WATCH: 4 Static Stretches for Overhead Athletes
Elitefts™ Education Director Mark Watts and Owner of Showtime Strength & Performance demonstrate four static stretches using the Elitefts™ plyoboxes
LISTEN: Off-Season NFL Training with Brett Bartholomew
Brett Bartholomew is one of the brightest young strength coaches in the industry, listen to this podcast and hear why.
Buddy Morris: Back in the League
Buddy Morris returns to the League as the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Arizona Cardinals
Elitefts™ Rotational Med Ball Throw with Variations
Two videos explaining and demonstrating rotational power exercises using a medicine ball
The No BullSh*t Podcast
elitefts™ Columnist (and owner of NBS Fitness in Memphis, Tennessee) David Allen talks about how he made his dream a reality.
LISTEN: Transforming your Habits with James Clear
Former student, athlete, and intern becomes one of my biggest influences
Is your job miserable? Good, I'm glad.
There are a few things I have no tolerance for. One is people who complain about their jobs.
Elitefts™ Reverse Band Bench Press (MM Set-Up)
This set-up may actually correlate more with using a bench shirt
Tips to Crush the Combine Tests
These tips to crush the NFL Combine can make the difference between watching from up in the cheap seats and a signing that double comma Nike contract.
Elitefts Sports Performance Podcast: The Spot Athletics
Interview with JL Holdsworth and Nic Bronkall of The Spot Athletics.
One Day Better Podcast: Interview with Anthony Donskov
Anthony Donskov is not only developing stronger, faster, and better conditioned athletes; but better young men and women.
The Fastest Sport on Ice: Things You Don't Know About Bobsled
Think you are a superstar in your Flexible Flyer sled and may have missed your calling? Learn all you need to know to get ready for the next US Olympic Bobsled Team trials.
Buddy Morris: The Next Chapter
Back as the Head Strength Coach at the University of Buffalo, Buddy Morris takes time to talk shop.
Elitefts Sports Performance Podcast (Episode 6)
Joe Kenn is one of the most influential strength and conditioning coaches in the industry.
How to Deal with Difficult Coaches
Clashing with challenging coaches or parents? Here are the most effective strategies to help cope with them.
Strong(her) Coaching (Part 2): Principles and Philosophy
A roundtable discussion with fourteen of the top female strength and conditioning coaches in the country.
5 Innovative Assignments for Strength & Conditioning Interns
This is where interns start to act less like robots and more like coaches.
Elitefts™ Reverse Band Bench Press Drop Set with Forced Negative™ advisor and owner of Mountain Dog Training & Nutrition John Meadows performing a strip set with the reverse band bench press
Three Questions with Anthony Donskov
Strength and conditioning coaches have the ability to change lives, instill discipline, teamwork, and attention to detail.
Non Linear Periodization for Beginners
Mark Watts explains how deviating from a traditional linear periodization approach in young athletes may yield greater performance.
Longtime elitefts Supporters Open High Performance Fitness
Profile of Elitefts V.I.P. Gym High Performance Fitness
Elitefts™ Barbell Back Extension
Elitefts™ Team Members Julia Ladewski, Matt Ladewski, and Dave Kirschen demonstrate barbel back extensions on the GHR
Elitefts™ SS Yoke Bar Box Squat w/ Chains & Forward attached Bands
Todd Brock demonstrates SS Yoke Bar box squat with chains while attaching light bands to the front of the Signature monolift
The Sad State of DIII Strength and Conditioning
We were promoting what was right, but small private schools sometimes do not have the money to do what is right.
Programming for Competitive CrossFit
Looking at CrossFit competitions, there is only one constant and that is that there are no constants
Strong(her) Coaching (Part 1): Athletic Influence
A roundtable discussion with fourteen of the top female strength and conditioning coaches in the country.
5 Things That Are Wrong with This Country
Fixing these issues with our athletes will not fix our country, but we all need to start where we can make the most impact.
Three Questions with Dennis Cuturic
Interview with Duquesne University Strength & Conditioning Coach, Dennis Cuturic
Elitefts™ Band Resisted Supine Neck Protrusion
Neck protrusion performed with Elitefts™ Pro Resistance Bands.
Elitefts Sports Performance Podcast (Episode 5)
Interview with Todd Hamer, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach at Robert Morris University
Elitets™ Tear Drop Strap Tricep Push-Downs
Tricep Pushdowns with the elitefts™ Heavy Duty Tear Drop Strap
Elitefts™ 2-Board Press with Bands (Alt. Band Set-Up)
Elitefts™ Sponsored Pro Powerlifter Brian Carroll performs a 2-Board press with bands
Lessons from West Point (Part 3)
In the final installment of the series, Mark Watts talks about the modifications to the WSBB training methods for athletes.
Lessons from West Point (Part 2)
In Part 2, Mark Watts talks about difficult recruitment, traveling for his own training, and adaptations to athlete programming.
Inside Showtime Strength and Performance
Profile of Elitefts™ V.I.P. Gym Showtime Strength & Performance
Head Games: Training the Neck to Reduce Concussions
Concussions have become a major issue in sports and coaches have a responsibility to protect their athletes
Elitefts Bench Press Set-Up
Elitefts Sponsored Coach and owner of The Spot Athletics JL Holdswoth explains some critical technique advice in this three part series
Lessons from West Point (Part 1)
I am living out of a car and sleeping on a couch while coaching at the most historically significant institution of higher learning in the country.
Extra Workouts for College Athletes
Use extra workouts to aid with recovery, build work capacity, and to address weak points.
Off Season Injury Reduction for Football
Football is one of the few sports that cannot be PLAYED year round, but it must be TRAINED year round.
How to Walk-On Your College Football Team
Mark Watts tells how to make your move from the stands to the field on game day.
Elitefts™ Reverse Band JM Press
Elitefts™ Content Coordinator Sheena Leedham demonstrates a Reverse Band JM Press
Elitefts Sports Performance Podcast (Episode 4)
Interview with Cam Davidson, Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach at Penn State University
You Mother F**kers Have It Easy
Back when I started my journey into the iron game, even before I started coaching, there was not much to choose from.
Introducing New Level Athletic Development
Profile of Elitefts™ V.I.P. Gym New Level Athletic Development
3 Things You Should Always Do as a Strength Coach
In the days of the entitled millennial, nothing ruins a young person quite like giving them something they did not earn.
Elitefts™ Good Morning Technique
Elitefts™ Coach and The Spot Athletics Owner JL Holdsworth discusses proper technique and programming of the Good Morning exercise
Elitefts™ Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Technique
Elitefts™ Coach and Owner of The Spot Athletics J.L. Holdsworth explains the proper execution of the Romanian Deadlift
Common Areas of Concern with First Year College Athletes
By the time athletes are in college, they have bad or good habits.
Reprogramming the Overhead Press
The body has the amazing ability to adapt to any stimulus. This can be a bad thing when it comes to training.
If I Could Do It All Again (Part 5)
I really do not believe you can even scratch the surface on what it takes to be a strength and conditioning coach with an internship that is less than 600 hours for a semester.
NSCA National Conference: MMA Training, Intermittent Fasting, and More
Presentations from Joel Jamieson, Dr. John Berardi, Dr. Disa Hatfield, and Mike Favre from the NSCA National Conference In Las Vegas, NV