Tarra Oravec

Tarra Oravec is an elite competitive powerlifter and has a top 10 All-Time total with 1200 pounds at 181 in the raw with wraps division. Her best meet lifts are a 435 squat, a 280 bench and a 500 pound deadlift. Tarra won Champion of Champions at RUM 8 in 2014. She has a Master's degree in Social Work from the University of Pittsburgh. Currently she is working for a nonprofit organization in the city of Pittsburgh as a therapist doing outpatient adult mental health therapy and also works with children/adolescents part time doing mobile therapy.

Fake It Til You Make It
Fake It Til You Make It
I'm just trying to stay busy and really put the focus on my career until I'm able to focus on the gym again.
Taking Another Step Back
Taking Another Step Back
When I'm ready, I can make time for the gym again, whenever that may be.
Learning to Respect Differences
Learning to Respect Differences
It is not someone's responsibility to explain themselves to you, it's your responsibility as a human to learn about people, ask questions, get to know someone etc.
Flexible Dieting
Flexible Dieting
But for me, these little victories mean everything, and I'm going to celebrate every single one.
How to Make a Good Decision
How to Make a Good Decision
Stop asking your friends what to do, and figure it out yourself.
Another Day
Another Day
Little by little I feel things coming together.
Let the Fun Begin
Let the Fun Begin
I like to think I'm in a really really good place, and it's time I start treating myself with the kindness I've been preaching, only this time it's about my body.
More Progress
More Progress
Powerlifting will always be there...first, let's get healthy.
PT and Things
PT and Things
We can always be better.
I should probs limit the amount of actual "running" I'm doing anyway.
 A Little Bit of Everything
A Little Bit of Everything
What I'm really trying to get at is the idea of accepting and trusting the timing of your life.
This is the first time I've been legitimately sick in probably 8-10 years.  Like, flu, fever, all that jazz.  I spent 3 days laying in bed, only eating about 10 crackers.  Thank god for gatorade, because I have no idea how I would've survived.  I joke, kind of...but seriously. Wanna get small?  Just get sick. […]
Back to Training
Back to Training
Casey told me 6-8 weeks, I said, I'll give you 5.
Log# 8: NYE 2016
Log# 8: NYE 2016
2017 I'm ready for you.
Log #7: Deep Tissue Massage Gone Bad
Log #7: Deep Tissue Massage Gone Bad
I suppose we are back to where I was 4 months ago.
#6 2016 Reflections and Growth
#6 2016 Reflections and Growth
2016 Reflection
Log #5: Christmas Eve Gym Sesh and Holiday Things
Log #5: Christmas Eve Gym Sesh and Holiday Things
It's weird to think about how the holidays are already changing.
Log #4: All of the Things
Log #4: All of the Things
2017 is going to be Tarra 2.0 and I cannot wait.
Log #3: This Just In...
Log #3: This Just In...
It's kind of weird to even think this is seriously a thing.
Log #2: Tight Spaces
Log #2: Tight Spaces
I'm excited for answers.
Log #1: Fixing My Back...But For Real This Time
Log #1: Fixing My Back...But For Real This Time
I guess today, I GUESS, I accept that I'm not going to just magically wake up one morning without back pain.
Sick = No Lift
Sick = No Lift
Today, the sickness was real.
Down With The Sickness
Down With The Sickness
Ever have those days where you're just really not feeling well, but you go to the gym anyway?
My First Day In Gear
My First Day In Gear
Maybe, just maybe, someday I will switch over to the dark side.
The First of Many...VLOG1
The First of Many...VLOG1
Update on lifting and life
Gymnast-y Things
Gymnast-y Things
It is no surprise, or at least shouldn't be to anyone who knows me, that I still can't lift.
One day at a time, I will get there.
Deadlifts and Some Frustration
Deadlifts and Some Frustration
I would be lying if I said everything was sunshine and roses.
Work On Yourself, From the Inside Out
Work On Yourself, From the Inside Out
How do you get past that...the emptiness you feel, even when you reach the goals that you set for yourself?
A Day Off
A Day Off
I combined 2 workouts into one.
Building My Baby Legs
Building My Baby Legs
My love for front squats
California Training, Round 2
California Training, Round 2
round 2
California Training, Round 1
California Training, Round 1
Pump day training in Cali
Week 3 Bench
Week 3 Bench
Bench Training
Front Squat Fun
Front Squat Fun
My love for front squats
Back Gains
Back Gains
Always love bench
Finally, A Legitimate Plan
Finally, A Legitimate Plan
And for the first time in the history of EVER, I am trying something new for my training.
Same old same old.
Baby Steps
Baby Steps
So insightful for a Monday.
Week 2: No Spinal Loading
Week 2: No Spinal Loading
Trying to be as proactive as possible.
Bench for Days
Bench for Days
I feel like I'm going to have such a jacked upper body by the end of this nonsense.
Coming Back, Slowly
Coming Back, Slowly
My journey to happiness & being healthy inside and out starts today.
Always Learning
Always Learning
I'm just trying to develop a plan, and then execute it.
Buffalo Fit Expo
Buffalo Fit Expo
Although I'm pretty bummed about not getting to see all of my teammates and participate at the seminar, I thought this was a really good opportunity to meet new people, learn, and be there for my friend.
Still, No Training
Still, No Training
Still on this no training thing
And then, when I am ready, I mean really ready to tackle another meet, I will pick one.
I've kind of formulated a plan, so I will stick with that.
Boss of Bosses 3 — A Failed Water Cut, The Setback, Meet Day, What's Next
Boss of Bosses 3 — A Failed Water Cut, The Setback, Meet Day, What'...
This weekend I cried more tears than I thought were possible. It was emotional, the entire thing, from start to finish. But, it's something I had to do, for me.
1 Week Post Meet
1 Week Post Meet
I still haven't touched a barbell., still haven't stepped foot in a gym.  I still have a lot of back pain doing simple things, like getting out of bed, or bending over to pick something up. Updates to come, and an X-Ray, soon.
3 Days Out...
3 Days Out...
All I've got
Last Training Session Before BOB3
Last Training Session Before BOB3
It'll be interesting to see how everything plays out next weekend, but for now, I will rest.
80% Bench
80% Bench
I was a little hesitant to bench today, because of my back pain, but bench went extremely well, considering I couldn't deadlift two days ago.  I hit all of these reps, paused, because that's what I do before every meet. Bench: 220x3 paused 185x2x5 pause presses Side Raise: 10x10 & 15x10 Rear Raise: 10x12 & […]
Deadlifts and Back Pain
I'm not really sure what happened, or what is wrong, but I had a lot of back pain today.
Disconnecting During Meet Prep
Disconnecting During Meet Prep
During meet prep I am basically on auto pilot.
90% Squats
90% Squats
Sometimes all you really need is for someone else to believe in you, more than you believe in yourself.  I mean, sadly, I feel like this is my life story.   Today was one of those days, again.  I tend to go on the more conservative side when it comes to picking weight attempts, often […]
90% Bench
90% Bench
Everything going as planned.
A New Gym
A New Gym
Gosh I just love being able to train in different gyms.  Don't get me wrong, I love the gym I'm currently at 2 out of my 3 training days.  However,  I just love feeling out new places and switching it up on the weekends, it's like a breath of fresh air.  I primarily go to […]
Deadlift PR
Deadlift PR
So, I haven't hit a "lifetime PR" or whatever in the gym since I lost all of this weight...until tonight. YAY. Warming up I just had no idea what to expect. 405 was easy, 435 was easy, and then Yessica helped me out and just loaded 465 and didn't tell me, and even that wasn't […]
"I hate squats."  My go-to, whiny statement before every single squat session.  Really though, why do I "hate" them.  Aside from the annoyance of getting wrapped for 5 heavyish sets, I really just hate them because they're my worst lift. Oh I know, how bratty of me to hate them just because I'm not good […]

Items 60 to 118 of 156 total
