Marc Bartley

Marc Bartley was one of the premier 275-pound lifters in the world. At the 2005 Arnold Classic he squatted a huge 1058. Marc has been competing in powerlifting for over 6 years and has used the IPA, APF, USAPL and the WPO to showcase his strength. He currently owns Total Gym in South Carolina. He holds two degrees from the University of South Carolina; one in finance and one in economics. His best lifts include a 1058 squat, 700 pound bench press and a 722 deadlift. His best total is 2463.

Wednesday and THursday piddle
Wednesday and THursday piddle
20 min stepmill interval Thursday Wednesday -Leg press with medium and wide stance at 10 reps each for 10 rounds -One leg hack squat 50 reps a legx 3 rounds THursday -pull aparts with cable bento over rear delts 10 rounds with 10 reps each -Fat Rope pushdowns 10x10 -Fat bar curls 10x10 Spud
Saturday and Tuesday
Saturday and Tuesday
Saturday-20 hard stepmill, Sunday 45mins and Mon 45min stepmill regular Saturday Reverse hypers 3x12 deadlifts 315x5x10 sets with a minute rest Squats off slant box  5x10 sets reverse hyper 2x12 Tuesday Rows and standing MAG handle pulldowns 8x8 each Dumbell press worked up to 80s for 6x20 Dips 3x10 Ran out of time Spud
THursday and Friday
THursday and Friday
Wed and friday-30 mins each day stepmill. Struggle to get that in.   Thursday Reverse Hypers 6x10 Outties 5x12 Hung upside down in rack to loose back and hips for 25 mins or so. THey are jacked for some reason. Probably the never ending plantar fasciitis for 2 months now would be the guess from […]
Saturday and Monday
Saturday and Monday
Sunday 45 mins stepmill   Saturday REverse hypers 4x12 Box squat raw worked up to 415x5 Belt squat with pause with close stance 4x12 Belt squat duffin stomps 50 per legx3 REverse hyper 2x12   Monday Standing abs with face pulls 8x10 per Bench speedish 4x3 2 chains, 4x3 3 chains 225x50,185x50,135x50 moving out each […]
Wed, THur
Wed, THur
Worked on the Spud version of occlusion training. Leg press 50 reps then wrap for BFR sets for 3x30reps. Moved up each set for 3 rounds total.  30 seconds rest Hack squat and leg extension wrapped for BFR sets 30 reps eachx 3 rounds with 30 sec rest. Leg were super swole and it has […]
Saturday and Tuesday
Saturday and Tuesday
Sunday sled 45mins, Mon 30 mins stepmill Saturday Reverse hypers 4x10 Hammer H squat 4x20 Snatch grip rdl 4x10 Duffin Stomp 50 a legx3 Reverse hyper 2z15 Tuesday All back Fat grip neutral 8x8 Machine pull down 6x10 Neutral grip rows 8x10    
THursday and Friday
THursday and Friday
Wed 30 mins stepmill   Still wasnt quite ready for anything heavy for lower with AA Roid still hanging around literally. SO light super light lower work Blast strap abs swing outs 5x10 Reverse hypers 4x12 Outtie machine , leg curl and leg extension circuit for 6 rounds Reverse hypers 2x15 to finish Friday Upper […]
Wasnt able to do anything last week do to a angry ass roid which I have not had in 15 years. Last one had to be cut out so wasn't looking forward to that again.  Sure you don't want all t he details but it was a week and half of double undies with a […]
Sled 1 hour sunday Monday 30 mins stemill 15mins seated row with 10sec off per set, around 40 to 50 sets   Tuesday Face pulls 6x10 Dumbell presses 50 reps sets, worked up to 75lb Pushdown with econo pulley and fat strap 8x10  
Friday and Saturday
Friday and Saturday
30 mins stepmill saturday morning Friday Blast strap push ups 6x8 Since I have been training upper in the am for quite awhile and mostly volume, I am always looking for new ways, to me, that I have not done before. It took a bit of thought as I pretty  much change it each time […]
Floodin and not much else
Floodin and not much else
As most everyone know SC got banged up pretty good last weekend.  Lots of damage, destruction and bad situations. So training and actually wanting to train were both in limited supply. Managed some cardio and light lifting as the show must always go on. Monday 45 mins stepmill, Wednesday 45 mins stepmill Saturday before all […]
Thursday and Friday
Thursday and Friday
Wed 45 mins stepmill   Nothing eventful to talk about here but here it is Thursday Leg press for time. Worked up to med weight and did 3 rounds-3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes Sissy squats 5 minute round Friday Hammer incline 8repsx20 sets Stability bar push ups 10x10sets Old school tricep extension off the […]
Hook grippin
Hook grippin
Sunday 45 mins stepmill, Monday 45 mins step mill   Saturday Deadlifts-I have been practicing with a regular texas power bar for deadlifting for several weeks. I was not really gonna do anything Saturday but some deadlifts just happened to happen.  I have also been practicing with the belt really high up, pretty much on […]
So far this week
So far this week
Was severely hung over Sunday so no cardio.  Monday 45mins stepmill, Wednesday 45 mins stepmill, Friday 20 mins stepmill   Blew off training until Thursday 9/24 All back bonanza  for the most part MAG handles on 2 lat machines 8x 8 per Seated row 8x8 Mag handle standing abs with tricep extension 8x8 per Made […]
Wed 45mins stepmill, Saturday 30 mins stepmill, Monday 45 mins stepmill 9/17 3 laps prowler 9/18 Pulldowns 10x10 bandpullaparts 10x10 band hammer curls to face 5x10 Assisted pullup machine 10x10 Strive incline press with bands,monster mini, light and average. Managed to get a plate on there too for 10x5, 3 drop sets to failure Dips […]
Upper work Swiss bar floor press 225x10x5, 275x10x5. 315x2x3, 365x1.405x1 Drop set 225x20x2 sets Very Light seated press off the straps with bent over chain rear delts 4x10 each Lying behind the head tricep extension with a plate. 200reps Morning work at 630 is never awesome but currently that is what i be have. Ok […]
Sunday hour sled drag, Mon 45 mins stepmill Saturday Reverse Hyper 4x12 Had not squatted in quite awhile so jumped in with the dudes on double blues on both sides band day, raw off a box with the  giant buffalo bar. Work sets x3 up to  300, 330x2, 390x1. Speed was good but decent is […]
9/10 9/11
9/10 9/11
Tuesday 30 mins stepmill, Wed 45mins stepmill Thursday-Was gonna train inside but everyone was annoying me so went outside and did prowler for 3 laps   Friday Medium MAG grip pulldowns 10 or 12 x8 Seated row with continious loop strap 6x10 Tsunami bar reverse grip press. Worked up to a couple hundred pounds for […]
9/3 9/4 9/7
9/3 9/4 9/7
9/3 30 mins Stepmill, 9/4 45 mins SM, 9/7 45 mins SM, 9/8 30 mins SM, 9/9 45 mins SM 9/3 Three laps prowler 9/4 Doubled up with upper and lower. Back pulldowns 10x10 Bench 275lb 10x3 Drop sets 3xfailure Deadlifts 405x3x4, 455x3x3 Travis Mash had his strength show at his farm in NC. Great […]
MOnday 30 mins stepmill Incline press  8x8, 275lbx1x4 sets(remember there is no infra and no supra in the left shoulder and the right is totally rebuilt so actually doing these  at all is a miracle) Drop set 4x15 Dumbell flyes mixed with wide bb press. 10 reps flye, 8 reps press Hammer curls 8x8 Evening […]
8/18 to 8/25
8/18 to 8/25
Step mill tues 45min, wed 45min, thur 45 mins, sun 1 hour sled, mon 30mins step   8/20 3 laps prowler 8/21 chest supported rows, med mag pulldowns , short mag row x 10 perx8 rounds strive incline press 10s up to 4 plates, 5sx 4.5 plates, 5 platesx1 dropped down to 2 plates and […]
8/6 to 8/17
Cardio work. Back to 6 days a week for now till the end of August. Shed a few pounds and then start off Sept.  Friday 30 mins SM(stepmill), Saturday 30 mins SM, Sunday 1 hour sled, Mon 45 mins SM, Tuesday 30 min SM, Wed 45 min SM, Friday 30 min SM , Sat 20 […]
Friday, Saturday and Tuesday
All stepmill - Saturday 30 mins, Sunday 45mins, Monday 45mins, Wednesday 45mins Friday -MAG medium Bar pulldowns 8x8 -MAG wide grip pushups off suspension straps 8x10 -MAG  close grip lying tricep extension 8x10 - KB Arm bars 3 per side working up to 20kg Saturday -REverse hypers 3x12 -Used new hooker grip straps with various […]
Tuesday and Thursday
Wed 30 mins stepmill   Tuesday Upper Hammer rows and MAG medium grip pulldowns 8 sets eachx8 Tsunami bar inclines many sets x15 reps per Pushdowns with smallest MAG grip bar  8x10 Somehow 3 of the MAG bar ended up in the gym. I looked down at the rack and there they were. Nobody had […]
Friday and Saturday
Saturday 30 mins stepmill, Sunday 1  hour sled , Monday 30 mins stepmill   Friday-Press emphasis Pushdowns 16 setsx10 Hammer press, warmed up to working weight. 10x20 reps Incline flye 10x20 reps Rows 8x10 Reverse Hyper warm up Saturday, first squat in a couple months. Box raw with buffalo barish.  Sets of 5x5, then 600x3 […]
Tuesday and Thursday
Wed 30 mins stepmill   Tuesday Fat grip neutral grip pulldowns 8x8 Long ab strap seated rows 5x10 Decline press 225 8x8, 275 5x3, 315 5x1 Dips 5x10 Thursday 2  1/3 laps prowler for time    
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Wednesday , Sat , Sun and Mon 30 mins stepmill each day Thursday 3 laps prowler Friday -Two arm rows on incline bench 5x10 -Rope pulls to chest 10x20 -Bench worked up to 315x8x2 then drop sets of 225 , 185,135 x2 sets -Slight incline dumbell press to failure with 80s for 2 sets -Wing […]
Saturday and Tuesday
Sunday 2 laps with prowler, Mon and Wed 30 mins each stepmill Saturday Reverse Hypers 6x10 One leg ham/back raise 4x8 per side REverse Hypers 2x10 Cossack squats 5x10 per leg Rever Hypers 3x10   Tuesday 5 laps upper body sled-mixed emphasis with static and rep work/two arm and some one arm  work   Spud
Tuesday, THursday and Friday
Monday and Wednesday 30 mins each day of stepmil Tuesday-Upper with more back work -Superset wih Hammer row and Chest supported row 10x8 reps per -Assisted pullups and close grip dips.  Started with bottom of stack at 10 reps each with 10 sec break between rounds. Each round dropped a click on the weight stack(14 […]
THursday ,Friday ,Saturday, Monday and Tuesday
Sunday sled 1 hour THursday 3 laps with prowler with added weight from last week Friday Seated row 8x8 Bench press withSwiss bar off straps. WOrked up to blue band and light doubled up 5x3 Dropped light band and added some weight for tricep work 5x10 Saturday Hack squat x5 to bottom for pause on […]
 Thursday Friday , Saturday and Tuesday
Thursday Friday , Saturday and Tuesday
Sled Sunday 1 hour, Monday and Wed 30 mins step mill Thursday last week 3 laps with prowler Saturday Box raw worked up in sets of 8 to 505 One leg assisted pistols 4x8 per leg Reverse hypers 4x8 Tuesday Fat bar pulldowns 10x10 Chest supported rows with fat gripz 8x8 Press 3 x20 light, […]
Sunday 1 hour sled, Monday 30 min stepmill Saturday Warm up 3x12 reverse hypers Testing from prior week's squat experiment. Plan was to go over 7 on the deadlift. Hit 585x2 and felt  alittle give in the low back but not bad.. Moved up to 635x2. Was going over 7 next but back said, naw […]
Wednesday and Friday
Wednesday and Friday
Thur 30 mins stepmill Wednesday 3x10 reverse hyper Leg press close stance 6x10 Coan dead rows with econo pulley 5x10 reverse hyper 1x25   Friday Straight arm pull over with pulls to chest 7x10 each Curls with econo low pulley 6x10 Swiss bar floor press 240x10x5 sets Dips with blast handles off floor 4x8 Regular […]
Friday, Saturday and Tuesday
Friday, Saturday and Tuesday
Sunday 1 hour sled, Monday 30 mins stepmeill   Friday Box squat 510x5x4 reps Reverse hypers 4x10 Bench 275lbx8x3 reps Drop sets to failure 4 Saturday Box Squat raw 450x5x5 Reverse Hypers pre 3x10, post 2x20 Tuesday Pulldowns 10x10 Hammerpullover 10x10 Incline tricep rolls 10x10 Tsunami bar 10x15 reps, 50 rep set
Box squats wide 570x5x3 reps Reverse Hypers 3x20 Third day of squatting starting to wear on me. Two more days dropping the weight some and increasing the reps. Will see how this pans out next week with the deadlift. Experimented with the wife for two cycles of this. Her dead went up about 30lb on […]
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Sunday 1 hour sled Monday Press 5x20 Flyes 5x20 Curls with band 5x10 per arm Tuesday :Box squat raw wide 475x5x5 reps Reverse Hypers 4x15 Wednesday Box squat raw wide 550x5x4 reps Reverse Hypers 3x15
Wed am 30 mins of dying stepmill   Tuesday 3 laps with prowler.   Heading out of town on Thursday so just wanted to get something in leg related. Back on Tuesday  to start again   Spud
Saturday and Monday
Saturday and Monday
Friday 30 mins stepmill, Sunday 30 mins stepmill Saturday lower Reverse Hypers 3x10 Worked up to 585x3x3 conventional with straps. I have blown out alot of things but saturday was new. Blew it out under both eyes like I got punched. Super strange but all 3 585 sets were mean ginders so not alltogether surprised. […]
Thursday Lower
Thursday Lower
Wed stepmill 30 mins Thursday 3x10 reverse hyper 8x10 tsunami bar off slant box close stance 2x20 reverse hyper Quickie this morning but paying the price now.
Friday Lower and Tuesday Upper
Friday Lower and Tuesday Upper
Cardio Monday 30 mins stepmill Friday Lower -Pitshark Coan Deadrows, couple of short green bands with 3 plates per side 4x10 -One leg extension 2x continuous sets of 5x10 to 15 perleg -Reverse hypers 3x12 Tuesday -Bench 225x10x10 -Overhead plate french pressx10 with shoulder pressx5x 5 sets non stop. 4 rounds of this -One arm […]
Wednesday Lower
Wednesday Lower
Short and sweet.
Little benching with the squat bar and yoke straps.
Sorta just training to train.
Friday Upper
Friday Upper
Upper body training.
Thursday Lower
Thursday Lower
Reverse hypers 3x12 Hack squat 8x8 Machine squat reverse lunges 3x8 per leg Reverse hyper 1x25 to finish   Spud
Saturday and Tuesday
Saturday and Tuesday
Practiced with ratchet belt high on all sets.
Thursday and Friday
Thursday and Friday
Boob or shoulder did not fall out so all good news.
Tuesday Upper
Tuesday Upper
Upper Body
Saw the retina specialist on Thursday.
Neck is still jacked and seeing retina specialist tomorrow.
Thursday and Friday
Thursday and Friday
Began with the Prowler..
Sunday night I had a spot in my vision.
Friday, Sunday and Monday 30 mins stepmill   Saturday 4x10 reverse hypers Deadlift conventional worked up to 585x5, 675x1 3x10 reverse hypers Paid for all of that with a jacked neck and some right eye whackyness but good day nonetheless for deadlifts.    
Thursday Upper
Thursday Upper
Tsunami bar press 8x20, varied grips Flyes 5x12 Tricep pushdowns with econo tricep and lat pulley. Used utility strap for pushdowns 5x15 to 20 Spud
Saturday Lower
Saturday Lower
work and training at the same time did not go the way I wanted it too. Another week next week to make it up and add a few more is the plan.
This week
This week
The Arnold Booth this year was another good success. Thanks to all who came by.
Lower Saturday
Lower Saturday
Spent the rest of the day setting up for a store remodel moving cabinets and product to do the floor. Came back later to talk with the floor crew. Stepped out of the truck and to the left and thought my adductor and hamstring lockup to the point that I thought it was going to tear.
Upper Friday
Upper Friday
Caught some bug for a couple of days.

Items 178 to 236 of 254 total