THE Eccentric Block is coming to an end, maybe I will be able to walk ag...
Eccentric Block Week 3: Dynamic Days
Eccentric Block Week 2 Max effort training session catch ups
Eccentric Block Week 2 Max effort Catch Up
The C-2 Training Program
With this program, each mesocycle (aka 3 weeks/microcycles) focuses on a different portion of a muscle action. In other words - This will make you STRONG(ER).
After you miss that first heavy weight, the way you approach a lift is n...
Eccentric Block week 2: DE lower and upper
We all grow older: but some of us wiser and some of us more stubborn
Eccentric Block Week1: The max effort work days
Speed bench on an incline makes it impossible to move your arms for the ...
GPP Week3: DE upper -April 25th-Monday
This is called super compensation: Mesocycle sum up
Concentric Block,Wk 3: ME lower (Sunday April 5th)
Science doesn't explain it, another PR? And, something even cooler...
Jennifer Petrosino is a raw powerlifter who has recently held the all-time American record squat in the 105-pound weight class. She has worked as a Division I strength coach and is currently pursuing her graduate degree in Kinesiology at Ohio State, teaching undergraduates about exercise and nutrition, and studying the molecular mechanisms behind fat and muscle communication.
Moral of the story is: That was stupid but at least there was a PR
Concentric Block,Wk 2: ME upper (Friday)
I probably need a Harry Selkow style throat punch or something.
Concentric Block,Wk 2: DE lower (Wednesday)
If you're going to be caffeinated beverage; be coffee...Actually...
Concentric Block,Wk 2: DE upper (Monday)
Max Effort and the Scientific Meathead Shirt for a Great Cause
Max Effort and the Scientific Meathead Shirt for a Great Cause
Squats, and Q and A, and crazy hair, Oh My!
Concentric Block,Wk 1: DE lower (Wednesday) and EliteETS Q&A
Terrible Assistance Exercise Ideas and the Induction of Wreckage not due...
Isometric Week3: ME Lower (Sunday) and Arnold Weekend
Elite FTS Sports Performance Summit Recap..And Training
Elite FTS Sports Performance Summit Recap..And Training
Deload ME Upper: I don't "got muscle" but I sure "go...
ME Upper, Deload week, so not a much of a max effort
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