I spend about an hour every day on the internet. I like to read about what's new and improved in the Strength and Conditioning field, politics, and sports news.
I'll spend another half hour or so, staying in touch with good friends and answering questions on Messenger or email.
Perhaps it's that I'm looking for it, or it is now in my algorithms, I am getting a TON of people posting what I consider "stupid shit".
I get bombarded with PhDs doing exercises that mimic circus tricks, telling people that they have the science backing up their claims of being better, thus making the athletes bigger, faster, and stronger.
I am seeing people who, by the look of them, haven't applied one of their own principles to their training or anyone else's, for that matter.
Progression is a thing of the past.
Keeping written (handwritten) journals are obsolete.
Purchase of "The Only True Method That Works" for $59.95 (done in three easy installments) is the only way to the Pros.
The internet has stalled way too many people in their pursuit of strength and conditioning.
The internet, in my opinion, can and will never replace the interaction of an athlete and a good coach at any given moment in time. (No, you can't call yourself "Coach". It's like a nickname, you can't give yourself one)
Someone who is standing there with you to fine-tune your movement, to push you to unexplored levels, or to put the governor on you to avoid an injury.
Podcasts have all but eliminated the need to READ. Did you know when you read you do so in your own voice? Hmm, I wonder if there's a benefit to that???
What has happened to getting more fit or stronger by trying something to see if it would work?
I like to answer some of the people that I train with, "Shoot! I don't know (but I do), let's find out!!!" Then see their excitement when they accomplish something we hadn't planned on.
Sometimes, having BALLS and doing the BASICS is all you need.
Keep the cellphones out of the gym. Cover the mirrors, because I'll tell you how you look, and stop looking for the newest fad.
A lot of people got strong, fast, enduring, and fucking muscular by putting in the work. Plain and simple.
Run: 3 miles
Front Plank: 3x1 min
Plank Up/Downs: 3x10
GHR: 5x10
Frog GHR: 3x10
Suspended Good Mornings: 5 RM
Hip Extensions from the floor with knee abduction: 100 continuous reps. Push OUT harder than you are UP