Normally speaking that would be a good thing. However, she was reloading...
Have a GREAT Friday! ahahahahaha
Today's Training:
- 3" Plank: 1 minute
- Plank: 1 minute
- Push-ups: 17
- Isometric Chin-up: 22 seconds Hold at the top of the motion
- Dead Hang: 47 seconds
- Blast Strap Row: 27
- 45-degree Back Extension: 12 reps
- Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
- DB Side Flex: 3x12
Lat Pulldown: 4x12
Wide Bar Low Cable Row: 4x12
Pullover: 4x12
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12
Cable Preacher Curl: 4x12
BB Skull Crusher: 4x12
Reverse Grip BB Curl: 4x12
Overhead Tricep Extension: 4x12