John Catanzaro

Autoregulation and Variable Adaptation Training
Autoregulation and Variable Adaptation Training
Want continual progress over the long haul? Think of your training as lifting big rocks, pebbles, and sand. Here’s how.
The Alternating Conjugate Periodization Model
The Alternating Conjugate Periodization Model
This program combines undulatory loading with a conjugate approach for an open-fisted slap of strength-building goodness.
Stop Training for Size, Strength, and Power
Stop Training for Size, Strength, and Power
Taking some time off from training is more beneficial than you might think.
Training the Athlete
Training the Athlete
Concentrate your efforts on training the dominant energy system (anaerobic alactic, anaerobic lactic, or aerobic) for your sport or activity.
9 Restoration Tips That Will Make You Stronger
9 Restoration Tips That Will Make You Stronger
Russians do three semesters on massage and restoration (in Kin or PE courses.) Guess how much we do here?

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