I have people that try to "get over" on me.
Every day, I write the program on a whiteboard so people can then write it in their journals to keep track of not only what they did but also their progress and thoughts.
Today's objective is "Strength/Endurance"; it is a beast of a workout without weight. Because of its total volume and the pace I like to keep during this session, a lot of folks will feed me a line of bullshit as to their actual number of reps and sets when I ask about their progress during the session.
On many occasions, I will have counted and know the set/rep count so when they tell me how much they have done, I'll know the "cheat code".
Who are we cheating? Clearly, it isn't me. I want only the best for each person, but if they don't want to give it their best and live a life of meaningless mediocrity, I can't make them drink from the fountain of awesomeness.
NO! They are only cheating themselves. YOU are only cheating YOURSELF.
If the recipe for cheesecake requires a cup of sugar, and you only put in 1/4 cup, sure, you have a sugar-reduced cheesecake, but it tastes like cardboard.
Now, if you want cheesecake, follow the recipe and make fucking cheesecake. THEN...EAT the fucking cheesecake.
Don't settle! Too many settle and eat cardboard.
Earn it! Live it! Destroy it! Consume it!
Fuck yeah!!!
Cycle: Cold Commute
Row: Concept II 20 minutes
Ab Wheel: 3x12
BOSU Situp: 125
Super Legs: 5x20 of the following as a circuit:
- Squat
- Split Squat
- Squat (again)
- Rear Stepping Lunge
- Squat with enough force to carry you onto your tippy toes
- Forward Stepping Lunge
- Jump Squat (about an inch or two off the floor)
- Rest no more than a minute then repeat
Cycle: Still Cold Commute