Nick Rosencutter

Nick Rosencutter is the founder and owner of Rosencutter Ultra Fitness & Performance in Greenfield, WI. Nick is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He is also a Licensed Massage Therapist and Full Body Level 2 Active Release Techniques provider with Elite Provider designation. Nick heads up strength and conditioning at Greendale High School and regularly trains and consults with youth to elite-level Olympic speed skaters.

4 Hacks to Prevent Back and Hip Overuse Injuries 
4 Hacks to Prevent Back and Hip Overuse Injuries 
You’ll want to include some single-limb work, train in multiple planes of motion, provide alternation and stability, plus soft tissue work!
6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
Do you sit a lot? How about those shoulders? Are they rounded forward? Even if you don’t sit all day, many of the exercises you’re doing in the gym place you in extension.
A Case for Directly Training the Hip Flexors
A Case for Directly Training the Hip Flexors
Don’t forget to flex the front! As a powerlifter, bodybuilder, and runner, hip flexion is your source of stability, function, and power.
Why Powerlifters Should Front Squat
Why Powerlifters Should Front Squat
What moves 600 pounds, won’t necessarily move 700 pounds. Reassessing my situation, I realized my thoracic extensors were weak.
Key Components of a Youth Athlete’s Initial Training Program
Key Components of a Youth Athlete’s Initial Training Program
A bad program can tarnish more than reputation; it could end a young athlete’s future. These kids are in the most important developmental years of their lives, so it’s up to us to give them the tools to be the best they can be, and these key components are a good place to start.

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