Marshall Johnson

Marshall "Freakshow" Johnson live in Fargo, ND with his wife Kathy Johnson and their 16-month old daughter Freya. Marshall has a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science and Strength and Conditioning from MSUM. He competes in both the 275/308 weight classes, both single-ply and multi-ply. He trains out of Edgar's House of Pain (EHOP). Marshall's best single-ply numbers to date are a 904 squat, 601bench, and 826 deadlift. His best multi-ply numbers to date are a 1102 squat, 750 bench, and 822 deadlift. His goals in powerlifting are a 1200 squat, 800 bench, and 900 deadlift.

Relentless Detroit Raising Funds for Local Families
Relentless Detroit Raising Funds for Local Families
Relentless Detroit is just around the corner, only 3 weeks away! Donate today!
DE Squat
DE Squat
Speedy Day
Shirted bench
Shirted bench
You totally wimped out man well, wcha, dcha, wcha the guy hawkd on my burger
Death By Lift
Monday DE Bench
Monday DE Bench
speed kills
*NEW* Metal Jack Canvas Test #2  PR Squat w/vid
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Test 2 confirmed preference of briefs
The Doctor was going to amputate my leg........
The Doctor was going to amputate my leg........
From potential leg amputation to 1000lb squat
10 weeks out
Relentless Detroit Prep 2015: Squats
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8 weeks out..................I think
Dave Tate Table Talk video: Online coaching red flags
Dave Tate Table Talk video: Online coaching red flags
Great video for both online coaches and clients
Olympia Deadlift Prep 2015: DE Deathlifts
Olympia Deadlift Prep 2015: DE Deathlifts
Cuz Casey's so handsome, that's why
Don't let your dreams die with you: Motivational Video
Don't let your dreams die with you: Motivational Video
The world needs to experience what you've got

Items 355 to 413 of 578 total