Joe Schillero


Joe Schillero has competed in both powerlifting and strongman with an elite total in the 220-pound weight class. He has his master's degree in exercise physiology and is currently the General Manager at the Mandel JCC in Cleveland, Ohio. In this position, he oversees fitness, membership, and aquatics operations. He has also overseen student fitness and wellness programs at multiple Universities. He can be reached at

Is CBD Oil Effective?
Is CBD Oil Effective?
..This is a question I get a lot - And the answer may surprise you.
EP 14: "Helping Athletes Build their own Legacy" feat. Vince Luciani
EP 14: "Helping Athletes Build their own Legacy" feat. Vince L...
Vince and I discuss how helping athletes to discover their values and think beyond the moment, makes them better on and off “the field”
Episode 13: "Sleep Quality, Wearable Sleep Tracking Technology, & Tips for Athletes" feat. Jesse Cook
Episode 13: "Sleep Quality, Wearable Sleep Tracking Technology, &am...
What is Quality Sleep, How to Track it, and How to Improve it..
Training Rebuild Week 1: Starting Off On the Right Foot
Training Rebuild Week 1: Starting Off On the Right Foot
First time I've been able to train without feeling sick in the past few months - I'm pumped!
Coaching Tip: Tracking Volume over a Training Cycle
Coaching Tip: Tracking Volume over a Training Cycle
..1 Rep Max & Sub-Max Rep PRs are great for tracking progress, but as you advance as a lifter, you need additional tools for assessing a training cycle..
New Coaching Packet Additions & Military Discount
New Coaching Packet Additions & Military Discount
..New content being added to Training Resources Packets.
Training Update: 7 Days Clear of Meds, and Back on a Roll
Training Update: 7 Days Clear of Meds, and Back on a Roll
Withdrawal symptoms are clearing up and I'm back under the barbell where I belong.
Episode 12: "Medical Cannabis, Pain, Sleep, & Mental Health" feat. Dr. Jordan Tishler
Episode 12: "Medical Cannabis, Pain, Sleep, & Mental Health&quo...
On this Episode of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast; we chat with Harvard Medical Graduate, former VA Emergency Physician, and World-Renowned Medical Cannabis expert Dr. Jordan Tishler.
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — How to Use Visualization
Peak Mental Performance Podcast — How to Use Visualization
In this episode of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast, Dr. Steve Graef, Counseling and Sports Psychologist for The Ohio State University Athletics, defines visualization and gives steps to use it to improve athletic performance.
My Current Role in Mental Health Care
My Current Role in Mental Health Care
I think this will help people understand the context to which I write my articles from..
How Not to Be Pissed All the Time About Your Training
How Not to Be Pissed All the Time About Your Training
How do you determine what makes a "Good" Training Session, Training Cycle, or Meet Day?
Training & Medication Tapering Process Update
Training & Medication Tapering Process Update
WIthdrawal symptoms got a lot worse and took training out of the picture this past week - But there's some light at the end of the tunnel.
Episode 11: "The Biopsychosocial Model of Mental Health" featuring Dr. Lonnie Lowery & Kelly Lowery, M.Ed
Episode 11: "The Biopsychosocial Model of Mental Health" featu...
Gut Health, Training Programs, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Anabolics, and other variables that effect Mental Health & Performance..
Support Continued Episodes of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast
Support Continued Episodes of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast
If you have found the Podcast helpful so far, consider supporting future episodes and content by purchasing Online Coaching/Programming at a Reduced Price!
Sounding Right, and Being Right, are Two Different Things..
Sounding Right, and Being Right, are Two Different Things..
Just cause you suck at it, does it ALWAYS mean you need to do it?
Free Programming Consultations for Lifters with Mental Health Concerns
Free Programming Consultations for Lifters with Mental Health Concerns
Always here to chat - You'd be surprised how some simple programming tweaks can help!
Peak Mental Performance Podcast featuring Jim Wendler — Discipline over Motivation
Peak Mental Performance Podcast featuring Jim Wendler — Discipline over ...
These discipline-related principles frame the discussion that Jim and I have in this episode. We also discuss various training principles that all circle back to the idea of prioritizing discipline.
Episode 10: "Emotional Pitfalls of Prep & Strategies for Success" feat. Annie Gunshow
Episode 10: "Emotional Pitfalls of Prep & Strategies for Succes...
When NOT to Compete, Self-Worth & Social Media, Strategies for Dieting Success, and Unique Needs of Military Athletes..
What's more important, being "real"? Or being positive?
What's more important, being "real"? Or being positive?
Am I putting up a phony persona online?
Video: Simple Tips for Improving Nervous System Function for Mental Health
Video: Simple Tips for Improving Nervous System Function for Mental Health
Use these simple, but effective habits to build momentum for improving your mental health..
Big Decision..
Big Decision..
...I’ve thought and prayed about it a lot the past year, and have decided to go back to school to become a Licensed Mental Health Counselor so I can work with Athletes struggling with Mental Illness.
What To Do When Diagnosed with a Mental Illness
What To Do When Diagnosed with a Mental Illness
So you're an Athlete and you've been diagnosed with a Mental Illness.... What's next?
Episode 09: "How to use Visualization" feat. Dr. Steve Graef
Episode 09: "How to use Visualization" feat. Dr. Steve Graef
Dr. Graef and I discuss how to effectively use Visualization to improve performance and reduce anxiety..
Episode 08: "Building a More Effective Training Program" feat. Chad Aichs (PT2)
Episode 08: "Building a More Effective Training Program" feat....
..We talk more of the training side of things, including: Chad's thoughts on reading Jim Wendler's book for the first time, making smart training adjustments, and common mistakes lifters make at Meets.
Do You Know WHY You Got Stronger?
Do You Know WHY You Got Stronger?
“I put 100lbs on my total while doing _____ program, so it must be an awesome program! Everyone should be doing it!” – While that could certainly be true, I think it’s important to take a well-rounded look at where all of that 100lbs increase came from and all the variables involved... It'll make you a better lifter, and a
10 Changes That Made Me Strong(er) This Year
10 Changes That Made Me Strong(er) This Year
Like anyone, I’m far from perfect and am constantly in the process of growing. But this year I’ve seen a lot of positive fruit come from changes I’ve made in my life.
Episode 07: "Trainings Effect on Mental Health & Persevering through Darkness" feat. Chad Aichs
Episode 07: "Trainings Effect on Mental Health & Persevering th...
Chad and I discuss the effects of training and sleep deprivation on mental health; and the journey of moving forward one step at a time. If you (or someone you know) deals with mental illness and trains, I highly recommend listening to this episode.
Training Week Summary: 8 Weeks Post-Meet
Training Week Summary: 8 Weeks Post-Meet
BW down to 207, ready to reverse things back up; and continuing to improve!
Episode 06: "Taking Risks & Facing Adversity" feat. Casey Williams
Episode 06: "Taking Risks & Facing Adversity" feat. Casey ...
We talk some of the big life changes and challenges Casey has faced this year, and how those types of situations mold us as people!
One of the Most Effective Ways to Get Strong
One of the Most Effective Ways to Get Strong
Practical Ways to Increase Volume, aka "Bastardized Speed Work"
Online Coaching Available for Summer
Online Coaching Available for Summer
Information on my Coaching Program, and 10% off discount through the month of June.
Episode 05: "Discipline over Motivation" feat. Jim Wendler
Episode 05: "Discipline over Motivation" feat. Jim Wendler
Why is "Motivation" flawed, is peaking overrated for powerlifting, and keys to long-term success..
Training Week Summary: 7 Weeks Post-Meet
Training Week Summary: 7 Weeks Post-Meet
Joe has an elite total in the 220-pound weight class. He is currently training to compete in the 198-pound class this winter. Check out his 6-week training experiment using Trans Cranial Direct Stimulation and Compensatory Acceleration. Listen to his Peak Mental Performance Podcast where he interviews experts around the world to link mental health with sports performance.
One of The Biggest Mistakes People Are Making in Programming
One of The Biggest Mistakes People Are Making in Programming
Joe recently qualified for USAPL Raw Nationals. He's preparing for another competition this fall. Follow his log for training tips and his new Podcast series, Peak Mental Performance.
Episode 04: "Clutch Factor: Methods Behind Winning the U.S. Open" feat. Ben Pollack
Episode 04: "Clutch Factor: Methods Behind Winning the U.S. Open&qu...
Find out how Ben went from struggling on the "big stage", to winning the U.S. Open Championships with $40,000 on the line..
How I Build Auto-Regulation into Mine and My Client's Programming
How I Build Auto-Regulation into Mine and My Client's Programming
There's a couple different ways it plays out in each training week..
Introducing the New Peak Mental Performance Podcast with Guest Dr. Steve Graef
Introducing the New Peak Mental Performance Podcast with Guest Dr. Steve...
The goal of the podcast is to spread practical, quality information that can help all listeners improve their mental health and athletic performance, and to help everyone understand the link between the two.
Training Week Summary: Week 6 Post-Meet
Training Week Summary: Week 6 Post-Meet
Slight Change to Deadlift Structure, and Continuing to Increase Volume..
Episode 03: "Methods behind an All-Time World Record, to 120lb Weight Loss Journey.." feat. Vincent Dizenzo
Episode 03: "Methods behind an All-Time World Record, to 120lb Weig...
Watch or Listen to Episode 03 of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast!
"Focus on Your Strengths.." / How Vincent Dizenzo Hit his first 600lb Raw Bench
"Focus on Your Strengths.." / How Vincent Dizenzo Hit his firs...
Preview of Tomorrow's Podcast with Vincent Dizenzo.
Episode 02: "Who Defines You?" feat. IFBB Pro Mark Dugdale
Episode 02: "Who Defines You?" feat. IFBB Pro Mark Dugdale
..Lessons from 24 years of competing, Challenges of the Off-Season, and Who defines you?
Training Week Summary: Week 5 Post-Meet
Training Week Summary: Week 5 Post-Meet
Breakdown of my training and programming from the past week.
NEW Peak Mental Performance Podcast is Available Now on iTunes!
NEW Peak Mental Performance Podcast is Available Now on iTunes!
We discuss how to manage anxiety before big competitions, depression during down times, mental strategies to help improve performance, and more..
Preview of Mark Dugdale Interview / Peak Mental Performance Podcast
Preview of Mark Dugdale Interview / Peak Mental Performance Podcast
Today I did my Interview with IFBB Pro, 5x Mr. Olympic Competitor and Team EliteFTS Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale. It was an awesome conversation and we covered a number of topics, including...
The Problem with Science..
The Problem with Science..
I don't think that word means what you think it means..
Introduction to The NEW Peak Mental Performance Podcast!
Introduction to The NEW Peak Mental Performance Podcast!
Intro to the New Podcast & Announcement of First Two Guests!
Training Week Summary: Week 3 Post-Meet
Training Week Summary: Week 3 Post-Meet
Adjusting to the increase in overall volume, but feeling good!
New Podcast Series Coming Soon!
New Podcast Series Coming Soon!
The 'Peak Mental Performance' Podcast Series will cover important and under-discussed (sometimes controversial) topics in the world of Sports Psychology, Mental Health, and Performance.
Meet Report: New Challenges and New Lifters — USAPL Spring Meet at CBUS Lifting Co
Meet Report: New Challenges and New Lifters — USAPL Spring Meet at CBUS ...
With this meet, I wanted to prove to myself that I could go from competing equipped to qualifying for USAPL Raw Nationals.
My Current Pre-Workout / Kratom + Cold-Brew Coffee Combo
My Current Pre-Workout / Kratom + Cold-Brew Coffee Combo
Big boost of energy/focus, but easy on the stomach.
Nutrition Update: 2 Weeks In
Nutrition Update: 2 Weeks In
Feeling dramatically better, both in and out of training.
Training Week Summary: Week 1 Post-Meet Training
Training Week Summary: Week 1 Post-Meet Training
Bumping Bench Frequency up to 3x a Week, and Getting back in a groove.
Post-Meet, Blood Work, and Change in Nutrition Moving Forward
Post-Meet, Blood Work, and Change in Nutrition Moving Forward
Time to give the tortellini and ice cream a break.
VIDEO: Intro to Auto-Regulation
VIDEO: Intro to Auto-Regulation
What is Auto-Regulation? And how do you know when to use it? Find out here..
VIDEO: How to Choose Your Career Path as an Exercise Science Student
VIDEO: How to Choose Your Career Path as an Exercise Science Student
Using Values and Strengths to help kick-start your decision-making process..

Items 178 to 236 of 648 total