We seem to disregard that we have one of the most creative and destructive tools that exist, our words.
Words can crush or heal. They can encourage or shame. They can shatter or create. They can incite violence or peace, hatred or love, harmony or discord.
Words can make or break a man, they can elevate and empower, or weaken and disable.
Words can set a beginning or an end, they can bring hope or doom, happiness or gloom.
Use words wisely and responsibly, understanding their power to bring positive or negative outcomes when dealing with other folks.
Be generous with kind words and downright cheap with critical ones.
Run: 3 miles
Cycle: Commute
BOSU Abs: 125 reps
Cat/Camel: 2x10
Hamstring Flossing: 2x10
Cable Row: 4x15
Lat Pulldown: 4x15
C/S Row: 4x12
Straight Arm Pulldown: 4x12
DB Supine Tricep Ext w/ Fat Grips: 3x100
super set w/
DB Hammer Curl w/ Fat Grips: 3x100
Inversion Boots Spinal Decompression
Cycle: Commute