Mark Dugdale

Mark Dugdale is an IFBB Professional Bodybuilder via an overall win at the 2004 NPC USA and to-date competed in over 35 pro contests including 5 Olympia appearances. Mark and his wife Christina enjoy 21 years of marriage and three daughters – 19, 17 and 15. Aside from his passion for training he is the sole owner of Garden Fresh Foods which operates out of a 42,000 square foot building and employs over 80 people while providing fresh-cut produce solutions to foodservice and food manufacturers in the greater NW region. Highly engaged in running Garden Fresh Foods alongside Christina, his future competitive plans remain uncertain at present. To maintain his sanity raising daughters and running a business he continues to challenge himself in the gym as evidenced by his active training log. His overarching goal is to display the fingerprints of Jesus in all areas of his life.

Primary Legs
Primary Legs
The volume dropped a bit, but for some reason all of John’s workouts are brutal regardless of volume – imagine that!
Masculinity and the Growth of a Man
Masculinity and the Growth of a Man
Possessing a penis doesn’t make you a man.
Primary Back Workout
Primary Back Workout
Quite a bit of volume coupled with some heavier weight, but I was feeling great today!
Primary Chest + Triceps Finisher
Primary Chest + Triceps Finisher
Finished this chest workout with a triceps-focused superset.
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
Heavy hack squats on tap for this leg session.
Biceps and Triceps
Biceps and Triceps
Mountain Dog arm workout pumps always leave me cursing John, lol!
Primary Back Workout
Primary Back Workout
Superset to start off this back training session!
Primary Chest + Triceps Finisher
Primary Chest + Triceps Finisher
Finished off my primary chest workout with some triceps today.
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
1.5 curls, heavy hack squats and drop sets were all part of this leg workout!
Biceps & Triceps
Biceps & Triceps
Sunday arm workout!
Primary Back Workout
Primary Back Workout
Meadows inspired workout modified to fit my needs!
Primary Chest
Primary Chest
Chest workout with a triceps finisher.
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
Drop sets, Pause Reps and Prowler Push Finisher!
EPOC—The Secret to Fat Destruction
EPOC—The Secret to Fat Destruction
After years of competing as an IFBB pro, Dugdale has learned what will keep you thick while you shed fat.
Primary Back Workout
Primary Back Workout
Inspired by John Meadows, but set up this back workout myself this week.
Leg Assault
Leg Assault
Leg marathon with 30+ working sets. Load up your intra workout nutrition!
Arm Workout
Arm Workout
Easter Sunday arm workout!
Secondary Back
Secondary Back
Pumping the back via a giant set with several EliteFTS accessories.
Primary Chest Workout
Primary Chest Workout
A primary chest workout with bands, chains and a massive pump to finish.
Leg Workout
Leg Workout
Feeling a bit tired today, but the pump was insane. John Meadows inspired primary leg workout!
Biceps & Triceps Training
Biceps & Triceps Training
With tired legs Christina and I hit this arm workout the day after hiking.
Primary Chest Workout
Primary Chest Workout
I only have 60-75 minutes on Tuesday's to complete my workout so I just did chest and saved shoulders for another day.
Leg Workout
Leg Workout
I moved my primary leg workout to Monday night's at Kirkland Gold's Gym.
Arm Workout
Arm Workout
High volume, extended sets and supersets comprised this biceps and triceps workout.
Back Workout
Back Workout
Primary back workout with a superset focus.
Chest Workout
Chest Workout
Loving reverse banded bench press lately. Allows me to train more safely since tearing my pec in 2010.
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
I missed a leg workout snow skiing...although that was a workout in and of itself. Here is the leg training session that followed.
The Daily Diet of an IFBB Pro
The Daily Diet of an IFBB Pro
A detailed look at my off-season menu.
Back Workout
Back Workout
Relatively basic workout, but great overall back pump on this day.
Primary Chest Training + Extra's
Primary Chest Training + Extra's
Ensure plenty of intra-workout nutrition because this workout is lengthy.
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
I hiked 4 miles to an elevation of 2,078 feet...after a Mountain Dog leg workout. What was I thinking?!?!
Biceps & Triceps
Biceps & Triceps
Early Friday morning arm assault.
Primary Back Workout
Primary Back Workout
Meadow Row and One Arm Barbell Row superset today!
Primary Chest + Some Triceps, Delts & Back
Primary Chest + Some Triceps, Delts & Back
Massive chest pump from this workout thanks in part to stretch push-ups with chains.
Primary Leg Training
Primary Leg Training
Training alone doesn't mean the intensity dips...awesome leg curl rep scheme today!
Back Workout
Back Workout
Back workout inspired by my coach, John Meadows.
Primary Chest + Some Extra
Primary Chest + Some Extra
Primary chest with a little triceps, rear delts and back thrown in for good measure. Bring some extra intra-workout nutrition!
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
Fewer exercises, but higher number of sets and/or reps...I enjoyed this leg workout.
Secondary Back Workout
Secondary Back Workout
Stop short of failure on secondary workouts and focus on the pump!
Primary Back Workout
Primary Back Workout
This marked the end of week 12 of John Meadows BEYONDER Program.
Primary Chest & Shoulders 2.15.15
Primary Chest & Shoulders 2.15.15
I got into Eastside Gym early with my key and had the gym to myself for this chest and shoulder workout!
Primary Valentine's Leg Workout
Primary Valentine's Leg Workout
Christina and I started our Valentine's Day off right with a Mountain Dog leg workout!
Primary Back 2.9.15
Primary Back 2.9.15
Nearing the end of a 12 week Meadows program and the volume drops a bit.
Primary Chest & Shoulders 2.8.15
Primary Chest & Shoulders 2.8.15
Feeling a bit worn down, but nearing the end of the BEYONDER Program.
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
I implemented a new squat variation today which felt great and will likely become a staple in my workouts moving forward.
Explosive Back Complex
Explosive Back Complex
A workout for training back in the PM, when you already trained back in the AM the same day!
Primary Chest & Shoulders
Primary Chest & Shoulders
I re-arranged some exercises since I was training without a spotter.
Primary Leg Workout
Primary Leg Workout
Higher reps and Prowler EPOC finisher.
Secondary Biceps & Triceps
Secondary Biceps & Triceps
Mini arm workout for major arm pump!
Chest & Shoulders 1.25.15
Chest & Shoulders 1.25.15
This is my primary chest and shoulder workout for this past week. Welcome to the new Elitefts!
Tweaks to My Primary Back Workout
Tweaks to My Primary Back Workout
Sometimes I'll repeat an exercise and other times I'll make a small tweak in form.
The Food Philosophy of an IFBB Pro
The Food Philosophy of an IFBB Pro
Fill your cart with stuff that's smart.
Marriage and Muscle
Marriage and Muscle
How I balance love and life to stay engaged in the things that matter.
Mark Dugdale Places Second At 2014 Phoenix Europa
Mark Dugdale's Posing Routine at the 2014 Phoenix Europa
Mark Dugdale Places Second At 2014 Phoenix Europa
Mark Dugdale Places Second At 2014 Phoenix Europa
Mark Dugdale's Posing Routine at the 2014 Phoenix Europa.
Extended Set Arm Training
Extended Set Arm Training
This doesn’t seem like much as it’s only two exercises, but with 4 rounds of extended sets on each your arms will be jacked by the end!!
Depletion Workout
Depletion Workout
Taxed with raising three teenage daughters and affecting culture change in his 30-year-old business, Mark’s release and sanity are found in the iron. Follow his training log to see how he copes with the physical effects of moving weight for 25 years while seeking new, creative methods to ignite hypertrophy.
Commitment for Bodybuilding
Commitment for Bodybuilding
This one component in your life will affect your success than any other factor.
Five Bodybuilding Illusions Amateurs Need to Ditch
Five Bodybuilding Illusions Amateurs Need to Ditch
You can't Criss Angel your way to an IFBB pro card.

Items 591 to 649 of 666 total