This is remarkable! Someone caught on quicker than I can ever remember. "Coach! We're doing an awful lot of conditioning..."
Ummm, YEA! For the next 90 days, we are concentrating on just the BASICS in strength training with maybe one, possibly TWO accessory exercises. An ab exercise per day (you have 8 points of innervation on those abs so you can basically do an activity for them per day)and we are going to get your sorry ass into condition.
Simple. Sweat a lot! Focus on one of the five primal movements and be done!
Today's Training:
Run: Fartlek 3 miles
AirDyne: 10/10/10 minutes: Legs only/Arms and Legs/Arms Only
Concept II Row: 5 minutes steady followed by 10x 15/45 (fifteen-second all-out sprint followed by a 45-second active recovery)
DB Floor Press: Work up to Heavy weight with a Perceived Exertion of 7 (or 70%) doing 6 reps each set. Once you have reached the heaviest weight for the six reps, rest and do TWO more sets AT that weight.
Fat Grip Skull Crushers: 4x10
Dips: 4x10
Crunch: 100 reps