Overhead Presses/Bench
Training is still out of whack but once events are posted for Nationals it will be more structured.
Extra work day: Back and Lats
Events for Nationals should be posted by this Wednesday, so it's crunch time!
Strict Overhead Presses and Tricep Training
I always remember Louie saying to do "extra work" apart from your training to help raise the weakest muscle groups or surpass the stronger ones.
Updated log - Box squats
Deload - the days you need to give your body a break but an opportunity to work on technique. Nothing wrong with going back to the basics.
Sumo deadlifts
I often get the question which one is better: sumo or conventional? The answer is it's the preference of the lifter and what they want to accomplish
Log Update - Gaining perspective.
For the last few weeks, my mistake was thinking I had to have everything figured out by now.
Caution Strongman or Strong(her)
This last minute competition was a surprise; performed better than expected in certain events and got exactly what I wanted out of it -- experience and lessons learned
Event day and Lower Body Speed Work
2 a day training - having access to not one but two gyms makes me feel like the luckiest person. I'm able to hit my strongman training and still implement my powerlifting training, all in a days work.
Cambered Bar Box Squats and Deficit Pulls
I respect the people that train hard, but don't forget to train smart. Know when enough is enough.
Speed Bench and Heavy Log Presses
The implements are something I want to target everyday -- whether it be the actual events, supplementary movements, or accessory work; my goal is just to get stronger and improve on technique.
Strongman Training Layout
I think it's important to have a base but what ever happened to just working hard and busting your ass? If you know what you're weak at and what you hate, you have to do just that to get stronger.
Speed Squats - Bands and Chains
Now that I have my training broken down to what I need to focus on, I will be able to split my time to more specialized movements at Idolmaker and strongman training/events at The Battleaxe.
Got Muscle?
"The primary goal of the Center for Muscle Health and Neuromuscular Disorders at Ohio State University (OSU) and Nationwide Children's Hospital (NCH) is to provide an enriching environment that maximizes the quality of research, finds cures to muscle and neuromuscular diseases, and promotes the next generation of scientists and clinicians to carry on our work."
Reasons to box squat
Strongman training is "under construction", so for the time being, here are some good reasons why you should box squat
Strict axel presses and upper body accessories
Not fully recovered from Monday's training, so went conservative today. Nothing wrong with taking it easy, you avoid injuries that way.
Squats: Brutal = Awesome
These days are what get you stronger mentally and physically, days when you train alongside motivating and strong people.
Strongman Training - Re-learning the sport
The great thing about being a dual athlete is re-learning the techniques of each sport -- opportunity for improvement and growth.
APF FL State Championship Meet - Best Female Raw Lifter
I have to congratulate Brian Schwab and the Orlando Barbell team for putting together a heck of a meet. Besides the Women's Pro Am, I've never seen these many girls not only compete, but actually run a meet in my years of powerlifting. There were girls from all ages, all so impressive! The sport is growing and that's a beautiful
Re-cap of training leading up to the meet
This training cycle has been different from the rest because I'm not overthinking it. I have goals in mind and I'm just ready to crush them!
Squats - What can go wrong?
What can possibly go wrong during your squat setup that can totally throw you off? (with video)
Road to 200 with a positive attitude (Bench with video - 19 days out)
Worse thing you can do is stress over the little things before a meet.
Sumo Deadlifts. Empow(her)ment.
Easier said than done but you wouldn't be training 5 days a week, beating up your body, and emotionally draining yourself for something you sort of want to do, right? Think about it.
Raw Raw Squats - 3 weeks out from APF Meet
When picking your openers, especially for new lifters, you always want to start with a weight you can do for multiple reps, maybe even something you can do on a really sh--ty day (with video)
ME Bench - Reverse Pro Monster Mini Restistance Bands
Having friends that lift with you and can think straight when you're not can help you hit a big PR (with video)
New kid on the block! (woot woot) -- no pressure
Martinez earned her elite title in 2011, with a 755-pound total in the 132-pound class. She has recently also become a strongman competitor with her ultimate goal being to watch both sports grow and know she contributed to that in some way.
Can't wait to train!
WYessica Martinez is a psychology and social work graduate from Florida International University, located in Miami, Florida. She earned her elite title in 2011, with a 755-pound total in the 132-pound weight class, at the SPF Outlaw Meet. Currently, she holds the APF Florida State and National Record in Junior and Open Women's Raw division with a 830.5-pound total. Trying