Hey look, I am by no means a fast reader. I do read, albeit, slowly for 15 minutes a day from a positive mental attitude book.
By doing so, I consume roughly a book per month, which has been an average 10-12 books per year. Considering the last book I read while attending undergraduate school was "Curious George Goes to Washington", I think this is pretty good in the quest for continued expansion of my education.
I'm not simply reading from Strength and Conditioning journals, but things that can be found in the PMA section of the Library or book store (Amazon too, but I'm not a big fan of modern technology).
I have a few favorite authors, but I'll leave that up to you.
Reading for me, from a BOOK and not the internet, has without a doubt, helped me in EVERY aspect of my career and life.
Remember, "A man with experience is never at the mercy of anyone with a theory".
Go READ a book (and if you want to read longer than 15 minutes, Go for it, and good on you!)
Today's Training:
- 3" Plank: 1 minute
- Plank: 1 minute
- Push-ups: 15
- Isometric Chin-up: 20 seconds Hold at the top of the motion
- Dead Hang: 45 seconds
- 45-degree Back Extension: 10 reps
- Suspended Knees to Elbows: 3x12
- Weighted Side Bends: 3x12 on each side
DB External/Internal Shoulder Rotation: 3x10
Because we are going with only a few reps, the weight has to be heavy enough to make you say, "oh shit, that was heavy."
Low Cable Row: 4x6
"V" Bar Lat Pulldown: 4x6
C/S Row: 4x6
Tricep Cable Pushdown: 4x10
Hammer Curl: 4x8
Single Arm Cable Tricep Push OUT: 4x10
Concentration Curl: 4x8
Single Foot Balance: 17 seconds each
Contralateral Straight Leg Reach: 3x5 on each