I totally enjoy dynamic anything lifts for many reasons. Mostly I get a chance to teach and coach the main lift of the day.
Because the weight is in the 40%-60% range it's lighter and I can focus on the person's technique. Once the weight it getting up there in the 85% and higher range some of the technique is forgone in order to meet the objective of lifting said weight (and that's when issues arise).
But here we can stay light and really tune into what needs to be done in order to become a better lifter at that exercise.
Also, the speed by which we move the bar brings about a sense of athleticism. When the weight is moved slowly, I know either the weight is too heavy for that participant or that participant isn't demonstrating good athletics and needs to focus on those things as well.
Like Louie has said, "it's either a 6-second thing or a 6-year one"
Hopefully, we can keep the lessons to about 6 seconds so we can enjoy getting more athletic over the next years.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10/10/10 mins; Legs only/Arms and Legs/ Arms only
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x2
Reverse Hyper: 3x10
45-degree Back Extension: 3x8x45 w/ snatch grip on the barbell
Suspended Straight Leg Raise: 3x10