Exercise of the Day - Assisted Push Ups with VIDEO....
There is always a way. I'm trying to help find them. Here's another one....
Week 7 Day 2 - Lower training and rehab
Sometimes your real family is who you surround yourself with, not just who you share blood with....
Week 7 Day 1- Multiply Bench-Press with VIDEO
Slowly getting some heavy straight weight back on the bar....
Week 5 Day 1 - Multiply Benchin....with VIDEO....
Benching 800 pounds is never easy, benching 875 is never easy either but slowly my body is getting ready to do a 800+ pound bench-press again....
Week 4 Day 4 - Multiply Deadlifting
More reps trying out sumo and really im starting to like....did I just say that?
12 Weeks Post-op Deadlifts
I worked up to my work set of 420 for a double and was very happy with no practice and 3 months off I could do that. Nothing to jump up and down about but it gives me an idea where I am so I know where I need to be.
09/29/13 How to Swing a Sledgehammer - Exercise of the day w/VIDEO
Joey Smith is one of the top 275-pound and 308-pound bench pressers in the world. He has a best shirted bench press of a 730 pounds at a bodyweight of 261 pounds, as well as a best shirted bench press of 805 pounds at a bodyweight of 286 pounds. He has elite totals in full power both raw and equipped.
Rehab/Prehab Work for Your Shoulders
Here are 10 easy effective shoulder prehab/rehab warm-ups that we perform at NeboBarbell.
Joey Smith's 10 Week Bench Press Program
On my speed day I alternate grips of close, medium and wide.