Mario D'Amico

Mario D'Amico currently resides in Eastlake, OH and has a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Physiology from the University of Akron. Pursuing his paramedic and firefighting certifications, Mario fulfills his stereotypical meathead duties by holding the position of Key Holder for a Willoughby, Ohio Vitamin Shoppe. He has elite totals in the 198 and 220-pound weight classes and broke the 800-pound squat barrier in December.

630 Squat PR and Close Grip Bench
630 Squat PR and Close Grip Bench
PR squat of 630! 700 in August?
Light Squats and Very Quick OHP Workout
Light Squats and Very Quick OHP Workout
Very light week. Keeping everything loose.
Heavy Ass Pulls at EliteFTS S4 Compound and Light Bench
Heavy Ass Pulls at EliteFTS S4 Compound and Light Bench
Deadlift Rep PR has increased significantly since my last meet. Excited to see how it'll come together on meet day.
525 for 3x5 on Squats
525 for 3x5 on Squats
I fucking hate colds.
Deadlifts Against Bands and Testing My Bench
Deadlifts Against Bands and Testing My Bench
PR of 445 on bench has me feeling very confident for this meet on August 19.
575x3 on Squats for PR Triple and OHP
575x3 on Squats for PR Triple and OHP
Although I missed my goal of 575x5, 575x3 was still a PR. I might have been a little over ambitious.
Multiply Lifting for the Broke College Student
Multiply Lifting for the Broke College Student
Can drinking Natty Light and lifting in hundreds of dollars worth of gear coexist as a broke college student? Why, yes it can.
5's on Deadlift and Bench
5's on Deadlift and Bench
370x5 should've been a breeze, but that's what happens when you train fast and you're out of shape!
Heavy Squats with SSB and OHP
Heavy Squats with SSB and OHP
Going heavy with the SSB for the first time in years. Felt better than expected.
Wednesday Floor Press - Max Triples
Wednesday Floor Press - Max Triples
Heavy triples on floor press and lots of volume with DBs. The pump was real.
Why I Only Trained One Day This Week
Why I Only Trained One Day This Week
I only got to train one day this week, but I also got to see 360 joules of energy flow through a man who had an incredibly unstable heart rhythm. By the way, 360 joules is the maximum amount of energy you can deliver from a cardiac monitor, so yea, it was pretty cool.
Life Update - Vlog Numero Uno
Life Update - Vlog Numero Uno
If you care about what I've up to, check this video out. If you don't care, check it out anyways.
Week 2 Day 3&4 - Heavy Upper and Lower
Week 2 Day 3&4 - Heavy Upper and Lower
Slowly working my weight up.
Week 1 Day 1&2 - RPS Summer Slam
Week 1 Day 1&2 - RPS Summer Slam
Starting off with a pump.
Fuck It, I'm Doing a Meet
Fuck It, I'm Doing a Meet
Deciding to do a meet during the most challenging part of my life, because fuck it.
5/3/1 Week Cycle 2 - OHP and Squats
5/3/1 Week Cycle 2 - OHP and Squats
Finishing off the week with heavy squats and finals at school.
5/3/1 Week Cycle 2 - Bench and Deads
5/3/1 Week Cycle 2 - Bench and Deads
Starting off the heavy week.
3's Week - Cycle 2 - OHP and Squats
3's Week - Cycle 2 - OHP and Squats
Hit up Duke's Iron Zoo for another squat session.
3's Week - Cycle 2 - Bench and Deads
3's Week - Cycle 2 - Bench and Deads
Another few sessions down.
From Deadlift Cues to Overcoming the Blues — One Year with elitefts
From Deadlift Cues to Overcoming the Blues — One Year with elitefts
I couldn’t believe it when I saw that it has been a year since I joined elitefts. In honor of the anniversary, here are five lessons from my first year.
5's Week Cycle 2 - Bench and Deads
5's Week Cycle 2 - Bench and Deads
High rep deadlifts are awfully fun.
Deload Week - OHP and Squats
Deload Week - OHP and Squats
I can no longer handle my booze like a 21 year old.
Deload Week - Bench and Deads
Deload Week - Bench and Deads
Keeping things light this week.
OHP 5/3/1 and Multiply Squats
OHP 5/3/1 and Multiply Squats
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
5/3/1 Week Already? Time is Flying. Bench and Deads.
5/3/1 Week Already? Time is Flying. Bench and Deads.
Cold as shit this week so no running outside for me.
OHP and Squat - 3's Week
OHP and Squat - 3's Week
Adding in the neck machine has been fun.
Cardio? WTF?
Cardio? WTF?
Trying to be prepared in the future.
Squat and OHP - 5's Week
Squat and OHP - 5's Week
I did the neck machine for the first time since high school football. Nostalgia, bruh.
Heavy Work Week = Light Training Week
Heavy Work Week = Light Training Week
Trying to make some extra cash.
Don't Let Your Dog Get Fat This Winter
Don't Let Your Dog Get Fat This Winter
Your pet's health is just as important as your own. The only difference is they rely on YOU to maintain a good bill of health.
Starting Paramedic School - Reality Setting In
Starting Paramedic School - Reality Setting In
Some thoughts about the trials ahead of me.
5/3/1 Week - Deadlift & OHP
5/3/1 Week - Deadlift & OHP
Starting too heavy and letting ego get in the way.
5/3/1 Week - Squat and Bench
5/3/1 Week - Squat and Bench
5/3/1 Week is finally here.
5's Week - Deadlift & OHP
5's Week - Deadlift & OHP
That feeling when your shoulder pump is so ridiculous you don't know what to do with your arms.
5's Week - Squat & Bench
5's Week - Squat & Bench
Sometimes you need to just get in and get out.
First Days Back and Plans for 2017
First Days Back and Plans for 2017
Minimal rest, no bullshit, just work.
Return to Raw - Meet Review
Return to Raw - Meet Review
My return to raw was bigger than expected.
WATCH: Mario D'Amico — A Return to Raw
WATCH: Mario D'Amico — A Return to Raw
When the long-term goal is a 1000-pound squat at 220, and the ultimate goal is a 2400-pound total, you need two things: patience and a lot of hard work.
Last Visit to the Gym Before Meet Day
Last Visit to the Gym Before Meet Day
Just a little somethin' before meet day.
Hungover Bench Opener at Duke's Iron Zoo
Hungover Bench Opener at Duke's Iron Zoo
Hungover workouts are good for the psyche.
Heavy Bench and Last Deadlift Session Before Meet Day
Heavy Bench and Last Deadlift Session Before Meet Day
Everything is feeling like it should.
Thanksgiving Pressin' and Farts While Squattin'
Thanksgiving Pressin' and Farts While Squattin'
When those Thanksgiving meals try to burst out of you while squatting.
Bench and Deadlift Work Sets w/ Singles
Bench and Deadlift Work Sets w/ Singles
Slowly increasing the weight...
Quick OHP Workout and Some Squat Singles w/ Wraps
Quick OHP Workout and Some Squat Singles w/ Wraps
Filterized shirtless pictures are the coolest.
Heavier Singles on Bench and Beat Up Hips
Heavier Singles on Bench and Beat Up Hips
Taking it easy on the pulling this week, but beginning to push the numbers for bench.
OHP PR and Squats to End the Week
OHP PR and Squats to End the Week
Got a stupid pump from this upper body workout.
Bench and Deadlift to Start the Week
Bench and Deadlift to Start the Week
Taking training into my own hands.
405 for 10 Reps on Squat
405 for 10 Reps on Squat
Acclimation to raw lifting continues.
Throwing OHP Back Into the Mix
Throwing OHP Back Into the Mix
Having some fun with overhead work.

Items 1 to 59 of 144 total
