Marshall Johnson

Marshall "Freakshow" Johnson live in Fargo, ND with his wife Kathy Johnson and their 16-month old daughter Freya. Marshall has a Bachelors Degree in Exercise Science and Strength and Conditioning from MSUM. He competes in both the 275/308 weight classes, both single-ply and multi-ply. He trains out of Edgar's House of Pain (EHOP). Marshall's best single-ply numbers to date are a 904 squat, 601bench, and 826 deadlift. His best multi-ply numbers to date are a 1102 squat, 750 bench, and 822 deadlift. His goals in powerlifting are a 1200 squat, 800 bench, and 900 deadlift.

Olympia Deadlift Prep 2015: Squat
Olympia Deadlift Prep 2015: Squat
I ignore the pain cuz the pain will never stop
Olympia Deadlift Prep 2015: Back and Bi's
Olympia Deadlift Prep 2015: Back and Bi's
Bring starvation to those who hunger for your defeat
Losing weight with Derek Weida: Funny stuff!
Losing weight with Derek Weida: Funny stuff!
A meat, a carb, and if you give a shit a fruit or vegetable
Focus on the how not the why
Focus on the how not the why
What are you going to do?
Single Ply Squat
Single Ply Squat
Metal Single Ply
The Self-Education Lessons I Learned from John Meadows
The Self-Education Lessons I Learned from John Meadows
The academic world will only take you so far. Once the formal education is over, how will you continue to improve yourself?
Baby Freya is here, and my week of training.
Baby Freya is here, and my week of training.
Damn it feels good to be a gear whore!
Pressing For Paige: Cancer Benefit
Pressing For Paige: Cancer Benefit
Help us lift the burden for one day.
Jason Ehlert 815 raw squat vid
Jason Ehlert 815 raw squat vid
Geared guys cant squat raw?
Les Brown
Les Brown
woulda coulda shoulda

Items 414 to 472 of 578 total