Marc Bartley

Marc Bartley was one of the premier 275-pound lifters in the world. At the 2005 Arnold Classic he squatted a huge 1058. Marc has been competing in powerlifting for over 6 years and has used the IPA, APF, USAPL and the WPO to showcase his strength. He currently owns Total Gym in South Carolina. He holds two degrees from the University of South Carolina; one in finance and one in economics. His best lifts include a 1058 squat, 700 pound bench press and a 722 deadlift. His best total is 2463.

9/23 and 9/24 Food disappointment
9/23 and 9/24 Food disappointment
Thursday 2 laps prowler, Friday 20 mins walking, Sunday 3 laps prowler-2 laps with 20lb more then usual and then did a drop set lap. I wouldn't call it a cool down set because it is the GD prowler and there is no such thing with that. 9/23 Upper Standing abs with MAG close grip […]
Tuesday 2 laps prowler, Wed 20 mins walking 9/21 Lower Long strap abs 3x5 per stance-standing , high seat, lower seat for 5 rounds Reverse hypers 4x12 to open up the back and warmup some.  Contrary to some of the things i see from the webtastics, this will always be a staple for  good back […]
9/17 and 9/19
9/17 and 9/19
Sled 1 hour sunday, Monday 20 mins treadmill 9/17 Lower REverse hypers to start 4x12 Abs suspension strap roll outs 5x8 Straight bar GMs. Lots of sets at 3 reps working up to 365x2x2 Duffalo bar wide stance squats with Bowtie used as light support(briefy but much easier to get into) worked up to 375x3x2 […]
9/16 Upper
9/16 Upper
Thur 2 laps prowler and 20 mins Friday walking before training Pulldowns 12x10, mixed 6 sets of facepulls Machine press 10x8 Bench with football bar and softee pads.  10x5 Stabilty ball pushups 6x10 Pushups off 3 softee pads 5x12, mixed with assisted dipsx8 to 12reps Shrugs 3x12 Eventually I will have to have my left […]
9/14 Lower
9/14 Lower
Tuesday 2 laps prowler. Wed 20 mins walking before training Reverse hyper 4x12 Suspension strap ab rollout 4x8 SSB box with wide stance. Got up to a working weight for 7x3reps. I have always hated this bar. THe weight always went right into my low back. Luckily this time, my glutes and hams are sticky […]
9/9 to 9/12
9/9 to 9/12
Sunday 1 hour sled, Monday 15 min walk before training. 9/9 Friday Upper Hammer row reverse grip 10x8 Lot of suspension strap upper work-Push up with pec flye 10 eachx 10 rounds Jm tricep press off suspension strap 6x8 Abs off straps 5x8 Shoulder rok manyxmany 9/10 Lower Ab wheel 5x10 REverse hypers 3x12 Deadlifts […]
9/5 and 9/7
9/5 and 9/7
prowler push tues and thur 2 laps, mon and wed 15 mins each stepmill before training 9/5 Upper Abs wind shield wipers 5x8 Back hammer row 8x8 REverse hyper one arm row with band 5x8 per arm Arm bars 5x3 per arm Mini banded EZ curl bar JMS mixed with burnouts 10 each wayx4 SHoulder […]
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Cardio before and after trip 15 mins stepmill on wed,wed and fri. Sunday 1 hour sled 9/3 Lower Reverse hypers 4x10 Hack squat with each set 6 reps wide and 6 reps close-7 sets. Finishe with 3 more sets close stancex12. Deadlift with pause below knee and above knee. Work sets are still pitiful weights. […]
Training sessions
Training sessions
Sticking to the 15 mins of stepmill on training days and sled pulling on Sundays. Last Sunday was 45mins and this past Sunday was 5 laps upper body. We are heading up to Niagara Falls this weekend for the wife's birthday  so gonna gonna cram alot of work a few days here Stamina is about […]
8/10 Lower and das news.
8/10 Lower and das news.
15 min stepmill Up to 212 after some heavy eating. Decided in order to make the climb back to 230lb a more muscular gain I am implementing some no carb days along with a couple medium days and the rest high carb. Gonna try it out an see. If I fatten up too quick over […]
Some training
Some training
Back to training 4 solid days a week. Starting each session with 15 minutes of stepmill. Adding alittle more intensity each session.  Sundays I am pushing the prowler or pulling sled.  This week was sled for 45mins. Main goal now is to get some muscle back that I lost during the radiation and chemo. So […]
Stop now, cancer time!
Stop now, cancer time!
Well, those that still follow my log have probablly been wondering what the hell happened. I haven't said it out loud yet or announced it yet as I felt like it was a job to get done that was a process. Here it is: In April 2016, I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma related […]
June 24, 25
June 24, 25
Cardio 10 mins friday and saturday June 24 Standing abs 6x6 Pulldowns 6x8 Hammer rows 6x8 Incline press 8x8 Tricep pushdowns 8x8 June 25 Standing abs 5x8 Leg press 8x10 Belt squat 5x6 Reverse hypers 4x12 Sissy squats 4x8  
June 15 to 22
June 15 to 22
Wed 20 mins, Fri 20 mins, Mon 20 mins wed 10 mins stepmill 6/15 Leg extension 5x10 Leg press 8x10 Standing abs 6x8 Leg curl 6x6 Reverse hypers 3x10 6/17 Mix day Dumbell rear delts 5x8 Pulldowns 8x10 Medium stance leg press 6x8 Bench press 5x12 Leg curl 5x8 Ab work 6x8 6/20 One arm […]
June 8 to 13
June 8 to 13
cardio stuff 20 mins fri, sat and sun and monday 6/8 Leg press 10x10 Reverse hyper 3x12 swings 4x8 Ab standing pulldowns 6x8   June 11 Leg press 3x10x 2 feet positions for 3 rounds Back raise 4x8 swings 4x8 reverse hypers 3x12 Dumbell dead 154lb 5x3 Abs 5x8 june 12 abs standing 8x8 pulldowns […]
June 4  to 6
June 4 to 6
Was in Orlando 5/27 to 5/31for the Master's Nationals where the wife has a great day lifting. Got to see alot of good friends and catch up. Then caught a nice summer cold and didnt get much done the following week. Alittle cardio but that was it. Saturday 30 mins, Sunday 30 mins Mon 20 […]
5/16 to 5/25
5/16 to 5/25
Stepmill 20 mins mon, tues, wed, thur, off friday, sat, mon 5/23 tues and wed. Sunday5/22 1 hour sled all upperbody 5/16 abs 6x8 Back  rows 8x10 Bench speedish 275x3x5 Pushups manyx10 5/17 abs 5x8 pulldowns 8x8 curls 8x10 tricep work 8x10 5/18 Box squat with cambered bar. 325x5x5 Cable squats off box 6x10 Hyper […]
5/10 to 5/15
5/10 to 5/15
TUes to THur,Sat 30 mins stepmill, Sunday sled one hour 5/10 upper clean up Push ups off bar 10x10 Long strap pulldowns 6x8 tsunami bar 10x20 5/11 reverse hypers 3x12 box squat medium wide worked up to 375x3x5 close stance leg press 8x12 reverse hypers to finish 2x12 5/12 lower clean up Leg extension with […]
5/3 to 5/9
5/3 to 5/9
Cardio stepmill 20 mins tues, wed, thur. Sat 30 mins, Sunday 45 mins sled, monday 30 mins 5/3 back rows 8x8 triceps band pushdowns 4x20 ab pulldowns 6x10 bench light 8x6 5/4 Reverse hypers 4x10 leg press wide 8x6, close with pause on pins 6x6 abs longstrap 6x10 5/5 lower clean up leg extension 10x10 […]
5/2 Upper
5/2 Upper
Cardio 20 mins stepmill Back pulldowns Neutral grip and wide grip MAG bar  8x8 Bench 5x8 , drop set 3x35 Push ups high on neck 6x10 Hammers 4x10 Back tricep kick backs 5x12 Band trunk twists 5x10 per side Spud  
4/27 to 5/1Flying bakards
4/27 to 5/1Flying bakards
Cardio Wed and Thur 20 mins stepmill, Sunday 30 mins stepmill 4/27 Reverse hypers 3x12 Box squats light 3platesx5 eachx5 sets(used a larger version of the buffalo bar Front squats with same bar 5x5 reps 4/28 Ab roll outs 5x8 Back work 8x8 Leg extension 4x25 4/30 Ab pulldowns  5x12 Reverse hypers 4x12 Rack pull […]
4/20 to 4/26
4/20 to 4/26
Cardio- Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat ,Mon, Tues all 20 mins stepmill, Sunday 45 mins sled Wed Ab work 6x8 Reverse hypers 4x12 One leg press 10x10x5 rounds Step ups 5x6 per leg Thur Ab work standing abs 5x10 Obliques dumbells 5x8 per side Back work Ab work standing abs 8x8 dumbell rows 10x8 per arm […]
4/16 to 4/19
4/16 to 4/19
cardio- saturday 20 mins, sunday 30 mins, monday 20 mins, tuesday 20 mins all step mill Saturday -Reverse hypers 3x15 -SSB work. 5x3(still working to get leg healed up) -Deficit deads 3x3 -Reverse hypers 1x20 Monday -Back work 3 exercisesx10 roundsx8 reps -Tsunami bar 8x10 -Plate tricep 6x10 -Plate curls 5x8 Tuesday Standing abs 8x8 […]
4/12 to 4/13
4/12 to 4/13
20 mins stepmill tuesday and wednesday 4/12 Extra upper Face pulls and chest rows using econo pulley 10 eachx8 rounds Pushups off dumbell rack working down therack. About 40 setsx5 per set Long strap wide stance pulldowns 6x20 Used same set up as a pullover move 8x8 4/13 Lower REverse hypers 3x12 Medium stance high […]
4/5 to 4/11
4/5 to 4/11
Out THursday and Friday in ATL for a concert that was not to be.  We still managed to have a decent time with dinner and a comedy club. Wed 30 mins, Sunday 40 min , Mon 20 mins stepmill Wed LOWER still nursing the slighlty torn outer quad so Abs 8x8 REverse Hypers 4x15 Leg […]
3/29 to 4/4
3/29 to 4/4
20 mins stepmill tues, wed, thur, fri, sat, mon. Sunday 35sled. Getting back in the regular swing of doing some cardio. Also, still recovering from the minor outter quad tear so the cardio is helping on this Wednesday 3/31 Reverse Hypers 4x15 Ab dumbell obliques 6x8 Very light leg press 5x25 Pull throughs 4x12 BW […]
3/26 Lower Rip and 3/28 Upper
3/26 Lower Rip and 3/28 Upper
Sunday 30 mins stepmill, MOnday 20 mins stepmill 3/26 Lower Reverse Hypers 4x12 Duffalo bar close stance squats. Been wearing lifting shoes for the last few sessions. Like them alot on the closer stance work. 325x3x3,375x3x3,   415x3x1 set. Was gonna do alitte more work but the left outer quad said ping! Slight tear on […]
Bicep and tricep smashing, 3/25 light upper
Bicep and tricep smashing, 3/25 light upper
Well I think with the hook grip work over the last 3 weeks, the left bicep,tricep etc have been in alot of pain  to the point of not lifting anything without the pain shooting. Spent all week smashing it with the xwife and mummy compression bands work. After day two, the pain began to lessen […]
3/17 Leg clean up, 3/18 upper,3/19 lower, 3/21
3/17 Leg clean up, 3/18 upper,3/19 lower, 3/21
Sunday 30 mins stepmill   3/17 Clean up Ab work 6x10 and Obliques Double KB swings 10x10 Leg extension 5x failure Leg curls 10x10 3/18 Upper Machine Press 500 reps Push ups on stairs 320 reps total 3/19 Lower REverse Hyper 3x15 Cambered bar squats lots of sets up to 4 platesx4 Tempering beforehand 30 […]
3/15 Clean up Upper, 3/16 Lower
3/15 Clean up Upper, 3/16 Lower
3/15 Ab work 8x8 Band Pushdowns manyxmany Push ups off suspension straps 10x10 Pec flyes with bands 8x12 3/16 Long ab straps work 8x10 Reverse hypers 3x12 Pit Shark Belt squat medium stance,short strong band-7 plates for 5x5, last set dropped a plate and added 2 reps per set so 7,9,11,13,15,17 Partial close stance squat […]
3/12 Lower, 3/14 Upper
3/12 Lower, 3/14 Upper
Sunday 30 mins stepmill 3/12 Lower Ab work 8x8 Reverse Hypers 3x12 Deadlift off 4 inch block 405x2x4, 455x2x4,495x2x4 alternated sumo and conventional. 3/14 Upper Kettlebell obliques 106sx8 per sidex4 Med ball 50lb twists 4x10 ish Hammer pull over 10x10 T-bar 6x10 Dumbell rows 130lbx10x5sets Machine pushdowns 3x20s Dumbell presses up to 140lbx6, then down […]
3/10 20 mins stepmill Standing abs 8x8 Overhead tricep 10x15 to 20ish Hammer rows 8x8 One arm standing chest supported row 8x8 per arm 3/1 Suspension strap abs with standing rows using suspension straps 6x10 each Tsunami bar 1 plate 10x20to 30 2 plates 10x10 3 plates 10x2reps 1.5 plates with occlusion wraps 3x30 1 […]
3/1 Standing abs 6x8 Suspension strap pec flyes 4x8 Shoulder pin press 4x8 Block pushups 5x12 Hammer curls 3x20   3/2   Ab wheel 5x8 Tsunami bar box squats 3 plates 5x5 High rack deadlift hook grip 600x1x3 sets Occlusion hack 3x30 reps Reverse Hypers 4x12 Arnold Booth for rest of week 3/9 Standing abs […]
Training 2/21 to 2/29
Training 2/21 to 2/29
2/21 5 laps upper body sled, 1 back lap, rest tricep, press, flye, static, bicep 2/22 Abs- Long ab strap pulldowns 6x8 Back lat pulls-3 sorts 10x10, rows with 154lb dumbell 10x3 Tsunami press extra wide 5x20 Dumbell, slight incline, 5x10 2/23 Abs hanging abs 4x8 Rope pulls to chest 10x10 Rope curls 6x8 EZ […]
Friday 2/19 Upper and Saturday 2/20 Lower
Friday 2/19 Upper and Saturday 2/20 Lower
Thursday stepmill 30 mins Friday 2/19 Ab work 6x10 standing abs Standing pulls to stomachy area 8x8 overhand, 4x8 underhand, Rope pulls 4x8 Stability ball log  bench press 14 sets totals going 2 sets at a time,1st 10 to 12 reps, 2nd with minimal rest 5 to 8. Curls with log 3x10 Declines for reps […]
Sat 2/13, Mon 2/15, Wed 2/17
Sat 2/13, Mon 2/15, Wed 2/17
Last week was a bust as I was out all week with a cold. Finally got a Z pack on Friday. Sat 2/13 20 mins stepmill. Leg press 8x8 Abs 6x8 Bench press 10x10 Pushdowns 100 reps Curls hammer and regular 5x10 each Sunday 30 mins stepmill Monday 2/15 20 mins stepmill Standing abs 6x6 […]
Friday Upper 2/5 and Saturday 2/6
Friday Upper 2/5 and Saturday 2/6
THursday 30 min stepmill and Sunday 30 mins stepmill Friday 2/5 Upper Ab wheel 3x8 Lots of back work and some rear delts with new  training tool we are working on, so testing and training. Wide neutral grip, close MAG grip seated rows and another neutral grip for pulldowns 8x8 each Dumbell rows 4x12 each […]
Monday Upper 2/1 and Wed Lower 2/3
Monday Upper 2/1 and Wed Lower 2/3
Tuesday 30 mins stepmill   MOnday MAG med handle pulldowns 8x8 Neutral grip close grip  seated rows with standing pulldowns 6x8 each Pin press worked up to 405x1x3 sets, 315 x10 Close grip pin press 275x8, 315x5x2 sets Incline dumbell press 3x15 Suspension strap standing curls 3x8 Hammer curls 3x10 Hangin abs 3x6 Triceps 5x8 […]
Thur Upper 1/28
Thur Upper 1/28
Swiss bar speed 5x5 Mag grip tricep pushdowns and standing pulls to chest 6x 8 per Dumbell lying frenchie tricep extensions 5x8 Occlusion tri set Pushdowns/machine curls/dumbell presses 3 rounds x 10 to 20 per exercise.
Sat 1/23, Mon 1/25, Wed 1/27
Sat 1/23, Mon 1/25, Wed 1/27
Stepmill 30 mins Sunday and Tuesday   Saturday1/23 LOWER Reverse hypers to warm up 3x12 Box squat with briefs and 2 blues per side, worked up to 490x2 Raw rack just below knees conventional . Worked up to 585x3, then back down to 495x5 Reverse hyper 2x12 Rolled quad and foot with x-wife lite Monday […]
Wed 1/20 Lower, Friday 1/22 Upper
Wed 1/20 Lower, Friday 1/22 Upper
Tuesday and THursday 30 mins stepmill each day Wed Lower 1/20 Reverse Hypers 3x12 Machine squats , worked up to 5x5 at 85% and 3 drop setx 10, 15,20 Rigged up the two 154lb stubby farmers with a gripless strap and did medium stance off low box with them 5x5 Dumbell stepups 5x5 Reverse Hypers […]
Monday Upper 1/18
Monday Upper 1/18
Fat Bar pulldowns 8x8 Rolling thunder pulldowns 8x8 ONe arm machine rows 5x5 Long ab strap 5x5 Floor press 10x5 reps with 4 chains Close grip triple pads 315x5x3 X-wife curls 4x8  
Friday Upper and Saturday Lower
Friday Upper and Saturday Lower
Sunday, stepmill 30 mins Friday Upper Kettlebell obliques 5x6 per side Dumbell press 5x12 with 100lb Incline press 5x3 with 4 plates Pushdowns 8x12 Pulldowns  8x8 Pullups 5x5   Lower Reverse Hyper 3x12 Blue band box squats worked up to 415x2x5 Slant box close stance with dumbell 120lbx8 with pause in bottom  
Wednesday Lower
Wednesday Lower
Stability Ball Abs with kettlebell 6x8 One arm swings with 53lb 8x6 One arm snatch with 53lb 5x5 Suspended GM with buffalo bar. 350x3x5 sets Then talked about training for like a hour and didn't get anything else in. Spud  
Tuesday 1/12
Tuesday 1/12
Sunday sled 45mins Tuesday Upper Neutral Grip pulldown 8x6 Band row mixed with suspension strap tricep extension press 6x8 per Band assisted pec flye using suspension straps Tsunami bar worked up to 2 plates x12 reps-ish Mace/shoulder rok 5 sets of 8 per side  
Wed 30 mins stepmill, Thur 30 min stepmill   Friday Upper and Lower mix Bench 285x5 and belt squatsx5x 10 rounds Hammer step up with shrugger x5 per leg, tricep extensionsx25, machine curlsx25, benchx25 x 5 rounds
Saturday 1/2 and Monday 1/4
Saturday 1/2 and Monday 1/4
Tuesday 30 mins stepmill   Saturday REverse hypers to loosen up 4x12 Sumo raw 405x3x5 Close stance squat with pause 4x3 Reverse hyper 3x12 Monday Hammer rows manyx10 per Bench worked up to some speed work at 275x3x5 Rep work to finish on bench Lying blue band triceps extension 4x12 Shoulder rok work 4x8 each […]
Lower Reverse Hyper 4x12 Box squat raw worked up to 440x3x3 Rack Pull worked up to 585x3,585x2 Reverse Hyper 3x12  
Saturday and Monday
Saturday and Monday
Friday 45 mins stepmill, Sunday 3 laps prowler   Saturday Reversy hypers 3x15 Belt squat wide stance with one sec pause. Worked up to 8 plates with strong short bands for 3x8reps Squat machine banded GMs several x8 REverse Hypers 2x10   Monday -REar delt pec delt 6x10 Pushdowns 5x25 Hammer press 3 platesx8 reps […]
Tuesday, Wednesday and THursday
Tuesday, Wednesday and THursday
Tuesday 2 laps prowler Wednesday 3 prowler Thursday Econo pulley giant set with ropes and several chains-Pushdowns, facepulls and straight arm pulldowns.  8x8 per Added in standing abs for 5x8 Then pec flyes with same chain-econo pulley set up 6x10 Incline dumbell 4x15 after many warmups Wide dips. Started with purple as assist , then […]
Friday, Saturday and Monday
Friday, Saturday and Monday
Sled 45 mins Sunday, Monday 30 mins stepmill Friday Upper Tsunami bar 18 sets x10 reps,2 plates per side Super setted each press set with leg raisesx10 Hooked up Tsunami on econo pulley and did 5x12 extensions(very tough) Saturday Lower Reverse hypers 4x15 Outties 6x20 Hack Squat 5x5 heavy, one down set x20 reps Reverse […]
More rep work but one store down and one to go. One leg press 10x10 per leg x4 rounds moving the weight up each time. One leg standing curls 10 x10 Cossack squats 5 roundsx10 per leg  
REverse hypers 4x10 deadlift 495x2x5 sets Reverse hypers 3x12   Nothing much to report. Closing a couple stores so that is consuming my training time but I am moving all of it myself so I am getting cardio and lots and lots of rep work in.
Wednesday and Friday
Wed 30 mins stepmill, Thursday 30 mins, Friday 30 mins Wednesday Belt squat 18x8 reps Friday -MAG grip pulls 16 to 18x10 -Stability Ball -KB pullover/rollin triceps 10 reps with KB extreme wide pressx10x8 rounds.
Saturday and Monday
Saturday and Monday
Saturday 20 mins intervals, Sunday 45mins sled, Monday 30 mins stepmill Saturday Reverse hypers 4x12 Squat free ,worked  up to 500x1-med stance, 325x10x3 wide stace Reverse hypers 3x10 Monday Strive incline 15 setsx15 with one minute rest Seated pushdowns 15x15 Spud
Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday and Thursday
Wed and Thursday 20 mins intervals stepmill Wednesday 750 BW reps on squat machine, hack squat and leg press Thursday Standing abs 8x10 Rope low rear delt 6x8 Bench 275x3x10 Dumbell press 3x100 Spud
Saturday and Monday
Saturday and Monday
Saturday 20 mins intervals, Sunday 30 mins, Monday 20 mins Saturda y Reverse Hypers 4x12 Belt squats medium stance 10x5 reps Belt squat stomps 3x50 per leg Belt squats close stance to bottom 5x5 Reverse hypers 2x12 MOnday Back pullsdowns with neutral grip and chest supported rows 10x8 reps per Wide stance long ab strap […]
Wednesday and Friday
Wednesday and Friday
Wed 20 mins intervals, THursday 20 mins intervals Wednesday Leg press partial6x100reps Friday Light bench and shoulder rok10x20 reps bench, 10 x10 each way Stability ball pushups 8x10 Spud  
Friday, Saturday , Monday and Tuesday
Friday, Saturday , Monday and Tuesday
Sat 20 mins intervals stepmill, Sunday 30 mins stepmill, Monday 20 mins intervals Friday Hammer incline worked up to 3 platesx5x5 Regular incline 250x8x5 Pec Deck 3x50 reps Saturday REverse Hypers 3x12 Box raw with buffaloish bar 4 and half plates x3 Coan dead/row 6x12 Reverse hyper 2x15 Monday(all back) Mag grip 8x8 Machine pulldown […]

Items 119 to 177 of 254 total