Jeremy Frey

Jeremy Frey joined team elitefts™ in 2007 and brings to the team a world of hands-on experience. His best lifts are a 1047 squat, 815 bench, and 820 deadlift, making him consistently one of the best lifters in the 242 and 275-pound classes. Frey’s also been a strength and conditioning coach at the collegiate level for 15 years, working at both the Division I and III levels. He is currently the Director of Strength and Conditioning at a Division I University. Frey received a Master’s of Science degree in Kinesiology and Recreation from Illinois State University in 2006. He also has his CSCS (certified strength and conditioning specialist) through the NSCA, USAW-1, and is HFI certified.

Factors to Consider When Shopping for a Rack
Factors to Consider When Shopping for a Rack
When buying a new power rack for your home or gym, you’ll need to consider the space you have, how much money you can spend, and how versatile it can be to accommodate more than a handful of exercises. This is the process I went through when shopping for a power rack.
Athletes and Wearing Belts
Athletes and Wearing Belts
A belt is a support mechanism. Your trunk still supports, contracts, and strengthens while wearing a belt and gaining strength. Again, when not used properly, a belt is useless and has downsides. Here’s what to know as a coach with a listing of the belts I recommend for high school athletes, college athletes, and lifters.
3 Tweaks Your Squat Needs
3 Tweaks Your Squat Needs
Without a doubt, there are some things you need to pay attention to when performing and coaching squats across the board. I will list them here.
Stop Self-Sabotage
Stop Self-Sabotage
Every day can be a battle when you are trying to change your habits. Here are some things to do when you really want to make a change.
Phase 3: How You Should Start Young Athletes in the Weight Room
Phase 3: How You Should Start Young Athletes in the Weight Room
In this phase, we’ll be introducing the back squat, hinging motion, and more plyometric work.
Phase 2: How You Should Start Young Athletes in the Weight Room
Phase 2: How You Should Start Young Athletes in the Weight Room
In this phase, we will focus on developing more stability. We’ll also introduce movement patterns that the athlete will need down the road.
Phase 1: How You Should Start Young Athletes in the Weight Room
Phase 1: How You Should Start Young Athletes in the Weight Room
If you’re not sure where to start training a 12-year-old who’s a complete novice in the weight room, this program might just be the place.
How Athletes Come to College
How Athletes Come to College
I never cease to be amazed at how messed up new collegiate athletes are when they start lifting in the weight room. Year in and year out, this keeps happening without any sign of improvement. Why does this keep happening?
What To Do When You Are Stuck
What To Do When You Are Stuck
If your lifts are stagnating, it’s time to think and look outside of the box.
Items Every Weight Room on A Tight Budget Needs
Items Every Weight Room on A Tight Budget Needs
Not everyone has been there — there being a facility on a tight budget — but I have. If you’re feeling the financial squeeze but desperately need new equipment, these should be more than enough to get your weight room by.
Have Young Athletes Really Changed?
Have Young Athletes Really Changed?
Enough with the “back in my day, kids did this…” crap. Today is today. Things haven’t changed that much, and if you can’t adapt to what has changed, maybe you shouldn’t be a strength coach.
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: The Pros
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: The Pros
I’ve covered the negatives about being a collegiate strength coach. If that didn’t scare you off, good — because there are some really awesome things about the job, too. For me, the pros outweigh the cons. If they didn’t, why would I still be doing this?
Stop Compensating Early
Stop Compensating Early
If you’re new to powerlifting, you don’t need gear. Seriously. Start training raw and see where it takes you. Oh, and if you’re an athlete, I’d better not see you putting on lifting gear.
What I Think About the Lifting World
What I Think About the Lifting World
The lifting world is small — if I’m being generous, there are a couple hundred thousand of us. There are over 7 billion people on this planet. You are no one. How’s that for some perspective? If you haven’t noticed, I’m going to rant about the crap that annoys me.
3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby
3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby
Do you seriously call that a squat? I’ve seen babies squat better than you! No, seriously, I have. Babies don’t know how to do the squat wrong! By the time your kids are toddling and in soccer camp, their squats start to fall apart. Here are the three things I do to correct athletes’ poor squats.
Laying Out the Groundwork to Prevent Injuries
Laying Out the Groundwork to Prevent Injuries
Why are we not focusing on the mechanics? Why is this not important to more coaches and personal trainers? Why are we not laying the groundwork for these athletes to be successful? Staying healthy is a huge part of being successful and in the world of college athletics, if you are injured, you’re not playing.
How to Build an Athlete's Grip Strength
How to Build an Athlete's Grip Strength
I especially like it when I see an individual doing wrist curls behind the back with a barbell. I love those moments. My reaction anymore is a smile and a little shake of the head while I move on.
Earn Student-Athlete Respect with These Principles
Earn Student-Athlete Respect with These Principles
You can prescribe the best programming out there, but if your group of student-athletes do not believe in it or you, then it’s never going to work.
How Do I Become the Best?
How Do I Become the Best?
I was just recently asked this again by one of my former athletes and colleague, who is now a collegiate strength coach as well as an aspiring raw powerlifter. Here’s my answer.
You’re Training Athletes, Not Lifters
You’re Training Athletes, Not Lifters
I had those days, especially early on in my career, that I didn’t understand why the athletes weren’t as enthusiastic as I was at 6 AM. I mean, what the hell is better than getting up early and training your ass off?
Start Here Before You Clean
Start Here Before You Clean
A lot of individuals take what’s arguably the most highly coordinated regimen you can perform in the weight room and start individuals doing it day 1. At the collegiate level, these are the movements I make sure that my athletes can do before they are allowed to perform a proper clean motion.
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: Untold Truths of the Job
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: Untold Truths of the Job
Here are some rarely discussed things to keep in mind when asking yourself if you really want to become a collegiate strength and conditioning coach.
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — Conventional Deadlift Tips for Athletes
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — Conve...
To be used as a standalone exercise or as a way to build the weightlifting clean from the floor, the conventional deadlift is one of the most important training movements for your athletes to learn.
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — RDL Tips for Athletes
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — RDL T...
Range of motion should be limited by the hamstrings for this exercise, which means the bottom position may vary between athletes. That’s not a problem if they follow these rules.
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — Bench Press Tips for Athletes
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — Bench...
There’s more to it than lying down and busting out reps. Focus on these points for stronger and more injury-resistant athletes.
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — Front Squat Tips for Athletes
WATCH: Jeremy Frey's 2018 elitefts Sport Performance Summit — Front...
Missouri State University Director of Strength and Conditioning Jeremy Frey has a few ways to make front squatting easier to learn and more effective for your athletes. Here are the things that are most important to focus on.
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: Steps to Earning Your First Coaching Job
So You Want to Be A Collegiate Strength Coach: Steps to Earning Your Fir...
This is where you need to start if you want to get one of the strength coaching jobs you’re dreaming about. It’s simple but not easy, so swallow your pride and ego before you move forward.
Jeremy Frey: A Reintroduction
Jeremy Frey: A Reintroduction
It’s been my privilege to know Dave Tate and be a part of elitefts since 2007. I’ve been away for a few years now, but I’m back.
Blk 1 - Week 1, Day 2
Blk 1 - Week 1, Day 2
11/13/2017 Bench(raw) - 335x3, 4sets; 315x3 Metal Sling Shot - 385x3, 425x3, 2sets; 405x3 225x10 raw DB Incline Press - 4x8   Where these sets are not difficult persay it shows how much time I've had off. Writing them down pisses me off but for me, it's a good thing. Tip: Stop wearing so much […]
Blk 1 - Week 1, Day 1
Blk 1 - Week 1, Day 1
I have been trying to train on and off for quite some time now, with little success. My life was turned upside down back in 2012 and I honestly haven't recovered from it. I have tried to put the pieces back together but I keep finding more laying around. That is about as detailed as […]
Jan - Week 4
Jan - Week 4
Day 1 - Clean - 3x4 Bench Press - 3x3 GHR - 2x8 DB Incline - 2x10 Band Pull-aparts - 2x10 CG Floor Press - 2x6   Day 2 - Squat - 2x5 CS Row - 2x10 RDL - 2x5 Pull-ups - Max Leg Curls - 2x10 Curls - 2x10   Feeling like hell the […]
Jan - Week 3
Jan - Week 3
Day 1 - Clean - 3x4, 3x3 Bench Press - 3x3, 3x2 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x6   Day 2 - Squat - 2x5, 2x4, 2x2 CS Row - 4x10 RDL - 5x5 Pull-ups - x35reps Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10   […]
Jan - Week 2
Jan - Week 2
Day 1 - Clean - 3x4, 3x3 Bench Press - 3x3, 3x2 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x6   Day 2 - Squat - 2x5, 2x4, 2x2 CS Row - 4x10 RDL - 5x5 Pull-ups - x35reps Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10  
Jan - Week 1
Jan - Week 1
Day 1 - Clean - 3x4, 3x3 Bench Press - 3x3, 3x2 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10   Day 2 - Squat - 2x5, 2x4, 2x2 CS Row - 4x10 RDL - 5x5 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10 […]
Dec 2016 - Wk 4
Dec 2016 - Wk 4
Day 1 - Clean - 6x3 Bench Press - 3x5, 3x4 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10   Day 2 - Squat - 3x5, 2x4 DB Row - 4x10ea RDL - 4x6 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10   I […]
Dec 2016 - Wk 3
Dec 2016 - Wk 3
Day 1 - Clean - 6x3 Bench Press - 3x5, 3x4 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10   Day 2 - Squat - 3x5, 2x4 DB Row - 4x10ea RDL - 4x6 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10  
Dec 2016 - Wk 2
Dec 2016 - Wk 2
Day 1 - Clean - 6x3 Bench Press - 3x5, 3x4 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10   Day 2 - Squat - 5x5 DB Row - 4x10 RDL - 4x6 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10 Same vol on […]
Dec 2016 - Wk 1
Dec 2016 - Wk 1
Day 1 - Clean - 5x5 Bench Press - 5x5 GHR - 4x8 DB Incline - 4x10 Band Pull-aparts - 4x10 CG Floor Press - 4x10   Day 2 - Squat - 5x5 DB Row - 4x10 RDL - 4x6 Band Lat - 4x10 Leg Curls - 4x10 Curls - 4x10 As boring as this […]
Oct Training - Week 4
Oct Training - Week 4
Taking the kids trick or treating tonight. Built my son a coffin for his vampire needs. Extremely not comfortable building my son a life size coffin but I just kept telling myself it's just for Halloween!   Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 1x4, 4x3 Seated Row(wide) - 5x12 Military(SA) - 4x10 Chain Tricep - 4x10ea […]
Oct Training - Week 3
Oct Training - Week 3
Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 1x4, 4x3 Seated Row(wide) - 5x12 Military(SA) - 4x10 Chain Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat(SSB) - 1x5, 3x4, 2x3 Straight Bar Row - 5x12 SL RDL - 4x6ea Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12  
Oct Training - Week 2
Oct Training - Week 2
Still garage training since I don't like being in a gym right now, hence the lack of different exercises though I usually do my training 3-4 weeks in a row.   Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 3x4, 2x3 Seated Row(wide) - 5x12 Military(SA) - 4x10 Chain Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat(SSB) - 3x5, […]
Oct. Training - Week 1
Oct. Training - Week 1
So, not trying to make this log hard to follow; not that anyone follows anymore. Just get busy with work and I really have no other excuse other family...which is my top priority.   Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 3x4, 2x3 Seated Row(wide) - 5x12 Military(SA) - 4x10 Chain Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 […]
Sept Training - Week 4
Sept Training - Week 4
Day 1 Bench - 3x6, 3x4 Seated Row - 5x10 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat - 3x5, 3x4 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12   I know this crap is boring. I find it boring. I wish i had more for you […]
Sept. Training - Week 3
Sept. Training - Week 3
Day 1 Bench - 3x6, 3x4 Seated Row - 5x10 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat - 3x5, 3x4 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12  
Sept Training - Week 2
Sept Training - Week 2
Day 1 Bench - 3x6, 3x4 Seated Row - 5x10 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat - 6x5 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12   There really hasn't been a goal with my squat. Everytime I do it and it's been pretty light […]
Sept Training - Week 1
Sept Training - Week 1
Day 1 Bench - 3x8, 3x6 Seated Row - 5x12 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat - 6x5 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12   I only have so many things in my garage so the exercise choice is somewhat limited. My goal […]
August Training - Wk 4
August Training - Wk 4
Day 1 Bench - 1x5, 2x4, 3x3 Seated Row - 7x12 Military - 5x6 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat - 3x5, 4x4 Wide Row - 6x12 RDL - 4x6 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12   Coaching is crazy. Training is going better. Maybe I'll actually do something again some day.
August Training - Wk3
August Training - Wk3
Day 1 Bench - 2x5, 2x4, 2x3 Seated Row - 6x12 Military - 4x8 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat - 3x5, 3x4 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x6 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12
August Training - Wk2
August Training - Wk2
Day 1 Bench - 3x5, 3x4 Seated Row - 6x12 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat - 6x5 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12   Just high volume work.
August Training - Wk 1
August Training - Wk 1
Day 1 Bench - 4x10 Seated Row - 5x12 Military - 4x10 Cable Tricep - 4x10ea   Day 2 Squat - 6x5 Wide Row - 5x12 RDL - 4x8 Shrugs - 4x12 Curls - 4x12   Been Training out of my garage lately. Athletes are back and everything is back in full swing. Also, When […]
July Training - Wk 4
July Training - Wk 4
Day 1 Bench - 5x10 Seated Row - 5x12 Curls - 5x12   Sick right now. Probably strep throat and feel like crap. Summer Training is over for most teams right now and we are reporting next week. Will see how the seasons go!
July Training - Wk 3
July Training - Wk 3
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row - 3x10ea DB Bench - 5x10 Lunges - 5x5ea DB Row - 5x10ea Abs - 100reps   Day 2 KB Squat - 4x8 Clean - 3x3, 3x2 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4x10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
July Training - Wk 2
July Training - Wk 2
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row DB Bench - 4x10 Lunges - 4x5ea DB Row - 4x10ea Abs - 100reps   Day 2 KB Squat - 4x10 Clean - 5x3 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4xs10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
July Training - Wk 1
July Training - Wk 1
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row DB Bench - 4x10 Lunges - 4x5ea DB Row - 4x10ea Abs - 100reps   Day 2 KB Squat - 4x10 Clean - 5x3 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4xs10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
Training May Wk 4
Training May Wk 4
Day 1 Mowed Grass - 30minutes push mower, not self propelled...LOL Washed Car - 20min   So Memorial Day Weekend I used more unconventional means of exercise. Spent time with my kids and family, what matters most!  
Training May Week 3
Training May Week 3
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row - 3x10ea DB Bench - 5x10 Lunges - 5x5ea DB Row - 5x10ea Abs - 100reps   Day 2 KB Squat - 4x8 Clean - 3x3, 3x2 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4x10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
Training May Wk 2
Training May Wk 2
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row DB Bench - 4x10 Lunges - 4x5ea DB Row - 4x10ea Abs - 100reps   Day 2 KB Squat - 4x10 Clean - 5x3 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4xs10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
Training Week
Training Week
Day 1 BB Complex - RDL, Snatch; Squat, press; Goodmorning; Row DB Bench - 4x10 Lunges - 4x5ea DB Row - 4x10ea Abs - 100reps   Day 2 KB Squat - 4x10 Clean - 5x3 Lateral Squat - 4x5ea Push-ups - x60reps CS Row - 4xs10 Curls/Triceps - 4x10ea
Quick One
Quick One
Band Pull-aparts - 3x15 Push-ups - 40reps Row - 3x12 Tricep - 3x12 Curls - 3x12 Static Mobility work  

Items 1 to 59 of 117 total
