Steve Gabrielsen

An Average Saturday....Part 2
An Average Saturday....Part 2
Another Day in the Gym…Weekender Style
Julia Ladewski Mountain Dog Rows
Julia Ladewski prepping for her first show
Dynamic Bench Press Against Bands
Dynamic work is an essential part in the Conjugate Method
A Weekend at elitefts™
A Weekend at elitefts™
Weekenders get along with Mountain Dogs
SS Yoke Bar Deadlift
SS Yoke Bar Deadlift
Deadlift, SS Yoke bar, what else do you need?
Pin Pull with Chains
Pin Pull with Chains
Pin pulls are used to build the top end of the deadlift…
7 Minutes of Leg Hell
7 Minutes of Leg Hell
7 minutes of pure hell I will never do again
Tsunami Bar Rows
Whip it! Whip it Good!
Twist Press
Press, Twist, Repeat
LTT TV - Squat Foot Position
LTT TV - Squat Foot Position
Dave Tate takes us back to school
LTT TV: 5 Miles to Go an Inch
LTT TV: 5 Miles to Go an Inch
Joey Smith gives some insight into his benching techniques.
Lateral Resistance Band Walks w/ Agility Ladder
Lateral Resistance Band Walks w/ Agility Ladder
Elitefts coach Julia Ladewski performs lateral resistance band hand walks through an agility ladder. Make sure you go both directions.
Mountain Dog Leg Day
Mountain Dog Leg Day
90 minutes from another leg day training hell.
Quad Triset
Quad Triset
Pain tolerance at its finest
Jeremy Frey at UGSS
Check it out as Jeremy Frey gets prepared for the 2012 XPC Pro/Elite Coalition meet
Back Attack
Back Attack
Erectors of Steel
Cross Body Extensions
Cross Body Extensions
Work on the horse shoe
Toe Press
Toe Press
Calves like Andy Deck
Power Squat Good Morning
Power Squat Good Morning
The Powersquat is multi purpose
Grenade Ball Pull Up
Grenade Ball Pull Up
Grab life by the…grenade balls
Ted Shirted Bench
Ted Shirted Bench
First Shirt work Post Surgery
Bent Over Row w/ Cambered Bar
Bent Over Row w/ Cambered Bar
Give yourself a few more inches
Yoke Bar Suspended Good Morning
Matt Wenning talking about the Suspended Good Morning
Yoke Bar GHR
Todd talks Glute Ham Raise
Yoke Bar Good Morning
Yoke Bar Good Morning
Dave talks Yoke Bar Good Mornings with Ted
Yoke Bar Extensions
Yoke Bar Extensions
Dave Tate Performs SS Yoke Bar Extensions
Fat Swiss Bar Assisted Chins
Fat Swiss Bar Assisted Chins
No Monkey Chin Bar? No Problem!
Band Face Pull
Use what you have available
Supported Row w/ Camber Bar
Prone Row with a camber bar
Reeves Deadlift
Reeves Deadlift
Steve Reeves Special
Rear Delt Destroyers
Dave’s Delt Destroyers!
Rear Delt Destroyers
Rear Delt Destroyers
Dave’s Delt Destroyers!
What does (er) mean to you?
What does (er) mean to you?
What does (er) mean to you?
(er) Extraordinary Resolve: Strong(er)
(er) Extraordinary Resolve: Strong(er)
What does (er) mean to you?
Grenade Ball Curls
Grenade Ball Curls
Dave hits up some Grenade Curls
Grenade Curls
Grenade Curls
Dave hits up some Grenade Curls
Machine Fly
Pec Deck Delirium

Items 1 to 59 of 115 total
