Long-term Goal Achieved at 13th Annual USAPL American Open
A record setting bench launched Yard to the third highest total in the USAPL.
8 weeks out from USAPL American Open
Quality workout. I’m going to the YMCA tomorrow to hit some abs and recovery stuff. I'm gonna need it!
USAPL American Open Results
I had some good PRs, some serious let downs, and a great battle with IPF world deadlift champ Mike Hedlesky.
Scott Yard: USAPL Raw Nationals
Squatting 750s, benching high 400s and pulling over 800 every meet as a drug-free 264.6-pound man is unbeatable on American soil.
Scott Yard: Going for Personal and American Records
His main goal at the USAPL North East Regional Championships was to total at least 1,800 pounds, but that doesn't mean Scott didn't try to shatter a current American record as well.
NAPF Arnold Raw Challenge
I wanted to get on the biggest stage a raw lifter could find...and then win.
The Road To Winning USAPL Raw Nationals
I started my raw journey back in December of 2008. After an equipped meet in April 2008, I left the meet feeling empty.
One Week of RAW
On the 3rd rep of 660 I dropped the bar and decided to walk away without risking injury.
Deadlift and Learn
I learned that what I have been doing is working just fine and as long as my lifts keep moving.
A Peaking Cycle for a Raw Stalling Deadlift
This is the exact deadlift cycle I've used for the past three meets.
So You Want to be a Meet Director?
I want them to read this and say, “Damn! That’s pretty easy. I can run a meet too!”
Assistance Exercises for the Raw Squatter
So it’s been three meets now and I’m still doing this raw thing.
Going Raw
I’m a lifter just like you. I’m not a trainer nor do I have any connection to the strength and conditioning field outside of elitefts™.
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