Travis Rogers

Travis Rogers currently resides on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, where he owns and operates a strength training facility, “The Bear Cave.” He also works as a graphic designer, 10th and 12th grade ELA teacher, and is active in the community with his 501(c)3 charity organization for underprivileged children. He is the WRPF MD and DE state chairman, a national-level referee, and a meet director for the surrounding area. Travis has been in the top-10 198 rankings for the last four years in both sleeves and wrapped divisions. After double quad rupture surgery, he's begun a new journey in equipment. In his first meet back from surgery, he totaled 2138 in the unlimited 198 division.

The Powerlifting Pond
The Powerlifting Pond
Do you remain a big fish in a little pond or venture out of your comfort zone and into bigger meets?
Outfit Your Garage Gym with These Equipment Must-Haves
Outfit Your Garage Gym with These Equipment Must-Haves
If you’re going to do it, do it right. Not only are these equipment choices legit, they’re also affordable.
Beware of the Copy-and-Paste Coach
Beware of the Copy-and-Paste Coach
How can you find yourself a coach and not a con artist? All too often, I watch young or new lifters get conned by coaches.
The One Armed Guillotine Training Split
The One Armed Guillotine Training Split
Training through injury, the following splits pushed me through elbow surgery and a lat tear.
Stretching Suits and Shirts How-To
Stretching Suits and Shirts How-To
Learn DIY adjustments for powerlifting gear to achieve optimal performance and comfort.
4-Day Outlaw Program
4-Day Outlaw Program
The 4-Day Outlaw Program is a combination of conjugate and bodybuilding style training, setup for the multiply lifter yet modified for raw lifters.
Letter to a First-Time Competitor
Letter to a First-Time Competitor
Are you getting ready for your first powerlifting meet? Learn these tips and tricks now before you step onto the platform.
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Peaking for your meet day should happen around six weeks out. Here’s a thorough plan to make sure you get the most out of your lifts when the time comes to step on the platform.
When Grips Did Not Give
When Grips Did Not Give
Travis Rogers shares his thoughts and insights after spending time with Dave Tate on a recent Table Talk.
4-Week Repeatable Workhorse Program
4-Week Repeatable Workhorse Program
This program is a combination and rewrite of a five-day cycle I followed for ten weeks (two-and-a-half blocks) after a tear in my erector and some serious knee pain.
Powerlifting Advice and Idols
Powerlifting Advice and Idols
You never know who is looking up to you, and wouldn’t it be a damn shame if you turned out just to be another asshole with a singlet and a status.
Year One at The Bear Cave
Year One at The Bear Cave
There is no beginning and end, no start or finish, just a boundless chasm of opportunity here. Oh, and the door still sticks.
Making the Cut
Making the Cut
Here’s line-by-line notes of what I do to make weight. I’ve perfected this after 14 tries.
A Place of Our Own
A Place of Our Own
We finished the place in under three weeks, the last 30 days of prep for USPA Nationals taking place there, christening the horse stall mats with personal bests.
From the Floor
From the Floor
No matter how strong you think you are, don’t let it go to your head. There’s always room for improvement and progress in the sport of powerlifting.
The Allure of Powerlifting
The Allure of Powerlifting
What is it about powerlifting that draws people to it like a magnet? Is it the parts of us that start as iron ore and are melted down into knurled steel through training? Is it a religion we worship? What power does powerlifting have over us?
In What We Lack
In What We Lack
We associate the word “heart” with an emotional response and driving purpose, when it is, in fact, the opposite. It’s the act of leaving emotions and connections behind, if only for a short while.
Resurgence After the Rust
Resurgence After the Rust
When the dust settles and I turn the lights off in that weight room for that final time, what legacy will I leave, how many lives did I touch?

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