing:
12/27/2022 It Comes Down to One Simple Thing:
How bad do you want it? Once that decision is made, all the other ones are also made. If you are waiting for the FIRST of the year to begin your quest to get fit, then you have only a 20% chance of hitting the targets. If you really want something bad enough, you will […]
12/26/2022  I Wasn't MIA...I had a Four-Game Suspension
12/26/2022 I Wasn't MIA...I had a Four-Game Suspension
If you read my posts from a Social Media hyperlink then you missed me these past few days. I don't write about my political beliefs here on EliteFTS because, well...THIS AIN'T THE FORUM for that. Anyway, seems I trip a wire on one of the platforms that got me a four-game suspension (but no fines […]
12.22.2022  What the heck to call them?
12.22.2022 What the heck to call them?
I added a dynamic finisher to today's workout with an exercise that I consider plyometric in nature. We took the hex bar and put it on the second pin. The idea is to jump as high as you can while holding the hex bar. Upon ground contact, absorb the shock by immediately decelerating the weight […]
12.21.2022  If you have it, use it.  If not come back later.
12.21.2022 If you have it, use it. If not come back later.
I had three different people come into the gym today that looked like "death warmed over". Yes, there is a "bug" going around that is taking its toll on some. Heck! I had it (and now dealing with the aftermath) but I had the sense to accommodate my issue. These folks were trudging through the […]
12/20/2022  I Am Back in The Gym
12/20/2022 I Am Back in The Gym
After yesterday's recovery, I felt good enough to open the gym and get people trained. Although I kept everyone at a distance and isolated myself when I trained. I made sure to swab the equipment that I used and didn't cough, sneeze or even BREATHE on the next person. My coaching style was all verbal […]
12/19/2022  I Took a Day Off...
12/19/2022 I Took a Day Off...
Yep, I never take days off. I take days off from training, of course, but those are rare. I mean I took the day off from even going to the gym at all. I've been going long hours with no rest wearing many hats. My wife's father took ill and lives in Michigan, so she […]
12/16/2022  1000 rep Arm Day
12/16/2022 1000 rep Arm Day
It's that time of the month again, kids. Better call the veterinarian because YOUR PYTHONS are going to look SICK!!! Today's Training: 5x20 of the following: Barbell Curl Cable Tricep Push-down Dumbbell Curl Supine Dumbbell Tricep Extension Seated, Thighs to collarbone curls Dips Dumbbell Hammer Curl C/S Tricep KickBack Concentration Curl Crossbody Supine Dumbbell Tricep […]
12/15/2022  The Past
12/15/2022 The Past
It's a reference point, not a residence point. Remember that!!! Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Prowler: 10x80 yards 5 sets of 10 reps of the following with no more than 30 seconds between sets Squat GHR Forward Stepping Lunge Reverse Hyper Rear Stepping Lunge Suspended Knees to Elbow 45 degree back extension side bends Shrugs Cycle: […]
12/14/2022  Is it OK for Men to Cry?
12/14/2022 Is it OK for Men to Cry?
Two nights ago at dinner, my son turned to me and out of the blue asked this question. I gave him my look and, with certainty, said, "It depends". He then asked if I ever cried. To which I responded, "Under my own terms, I cried. But I've never done it in front of anyone". […]
12/13/2022  Remember These Things The Next Time You're Pissed Off
12/13/2022 Remember These Things The Next Time You're Pissed Off
The next time you're upset or blue remember these things: Pain is a part of growing Everything is temporary Complaining or worrying changes NOTHING Your scars are symbols of your strength. They show how you kicked life's ass Every struggle is a step forward Other people's bullshit is NOT your problem Eventually, everything that is […]
12/12/2022  Excuses are Useless
12/12/2022 Excuses are Useless
I have always made training a priority. I have made people wait, and missed meetings and events. I have pissed people off and ruffled more than my share of feathers with my need to train. I've never missed a scheduled training session because of: "I don't feel good" Oversleeping Over tired "I don't feel like […]
12/9/2022  Hang Out With Winners
12/9/2022 Hang Out With Winners
The conversation is quite different. Today's Training: Cycle: Commute Concept II Row: 20 mins Dynamic OHP: 10x3 DB Lateral Raise: 4x10 BB Front Raise: 4x10 Pull-a-parts: 4x15x mini band Shrug: 4x12 Decline Sit-up: 4x10 Side Flexion (use the 45-degree back extension): 4x10 Cycle: Commute
12/8/2022  Prowler and Life Goals
12/8/2022 Prowler and Life Goals
As I was pushing the Prowler this morning I woke the two monkeys that show up on your shoulders. You know the ones, one is a fun, wonderful monkey that cheers on your efforts, and the other one, the oftentimes LOUDER one is in a contestant debate with the good one, and is a freak'n […]
12/7/2022  A Day of Infamy.
12/7/2022 A Day of Infamy.
"The President Requests War Declaration 125 ( "December 7, 1941, A Date Which Will Live in Infamy" Address to the Congress Asking That a State of War Be Declared Between the United States and Japan. December 8, 1941 Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, and Members of the Senate and House of Representatives: YESTERDAY, December 7, […]
12/6/2022   Everyone gets to that point...
12/6/2022 Everyone gets to that point...
Everyone reaches a point where they can quit and just call it that new term that I hate, "It is what it is..." (I just gagged). But it is at this point that you determine exactly who the fuck you are! Quit once and the next time it gets easier. Don't let that happen. NOT […]
12/5/2022  Dynamic Deadlift w/ Iso holds
12/5/2022 Dynamic Deadlift w/ Iso holds
We are in the last weeks of the training year and the goal of the program is to not allow for seven to 14 lbs of "Holiday" weight gain. To accomplish this, I slam in a LOT of conditioning to counter the caloric intake of many. The heart rates were elevated, to say the least. […]

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