Break the rules. Forgive quickly. Live truly. Laugh uncontrollably, and never admit to knowing anything about the bodies in the backyard.
Concept II Row: 15 minutes. It was supposed to be 25 minutes, but I get paid to coach, not row, so when people come in and need the rowing erg, I get off and yield to them.
Weighted BOSU Sit-ups: 3x15
Weighted Knees to Chest: 3x8x Heavy. The only way to get the knees to the chest is to flex the chest down as the knees come up. To weigh the feet, we used a kettlebell and poked our toes through it. It takes a little balance, but it shouldn't be too difficult. The weight kicks ass though. The hip flexors take a real beating along with the lower quadrant of the abs.
Machine (type) Bench Press: Take as many sets as you need to get to a challenging weight for ten reps. Then, do one set of 12 reps at that weight. Add a little bit and do 10 reps. Add a bit more and finish with 8 reps
Reverse Band Incline Press: 5x8. Set the bands so high that when you press to full extension, there is no help at all at the top.
Decline Cable Fly: 3x12;1xAMRAP. The hard part was getting in and out of the position. Damn near did a back flip off the bench. Everyone got a good chuckle out of that! (good for abs)
DB Lateral Raise: 3x12; 1xAMRAP
DB Front Raise: 3x12;1x AMRAP
BB Shrugs: 4x8x shit ton of weight