Today marks the day most New Year's people quit on themselves. Yep, 19 days is enough for the weak to return to their weak ways. Sure, they talked a good game. They had themselves convinced that this year...2023 was THEIR year. New them! They couldn't wait to take selfies and post them on their media pages.
They got to the gym and all the people that have been going didn't even pick on them. As a matter of fact, those "gym goers" actually tried to encourage the multitude of fat wide bodies.
But Noooooo, those out-of-shape soft orbs are that way because they are LAZY. They're weak because they are LAZY. They are on the verge (if not already possessing) diabetes, elevated cholesterol, and low testosterone because...Yes, you have it, THEY ARE LAZY!
Right here on the 19th of January, I will start entertaining "New" people into my program.
I have to teach people the basics of the four main lifts that I use and then have to encourage the new people by educating them in the ways of Health, Fitness, Strength, Body Composition, and Nutrition.
Because teaching ONE thing per day has about an 87% adherence rate and teaching TWO things drops it down to 33%, I have to take the time to do it slowly and methodically. I surely don't want that person to drop out after I've taken the time to do it correctly in 19 motherfucking DAYS!
To those of you that have stuck with it and don't have the mind to quit, CONGRATULATIONS! You might actually make it. Living long and strong is a great reward for your choices.
Those of you that have NEVER considered quitting...we will live forEVER!
Those that have quit? Well, they aren't reading MY bullshit, so better luck next year to them and perhaps something will light their ass on fire a bit more.
Today's Training:
Run: Fartlek 3 miles
Cycle: Commute
AirDyne: 12 mins legs only/ 12 mins arms and legs/ 12 mins arms only
Dynamic Effort Squat: 10x2
GHR: 4x10
Ab Wheel: 4x10
Cycle: Commute