Marshall Johnson

Marshall "Freakshow" Johnson live in Fargo, ND with his wife Kathy Johnson and their 16-month old daughter Freya. Marshall has a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science and Strength and Conditioning from MSUM. He competes in both the 275/308 weight classes, both single-ply and multi-ply. He trains out of Edgar's House of Pain (EHOP). Marshall's best single-ply numbers to date are a 904 squat, 601bench, and 826 deadlift. His best multi-ply numbers to date are a 1102 squat, 750 bench, and 822 deadlift. His goals in powerlifting are a 1200 squat, 800 bench, and 900 deadlift.

Weekly Les Brown
Weekly Les Brown
Do everything in your power to be legendary
Motivation: You need a thousand "1s"
Motivation: You need a thousand "1s"
Eventually you will have a wall
XPC Prep: Bench(shoulder night)
XPC Prep: Bench(shoulder night)
I was on the road this past weekend and I needed a week out of my shirt.
XPC Prep: Deathlifts
XPC Prep: Deathlifts
Feeling productive again
XPC Prep: Squats
XPC Prep: Squats
Strength still feels pretty low. These next couple weeks I will down shift to let my body catch up and I should be good to go for the XPC
XPC Prep: Bench
XPC Prep: Bench
2015 XPC Prep
XPC Prep: Deathlifts
XPC Prep: Deathlifts
I was struggling very hard on this night. My form felt wonky and I felt weak in general.
Unrecognized Benefits of a Commercial Gym
Unrecognized Benefits of a Commercial Gym
We all love a chalk-filled garage gym or a basement torture chamber with Olympic plates leaning against cracked cinder block walls, but the commercial gym presents some perks that your powerlifting gym lacks.
Marshall Joins 1100 Pound Squat Club
Marshall Joins 1100 Pound Squat Club
Two years of doubt were erased by one lift at the UPA Twin City Barbell Backyard Show of Strength.
New Bench Training PR!
New Bench Training PR!
Relentless Detroit: New Metal Shirt=Huge bench PR!! 730lbs
Relentless Detroit: New Metal Shirt=Huge bench PR!! 730lbs
Relentless Detroit: New Metal Shirt=Huge bench PR!! 730lbs
Recently I was given a prototype bench shirt to try from Minna and Ano the owners of Metal. My bench program has pretty much flew out the window because I need to figure what this shirt is capable of.
Relentless Detroit: Squats up to 950&1025(vid)
Relentless Detroit: Squats up to 950&1025(vid)
Squats bar(60)x5x3 150x3 240x3 330x1 420x1 470x1
How I Train for a Meet, Month One
How I Train for a Meet, Month One
The Freakshow lays down his game plan for powerlifting. Can you handle it?
A Gearwhore's Guide to the Galaxy
A Gearwhore's Guide to the Galaxy
With gear, there's no such thing as "one and done."
Strength vs. Power
Strength vs. Power
The strongest people in the field describe the difference.
How Training for a Single-ply Meet Benefited My Multi-ply
How Training for a Single-ply Meet Benefited My Multi-ply
I knew I wasn’t done powerlifting, not by a long shot, but something needed to change.
Marshall Johnson: Iron Battle on the Mississippi
Marshall Johnson: Iron Battle on the Mississippi
Do I have the confidence to go up to my planned third attempt, or take the same weight?
Why I Train...
Why I Train...
Elitefts Pro Powerlifter Marshal Johnson answers the question of why he trains. Would you rather be Jo Six Pack or in the gym SFW?
The Death Lift!
The Death Lift!
Nowadays, people can put a lot of time into mastering their supportive gear and get hundreds of pounds of carryover, especially in the squat and bench.
Are you allowing limits to define your potential?
The Freakshow: Relentless
The Freakshow: Relentless
For the first time in a long time, I was pain free and felt strong at the same time.
Take the Leap
Take the Leap
Where you start has little effect on where you will end—that's completely up to you.
How to Get Sponsored
How to Get Sponsored
It's not all about numbers and PRs. It takes a little something extra.
The Most Impressive Display of Grit
The Most Impressive Display of Grit
Mental toughness is almost as important as physical strength when it comes to breaking through barriers and fears. And these young men have what it takes.
Weaker Than my Wife: Gym Idiots
Weaker Than my Wife: Gym Idiots
You're not the only one who has to suffer through it. Marshall Johnson has experienced his own commercial gym woes.
Chaos Method Training
Chaos Method Training
Up until the last few months, my template has been the same. It was coined the "Chaos Method."
The Sour Project (Episode 1): Ericka, Ericka, Ericka...
The Sour Project (Episode 1): Ericka, Ericka, Ericka...
I have a hard time being a cheerleader for someone who praises half squats and barely-there benches
Life is for the Living
Life is for the Living
Life is for the living man, find what you want and never look back!
Maintaining Upper Back Tightness in the Squat
Maintaining Upper Back Tightness in the Squat
If it is a weakness issue, you should be adding good mornings and Zercher squats to your assistance training.
What I Did Wrong and What I Did Right
What I Did Wrong and What I Did Right
During the last two meets, I had a lot of problems with losing my balance and falling forward in the squat and deadlift.
All it Takes is Hard Work
All it Takes is Hard Work
Put some quality time in with reps and getting strong(er).
The Path to the Platform
The Path to the Platform
Failure will happen, it does to everyone, no one is immune.
Do I Look That Paranoid?
Do I Look That Paranoid?
I have noticed another repeat customer that comes in via a creepy full-size Chevy van.
Spotlight: Marshall Johnson – Relentless Drive
Spotlight: Marshall Johnson – Relentless Drive
We fully expect 98-pound weaklings to protest outside of our offices when this article is posted.

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