Why Sports Coaches Don't Trust Strength Coaches
The suggested strategy to build trust from the sports coach involves a particular approach to the strength and conditioning process. A natural consequence of this approach defines the scope of practice of strength and conditioning.
5-4-3-2-1 Program for Size and Strength
This program aims to take advantage of periodizing training frequency by training one lift five times per week, one lift four times per week, one lift three times per week, one lift twice per week, and one lift once per week.
Understanding the Strategy of Periodization
Knowing how to implement proper periodization will set you free from being slave to rigid programs and pre-written training plans.
What Does It Take to Physically Dominate the Environment?
You may have selected the best exercise possible, but is it serving your needs?
Periodization of Glute-Ham Raise Training
No matter what your athletic goals, you need an in-depth understanding of this under-rated movement.
Other Reasons Michael Jordan Couldn' t Jump
Choosing the proper exercises required much deeper thought than just scanning which rack is open. Take a deeper look into the logic behind this aspect of programming.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Why Michael Jordan Couldn't Jump
Everything links back to training and exercise selection.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Optimal Breathing for Maximal Strength
Four videos to increase your strength.
The Flexible Periodization Method: What Does French Press Coffee Have to...
Hint… It is not the caffeine.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? (Part 3)
Let Karsten take your circuit and endurance training to a brand new level.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? (Part 2)
The unexplored advantages of respiratory muscle training (RMT).
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Respiratory muscle training may be the weak link in your training program.
The Flexible Periodization Method: How to Mix Oil and Water (Part 2)
Asking the right questions is a fundamental skill that can help you operate at the highest level possible.
The Flexible Periodization Method: How to Mix Oil and Water (Part 1)
Within strength and conditioning, some studies indicate that strength training and endurance training are like oil and water.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Program Design with Kettlebells (Part...
Jensen’s conclusion to the Flexible Periodization Method series.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Program Design with Kettlebells (Part...
Do you have an emotional attachment to any exercise or piece of equipment?
The Flexible Periodization Method: The Decision-Making Process
Our athletes deserve the best programs possible.