Generation Pussy
I can’t help but be annoyed at what has come of this generation in the gym. Basketball shorts over tights? Nalgene bottles? Functional exercises? What is wrong with these kids?
Body Mechanics 101: Three Things to Help Eliminate Pelvic Tilt
After being plagued with injuries for six years, these three things got me back to pushing legs 100% without risk of injury.
Skiploaded While Using Fat Burner
I need the week to see if this was a good idea or a waste of time.
The Psychology of Aging
I had another birthday, which meant the return of my annual day spent obsessing over my age. This time I realized something new: I know how I want to die.
Body Mechanics 101: Hunting for the Elusive Rear Delt
I have been asked so many times lately about rear delts that I figured I would make this the topic for the second edition of Body Mechanics 101.
Why Deads Are Overrated
If you want full back development, you're going to have to stop focusing on the deadlift.
Body Mechanics 101: Elbow Position for Triceps Extension
I see terrible training mistakes on an almost daily basis, and not just the ones veteran meatheads like to post on social media to poke fun at someone in the gym who doesn’t know any better.
7 Things That Can Make You A Successful Online Trainer
I'm putting the satire on hold for one article. Here's some straight-up information to help you become a better online trainer.
Heaviest Squatting in Over 3 Years
Skip is prepping for a summer show after relocating to Florida. This prep already includes more pancakes and burgers than any normal person dares to consume, and yet he is proving week after week that it works like it has for years. Follow his unorthodox, outside-of-the-box methods as he almost effortlessly drops body fat week in and week
If I Could Write a Letter to Me...
I took the opportunity to write myself a letter but with one caveat: I couldn't include ANY reference to working out, competing or being “buff.”
Pull Through Reps: How To Maximize Back Gains
It is my opinion that most body parts do not necessarily need to be worked through a full range of motion to be effective. Exclude the back.
The Art of the Carb
Here are three timing principles that I use with my clients and feel strongly will allow almost anyone to ingest carbs and get leaner.
Stimulate Don’t Annihilate
After all these years and cycles through training trends, it turns out that Lee Haney might have been right all along.
Training on the Weekends, Baseball and Halloween Candy
A potpourri o' miscellaneous items for the end of October.
My Wife and God Cause All of My Stress
While I was recently wallowing in my own self-pity, I had an idea: what else could possibly go wrong?
I Might Be an Asshole But I'm Not Arrogant
Apparently when you become a self-proclaimed expert in training and nutrition, you also know everything about politics, social issues, and life. Have we always been this arrogant?
Ladies and Gentlemen, Kevin Jabroni?
The 2016 Mr. Olympia ended up being more about Kevin Levrone than Phil Heath. Was it empty hype?
Why Bodybuilders Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Vacations
I get asked a lot about what to do about workouts, diet, etc., while on vacation. My response?
Introducing Fatty McFat Fat
I was going to say I was just holding water or I was distended but ... we all know what that usually means: FAT.
Accidentally Down 2 Pounds And Leaner
Eat 8 burgers in one day and get leaner?? "BurgerLoading" maybe?
Selfish or Selfless?
Everyone has a line. You may not know where it is and you may never reach it, but it's there.