Legs & Abs
With nearly a week off from leg training following four weeks of high frequency, this workout blew up my quads!
Back, Abs, Calves and Biceps
Heading into a high frequency back training phase for the next 4 weeks!
Chest, Triceps, Abs and Calve Training
My shoulder felt better today and had my friend Dan assist with handing me some heavier dumbbells...good workout this Easter morning!
Legs, Abs & Calves
Similar to last week's main leg session, but with a couple different progressive parameters added!
Chest, Triceps, Abdominal and Calve Training
Training solo and mixing things up in my weekly programming of body parts!
Primary Legs
Eccentric overload, isoholds, supersets, rest/pause reps...yeah, this workout had it all!
Anti-Masculinity and the Response of Men
After watching the recent women's marches—and being involved in some interesting social media conversation—I started to think about how men should respond when masculinity is threatened.
WATCH: Dugdale UGSS Presentation — Who Will Remember You?
Your time on this earth is limited, and much shorter than you likely realize. Don't waste it.
Valentine's Day Back & Biceps
Getting caught back up with my training log after an illness makes it's rounds in my household.
WATCH: Dugdale UGSS Presentation — Protecting Your Joints and Life Balance
Longevity in this sport requires taking care of your body, but perhaps more importantly it requires taking care of your life.
WATCH: Dugdale UGSS Presentation — Guarding Your Central Nervous System
The first part of training for longevity is ensuring that your body's central nervous system can adequately handle the demands of your program.
WATCH: Dugdale UGSS Presentation — Fats, Blood Sugar, and Macronutrients
You know the importance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, but are you overlooking the finer details such as fiber and what types of fats are best?
2 Secondary Training Day Examples
The following details two separate secondary chest, shoulder and triceps workouts.
Primary Legs
I was joined by my daughter and wife for this workout and included my favorite intensity technique for quad development!
WATCH: Dugdale UGSS Presentation — Bodybuilding History and Nutrition fo...
Performing best, and especially looking your best for the sport of bodybuilding, requires that your body be functioning well on the inside. Mark shares how he has accomplished this throughout his career.
WATCH: Mountain Dog Back and Biceps with Mark Dugdale
The following details my secondary back workout. I slightly deviated from the plan because the workout took place at the elitefts Compound and Dave Tate took over the biceps programming portion.
My leg workout before heading out Elitefts last week for the UGSS event...bands played a prominent role!
My Favorite Intensity Techniques
Moving increasingly heavier weight from point A to B served me well until I tore my pec benching 500 pounds and blew out my lower back squatting 700. Now I find new ways to add intensity.