SSB Box Squats 460x3 & Straight Leg Deadlifts using Tips From Steve ...
Workin on building bigger hammies.
Pause Floor Press w/ Slingshot & Dead Stop Pin Presses (Video)
Using the Slingshot this week to push the weights and protect my pec.
Conditioning Drill That Also Teaches How to Use Your Belt Correctly
If you don't keep your abs tight, you'll feel like you're getting punched in the stomach by Mike Tyson..
Speed Squats Wk2: 8x2 w/ 325+Avg Bands (Video)
Faster than last time.... but still need to be faster!
Video: You Are the Sum of All Your Training
Every rep, every set, every workout, every week, is slowly building momentum until the moment you step on the platform...
3 Ways to Build Strength Off the Chest for the Bench Press
These are a few important components of building a big bench, starting with getting the bar off your chest as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Max Effort SSB Good Morning PR: 405x3 (Video)
It's a good mental challenge for me to go for a PR on this movement.
Max Effort SQ/DL Deload: Straight Leg Deadlifts, Reverse Hypers, Rep Work.
Pushing the assistance work reps.
Training Week in Review: 8 Weeks Out (Video Highlights)
Video Highlights from Week 8 of Meet Training.
Squats in Metal Jack up to 670lbs & Better Training Organization (Vi...
Not a good day. Time to rest up and move forward smarter.
Training Week in Review: 11 Weeks Out (Video Highlights)
Video highlights from the past week of training!
Dynamic Effort Bench Wk2: 8x3 w/ 175+chains & work up sets to 275+ch...
Speed Work.. Get your sets done in less than 3-4 Rage Against the Machine tracks.
Dynamic Effort Squat Wk4: No Box/Bands/Chains - 10x1 & Speed Pulls (...
Reloading before Heavy Squats Next Week
Training Week in Review: 12 Weeks Out from Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic
The week's highlights including a block pull PR and getting bench back on track.
Max Effort SQ/DL: Close Stance SSB Good Mornings up to 380x3 (Video)
Working on building starting strength for squat and deadlift.
Q&A Highlights: Should You Use High Box Squats, Dealing with Pec Str...
You Ask, Team EliteFTS Answers!
Dynamic Effort Squat Wk3: 345/365 w/ Light Bands + Chains, & Speed P...
Last week of this speed wave.
Max Effort Bench: Shirted 1-board Singles up to 515lbs
Got some good things to work on moving forward.
What the Godfather Can Teach Us About Powerlifting
This crime classic is full of strength training lessons from the Corleone family. When you take the platform, are you the hot-tempered Santino or the calm, calculated Michael?
Upper Body Accessories: Dumbbell Bench & Recovery
Hopefully by next session the pec will be good to go.
Dynamic Effort Squat Wk2: 325/345 with light bands+chains (Video)
Picked up some new things to work on for reverse hypers and standing abs from Dave Tate.
3 Ways to Organize Max Effort Training for the Raw Lifter
Some of the ways I've been organizing max effort training for our #raw/RAW/classic-raw/modern-raw/super-raw lifters...
Max Effort Lower Wk1: Wide Stance Yoke Bar Good Mornings - 400x3 (Video)
Joe Schillero has a Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology and is currently the fitness director at Ohio University. He has finished top three at APF Senior Nationals and represented the USA at WPC Worlds. His daily goal is to humbly educate others to the best of his ability as he continues to grow himself as a lifter and as a
Q&A Highlights: How Often to Rotate Assistance Work, Linear Progress...
You Ask, Team EliteFTS Answers..
Before Your First Meet: Your PR is..... ZERO
"..if there’s one thing all powerlifters learn at one point or another, is that gym lifts are meaningless when it comes to the platform."
Deadlifts Wk 5: Sumo Reps (Video) & Working on Hip Tightness
14 Weeks from Lexen Xtreme Fall Classic
How to Develop Through Coaching Others
Guiding younger lifters isn't only about giving back to the sport you love — when you do it correctly, you grow, too.
Swiss Bar Incline Bench Wk 2 & DeFranco's Shoulder Shocker 2.0 ...
This exercise humbled me REAL fast.
3 Videos to Make You a Better Coach or Trainer: Part I
Progressions for the Squat, Glute Ham Raise, and Overhead Press.
Video: Deadlifts Wk 4 - Conventional Singles
Working on technique for some singles before going back to sumo reps next week.
Defeating the Demon of Discouragement
The ironic part of it all, is that often times the opportunities where doubt creeps in the most, are opportunities that were given to us for a reason.
Video: Deadlifts Wk3 - Conventional Speed Pulls & Sumo Block Pulls
Working on tightening up hip position for sumo.
Video: Reverse Band Bench - Triples w/ Light Band & Singles w/ Avera...
These were tougher than anticipated.
Q&A Highlights: Using a Belt for Raw Bench, RDLs vs Rack Pulls, Sumo...
You Ask, Team EliteFTS Answers.
Video: Sumo Deadlifts Wk 2, Conventional Block Pulls, and Snatch Grip De...
3 different beltless deadlift variations, my back is toast.
3 Practical Warmups for Squatting & Deadlifting (w/ Video)
Simple, Effective Routines from Chris Duffin, Joe DeFranco, & David Allen