Jim Labadie

Six Things to Do After Closing the Personal Training Sale
Six Things to Do After Closing the Personal Training Sale
Most personal trainers want to do one thing as soon as someone hands them money for personal training—run!
Six Strategies for Surviving Tough Economic Times as a Personal Trainer
Six Strategies for Surviving Tough Economic Times as a Personal Trainer
Some personal training businesses are struggling mightily right now, but others are thriving. Why? What’s the difference between the two?
The Five “Cs” of Successful Fitness Entrepreneurs
The Five “Cs” of Successful Fitness Entrepreneurs
After being around some of the most financially successful fitness professionals in North America a few weeks ago, the difference between them and the typical trainer struggling to stay afloat became very evident.
Five “Web 2.0” Marketing Tips for Personal Trainers
Five “Web 2.0” Marketing Tips for Personal Trainers
The internet changes fast and personal trainers interested in harnessing its power for marketing purposes need to keep up. The landscape has changed. Simple websites that act as a static business card are no longer enough
How to Recession Proof Your Approach to Selling Personal Training
How to Recession Proof Your Approach to Selling Personal Training
During a recession, people still spend money. They just don’t spend it in the same places that they do when the economy is surging ahead.
The Fastest Way to Becoming a Local Fitness Celebrity
The Fastest Way to Becoming a Local Fitness Celebrity
Many personal trainers have heard that a great way to grow their business is to become a local fitness celebrity. However, many don’t have any idea how to do this.
Summer Season Marketing for Personal Trainers
Summer Season Marketing for Personal Trainers
Most personal trainers see a drop off in revenues during the summer. And while some see it as a reason to panic, astute fitness professionals know it is the perfect time to spend working on marketing.
Sales Prospecting for Personal Trainers
Sales Prospecting for Personal Trainers
If you’re struggling to close sales as a personal trainer, it may be because you’re missing a crucial step…
Five Simple Tips for Endless Personal Training Referrals
Five Simple Tips for Endless Personal Training Referrals
Referrals are the lifeblood of any business. This is particularly true for personal trainers. However, just turning your clients into “walking, talking billboards” isn’t enough to create an endless stream of referrals. You need to do something more. It’s very simple…
Seven Time Wasters Ruining Your Personal Training Business
Seven Time Wasters Ruining Your Personal Training Business
“Time is your most precious commodity.” This may very well be the most overused cliché there is. However, overused clichés typically have one thing in common.
13 Sales “Basics” for Fitness Professionals
13 Sales “Basics” for Fitness Professionals
Every successful fitness professional is a proficient salesperson. And by “successful” I mean those who aren’t forced to find another career because of their lack of business skills or desire to improve them. Here are 13 sales “basics” to improve your ability to sell your services.

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