I'm not sure if it is killing me or if it's making me stronger. I just know that giving up is NOT an option, and if I'm coaching YOU, then it isn't an option for you either!!!
Today's Training:
Run: Sprints; 10x100 yds
Cycle: Commute
Prowler: 10x40 yds x 90 lbs
Dynamic Squat: 2x2x50%; 2x2x55%; 2x2x60%; 2x2x65% and if you can keep moving the weight fast enough...2x2x70%
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1x60%
GHR: 2x11
Reverse Hyper: 2x11
Fwd. Stepping Lunge: 2x11
Back Extensions: 2x11
4-way neck: 1x12x6.5
Cycle: Commute