I’ve learned!
Run: Fast 3 miles. It was fast because I had an unbelievable tailwind. Wind gusts up to 30 mph. When I turned around to head back home, they died just enough.
Cycle: As I got ready to head into the gym, the winds picked back up and now (luckily) they were once again at my back, making the trip fast and favorable. You see, I am not aerodynamic and my back on a bike acts like a spinnaker on a sailboat. What normally takes me about a half hour was covered in 17 minutes. (foreshadow...)
Ab Wheel: From the standing position: 3x10
Side Flexion Abs using the 45-degree back extension: 3x8x 1 pood kettlebell
Wide Lat Pulldown: 3x15; 1xAMRAP
Low Cable Row using the V bar: 3x15;1xAMRAP
Straight Arm Pulldown: 4x15
Chin-ups: 2xAMRAP
Cycle: Here's the issue. Do you remember that fast and easy trip to the gym? Yeah, the winds didn't die, and heading into the wind slowed me down considerably. Getting home took the same trip one month, three days, and four hours.
Now I need to FEED!!!