During the flu and cold season, people get sick. I have never made it an issue, even during the Covid fiasco, to make people stay home. However, for the sake of those around you, I have told people "If you don't feel well, stay home and rest. No one wants your disease".
But how do you know if you are ok to return?
I call it the 20-minute test.
You think you're good to go. But I have made you understand that since having the flu, or cold is catabolic, and a workout stresses out more of your system, it makes no sense to dig that hole any deeper. You begin the workout and give yourself the first 20 minutes to adjust.
If you feel okay, then continue with the daily plan but don't make any plans to break PRs. Just get through it and feel good about returning to the gym.
However, if you feel like dogshit after that 20 minutes, then pull the plug and head home. There is no reason to continue and drive yourself into the ground. Just get your "do-over" card ready for the next day.
Run: Fartlek 3 mile. I've been having a sciatic nerve issue recently, making today's run very difficult. But I wanted to get a run in because it has been more than a couple of days.
Cycle: Beat the rain. So I have that going for me.
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x15
Weighted Side Flex: The 45-degree back extension and a heavy kettlebell. 3x8
The tempo of exercise is an important issue today. With each contraction, we had to hold for a four-count.
DB Deadstop Row: 4x8
Wide Bar Low Cable Row: 4x8
Fat Grip "V" Bar Pulldown: 4x8
Tricep/Bicep Death: 3 super sets of 100 non-stop reps of
- DB Supine Tricep Extension
- DB Seated Hammer Curl
YES! That's 600 reps in total.
No cycling home. I left my bike at the gym. It is POURING rain and I got a ride. (Lucky me)