My Wendler Story
I took a particular liking to Jim Wendler, so I decided 531 was for me..after all, I kept hearing it was the easiest "program" to follow, and let's be honest I'm not fucking good will hunting ova hea
Yes Men
"When it's three judges six lights nine attempts the truth WILL come out, and all the attaboys in the world won't matter if you shit the bed on meet day."
Why You Should Stop Caring
I hope this saves someone a lot of time, by letting them know consistency is the only common dominator in progress.
Never Stop This One Thing
The moment you decide you know everything is the moment you prove you don't know jack shit
Bench Day
After a back-to-back win at the XPC Finals as a super heavyweight, JP is taking the next few months off to regulate weight, regain health, and strengthen weaknesses. See how his 5thSet off-season is set up (with video). Follow his log for powerlifting trend opinion/debate and (occasional) positivity, with a heavy dose of STFU ranting — including a monthly story
Back At It
Post XPC Finals, JP is in the off-season chasing a 2300-pound total — his current target for training. As 5thset and FYFM remain, follow his log as he starts to dial it in for another meet late July.