Joe Schillero has competed in both powerlifting and strongman with an elite total in the 220-pound weight class. He has his master's degree in exercise physiology and is currently the General Manager at the Mandel JCC in Cleveland, Ohio. In this position, he oversees fitness, membership, and aquatics operations. He has also overseen student fitness and wellness programs at multiple Universities. He can be reached at
..1 Rep Max & Sub-Max Rep PRs are great for tracking progress, but as you advance as a lifter, you need additional tools for assessing a training cycle..
On this Episode of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast; we chat with Harvard Medical Graduate, former VA Emergency Physician, and World-Renowned Medical Cannabis expert Dr. Jordan Tishler.
In this episode of the Peak Mental Performance Podcast, Dr. Steve Graef, Counseling and Sports Psychologist for The Ohio State University Athletics, defines visualization and gives steps to use it to improve athletic performance.
If you have found the Podcast helpful so far, consider supporting future episodes and content by purchasing Online Coaching/Programming at a Reduced Price!
These discipline-related principles frame the discussion that Jim and I have in this episode. We also discuss various training principles that all circle back to the idea of prioritizing discipline.
...I’ve thought and prayed about it a lot the past year, and have decided to go back to school to become a Licensed Mental Health Counselor so I can work with Athletes struggling with Mental Illness.
..We talk more of the training side of things, including: Chad's thoughts on reading Jim Wendler's book for the first time, making smart training adjustments, and common mistakes lifters make at Meets.
“I put 100lbs on my total while doing _____ program, so it must be an awesome program! Everyone should be doing it!” – While that could certainly be true, I think it’s important to take a well-rounded look at where all of that 100lbs increase came from and all the variables involved... It'll make you a better lifter, and a
Like anyone, I’m far from perfect and am constantly in the process of growing. But this year I’ve seen a lot of positive fruit come from changes I’ve made in my life.
Chad and I discuss the effects of training and sleep deprivation on mental health; and the journey of moving forward one step at a time. If you (or someone you know) deals with mental illness and trains, I highly recommend listening to this episode.
Joe has an elite total in the 220-pound weight class. He is currently training to compete in the 198-pound class this winter. Check out his 6-week training experiment using Trans Cranial Direct Stimulation and Compensatory Acceleration. Listen to his Peak Mental Performance Podcast where he interviews experts around the world to link mental health with sports performance.
Joe recently qualified for USAPL Raw Nationals. He's preparing for another competition this fall. Follow his log for training tips and his new Podcast series, Peak Mental Performance.
The goal of the podcast is to spread practical, quality information that can help all listeners improve their mental health and athletic performance, and to help everyone understand the link between the two.
Today I did my Interview with IFBB Pro, 5x Mr. Olympic Competitor and Team EliteFTS Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale. It was an awesome conversation and we covered a number of topics, including...
The 'Peak Mental Performance' Podcast Series will cover important and under-discussed (sometimes controversial) topics in the world of Sports Psychology, Mental Health, and Performance.