I have always been on an early morning cycle of sleep/awake times. I like to jest that I get more work done by mistake before the sun rises than most people plan to do all week.
So when the weekend comes around I don't "sleep in". My eyes pop open at 2:00 AM and my bladder reminds me to get moving.
This morning nothing had changed, only my lovely bride was sitting straight up staring at me as I came out of the bathroom and said, "I can't sleep".
COOL! Let's go!
At 2:10 AM, we went out into the dark with our two dogs for the morning's run. It was nice to have company, but I am not a good conversationalist at that hour or when I drive.
When I am asked, "What are you thinking about?" I can truthfully say, "Nothing". I am one person who can be totally void of thought. If you put your ear next to mine, you can hear the ocean.
After the run, I became a more social person who can articulate and guide.
On the way to the gym, I like to encourage my lovely bride and prepare her for the hard work she is about to undergo. I realized this morning that I tend to lean this way with most of the people I train.
Over the years I have found it to be better to encourage people with a few sincere positive reinforcers or well-placed playful touches of sarcasm than it is to be laconic or bland in personality.
Heck, I make it a point to say "hello" and "goodbye" to everyone because their name and the recognition that they are there is sometimes all a person needs to make the difference in a good or bad day. So why not do it?
The important thing to remember is it has to be SINCERE. Otherwise, it's bullshit and people can see through it.
Go out and make your day great. Better yet, go out and make someone else's day great!
Today's Training:
Run: Fartlek 4 mile
Dynamic Squat: Low Box; escalate the weight but keep it FAST. 10x2
- 1x5x45
- 1x5x95
- 1x5x135
- 1x5x185
- 2x2x225
- 2x2x250
- 2x2x275
- 2x2x300
- 2x2x325
Dynamic Deadlift: Escalate the weight in the same manner as above. 10x1
GHR: 100 total reps in as few sets as possible