Zane Geeting

Zane Geeting is a car salesman from Bay City, Michigan. He began powerlifting after high school and made his way to a top 15 raw total, before switching to multi-ply in 2009. Since then Geeting has achieved best lifts of a 935 pound squat at 234 bodyweight, 625 pound bench press at 220, 755 pound deadlift at 234 bodyweight, and a 2175 pound total at 220. He has been ranked in the top ten in his respective weight classes for the last three years running. Geeting suffered a severe pectoral rupture in 2011 and has been slowly making his way back to heavy benching while focusing on increasing his squat and pull. He trains at a small private facility in Midland, Michigan with several other pro and elite powerlifters.

My Favorite PED
My Favorite PED
The benefits of this performance enhancing drug includes increased appetite, sleep, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Conditioning for Powerlifters
Conditioning for Powerlifters
Powerlifters equate cardio and conditioning with losing strength gains, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Training Considerations for the Aging Powerlifter
Training Considerations for the Aging Powerlifter
Your biological age is different than your training age. If you’ve racked up years of training in the gym, you should learn the difference between the two.
You Don’t Know JAC Squat
You Don’t Know JAC Squat
The basis of the program is conjugate periodization, with some scheduled deloads and a reverse band peaking schedule from Brian Carroll’s 10/20/Life.
You're Screwed Without A Crew
You're Screwed Without A Crew
In a recent elitefts poll, 88% of lifters responded that they train alone. I used to train alone (when I was weak). Then I found a team and turned elite.
3-Day Conjugate Split for the Raw Lifter
3-Day Conjugate Split for the Raw Lifter
A simple and practical solution for those on tight schedules. With this setup, add hundreds of pounds to your total.
Heroically Overcoming the Villiany of Injury and Depression
Heroically Overcoming the Villiany of Injury and Depression
Super Zane snorts kryptonite like an ammonia inhalant and laughs in the face of rehabilitation.
10-Week Intermediate Deadlift Program
10-Week Intermediate Deadlift Program
Having trouble locking out the top of a heavy pull? This program will fix the problem in ten short weeks!
Conventional Pulling for the Sumo Deadlifter
Conventional Pulling for the Sumo Deadlifter
I have a sure-fire way to add pounds to your deadlift and help you blow past your current PR.
Beaten Down and Broken
Beaten Down and Broken
Do not push through legitimate injuries because you are too tough or hardcore.
The Walking Deadlift
The Walking Deadlift
Zombies, team members, the deadlift, and training balance—Zane tells all.
Zane Geeting: 2013 SPF Ironman
Zane Geeting: 2013 SPF Ironman
I can’t say that it wasn’t a good meet, because it was. It just wasn’t good for me.
Bench Shirt Break-In Process
Bench Shirt Break-In Process
If anyone has any questions feel free to shoot them my way.
Sumo Deadlifting
Sumo Deadlifting
Do things for a reason and with a purpose and you will succeed.

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