Sean Barker

My Top Ten Training Tools for Better Workouts
My Top Ten Training Tools for Better Workouts
If you’re serious about taking care of your body and you make time to get to the gym, you need to make sure you bring the proper gear.
 Three Simple Steps to Building Maximum Muscle
Three Simple Steps to Building Maximum Muscle
Even with today’s technology, we still don’t completely understand everything involved in muscle growth.
 Bench Press More Weight Instantly!
Bench Press More Weight Instantly!
How many people do you see in the gym trying to make an exercise more difficult, believing the more difficult it is, the more effective the exercise will be?
 Seven Secrets to Better Workouts
Seven Secrets to Better Workouts
As your old high school gym teacher might have led you to believe, stretching before weight training isn’t the best way to warm up. Recent reports show that static stretching before exercise can reduce muscle strength. Stretching relaxes your muscles, so why would you want to relax your muscles when you need to lift explosively during weight training?
The Dungeon
The Dungeon
Wabush, Labrador, Canada. A small mining town nestled in the cold and desolate woodland of northern Canada. Seven months of the year this isolated town in the middle of nowhere is covered in a deep and cold blanket of snow.

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