I was on my ride home from the gym today and this thought jumped up in my head and was at the forefront the entire way..."You get a certain amount of chances in a day to help someone, whether it's physically or mentally, or both."
My concern was, did I accomplish that objective and make use of every opportunity, or did I fuck it up and just skip over it?
I mean, REALLY...How hard is it to just smile at someone and ask them "how's it going?".
How many times am I so busy thinking about the NEXT thing on the agenda and miss the thing right in front of me?
I'm not certain, but if I'm huff'n and puff'n in my mind's own "Tour de France" on my commute and that thought stays with me the entire distance, I'm betting that it's pretty important for me to address.
Today's Training:
*AirDyne: 10 mins legs only; 10 mins arms and legs; 10 mins arms only
*Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 5000 meters or 30 minutes whichever comes first (it better be the 5000 meters)
Anderson Squat: 6 RM work up to a PRE=7 then do two more sets at that weight
GHR: 4x10
Forward Stepping Lunge: 4x15 each leg
Wide Stance Straight leg sit-up: 4x10
*Cycle: Commute