Steven Morris

Four Pre-Season Football Conditioning Drills with the Prowler
Four Pre-Season Football Conditioning Drills with the Prowler
Are your football conditioning drills getting you into game shape or simply sprint shape?
Real World Testing for Football Players: It Isn't Just a Numbers Game
Real World Testing for Football Players: It Isn't Just a Numbers Game
Players spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours each year preparing for combines at all levels.
Partial Lifts, Sleds, and Concentric-Only Lifts for Super Football Strength Building In-Season
Partial Lifts, Sleds, and Concentric-Only Lifts for Super Football Stren...
If there’s one area where most football players really drop the ball, it’s in-season strength training.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Football Strength Training Programs
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Football Strength Training Programs
Just as all great football teams have common traits (good defense, team work, great coaching), all football strength programs share common qualities that set them apart from the pack.
Top Five Kettlebell Exercises for Football Strength
Top Five Kettlebell Exercises for Football Strength
Kettlebells are a perfect tool when it comes to building strength, explosiveness, and flexibility for football.
Seven Steps for Building the Perfect High School Lineman
Seven Steps for Building the Perfect High School Lineman
Here are the seven steps for building the perfect high school lineman.
Six Lateral Strength Exercises for Crazy Football Speed
Six Lateral Strength Exercises for Crazy Football Speed
Here are six lateral strength exercises you can use in your training program to ensure that you’re building real world game speed.
Top 10 Football Training Tools for Under $75
Top 10 Football Training Tools for Under $75
When it comes to football strength training, I’m a simple man.
The Top Get Faster for Football Exercises: Part II
The Top Get Faster for Football Exercises: Part II
Any exercise that hits the hamstrings, glutes, and quads hard is going to be good for getting faster on the football field.
Seventeen Football Training Tips for Beginners
Seventeen Football Training Tips for Beginners
If you want to be a great football player, great lifter, and, maybe in the future, a great coach, you need to invest time, effort, and money.
Top Nine 'Get Faster for Football' Exercises
Top Nine 'Get Faster for Football' Exercises
Steve discusses nine movements to make you faster for football.
Three Explosive Football Exercises to Hit Harder
Three Explosive Football Exercises to Hit Harder
Now, without further fanfare, here are the top three explosive football exercises for hitting harder.
Five Football Conditioning Workouts for Offensive and Defensive Linemen
Five Football Conditioning Workouts for Offensive and Defensive Linemen
There are still way too many football teams that base their entire conditioning program around jogging or jogging-related running.
How to Eat for Maximum Football Performance
How to Eat for Maximum Football Performance
Football players are completely clueless about nutrition.
Extreme Football Conditioning for Linemen
Extreme Football Conditioning for Linemen
Steve discusses four great conditioning moves for football linemen.
A Program That Failed: My Quest for a 500-lb Push Press
A Program That Failed: My Quest for a 500-lb Push Press
Several years ago during one of the more Olympic lifting intensive periods of my lifting career, I hit a long awaited personal record—a 420-lb push press.
Top Nine Supplements for Football Training
Top Nine Supplements for Football Training
Here are the top nine supplements to help you get faster, bigger, stronger and more explosive for football.
 Leg Training for Linemen: The Top Eight Lower Body Movements for the Big Men
Leg Training for Linemen: The Top Eight Lower Body Movements for the Bi...
One thing that absolutely baffles me about most football strength training programs is that everyone does the same thing.
 The Top Five Sandbag Exercises for Football Training
The Top Five Sandbag Exercises for Football Training
The goal isn’t to be a powerlifter or Strongman but to become as strong, fast, and insanely explosive as humanly possible so you can dominate on the football field.
 Six Ways to Use Sandbags in Your Football Strength and Conditioning Program
Six Ways to Use Sandbags in Your Football Strength and Conditioning Pro...
Here are six ways to easily implement sandbags into your football strength and conditioning program.
Explosive Upper Body Training for Football Lineman
Explosive Upper Body Training for Football Lineman
“I tell ya. His legs are as strong as an ox, but he throws a punch like a 7-year old girl!”
Three Football Speed Training Myths Busted
Three Football Speed Training Myths Busted
Where the hell did we go so wrong when it comes to football speed training? When did it become acceptable to pass off the hard work that entails training for football speed and replace it with fairly easy cone drills and gadgets?
 Ten Tips to Improve Your Football Training
Ten Tips to Improve Your Football Training
If we all simply followed this one, there’d be better results and more time for real training. Jogging has no place in a football training program. None. Not as a warm up, not as a cool down, and definitely not as punishment
 Abdominal Training for the Power Athlete
Abdominal Training for the Power Athlete
The other day I had to suffer the great indignity of paying for a day pass at a commercial gym. Lifting in a commercial place isn’t all that bad. It can actually be good from time to time to expose you to new equipment or just get a change of scenery.
Top 11 Exercises for Athletes
Top 11 Exercises for Athletes
Here are the top 11 movements for athletes. Add them to your rotation and work them hard.
The Econo Prowler: A Review
The Econo Prowler: A Review
You might puke. But you’ll definitely get better.
How I Improved My Deadlift in Fifteen Months
How I Improved My Deadlift in Fifteen Months
I had just a little over a year to get where I wanted to be.

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