As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I can’t remember the other two…
I was pretty psyched to hear one of my participants has lost 60 lbs since she began last year at this time. Do the work, and reap the benefits. She has stayed disciplined with her training and her eating habits.
Although she complained a bit about having to buy a new wardrobe, I don't think she really minds.
Run: Fartlek 3 miles. A few things can happen at the hour and where I run in the early morning. There are various wild critters to contend with, and down branches are a thing. When I write about "down branches" I'm not talking about twigs. No sir ree...I'm talking about large tree limbs that cover a major surface area.
In the pitch black of night, I almost ran into a human Cuisinart. This fallen redwood was monstrous. At the last second, I could FEEL the immensity of this thing and hit the brakes. My dogs were like, "What the fuck is this doing here?" As we tip-toed around it, I can only assume that the park maintenance guys will be very busy later being lumberjacks.
BOSU Sit-ups: (weighted) 3x15
Cable Woodchops: 3x10
Floor Press: 3 RM. Once you have reached the three-rep max, add some medium-sized reverse bands and bang out a set of as many as possible. Most got 20-25 reps with no help or forced reps. One guy got 31. (I think a heavier weight could have been had during the three-rep max)
Cable Fly: 3x15;1xAMRAP
Push-ups: 100 reps in as few sets as possible. This morning's crew got ridiculed for needing more than 3 sets.
Single Arm Inverted KB OHP: 4x6
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10
Cable Face Pull: 4x15