Sometimes the best response is to say nothing at all.

Today's Training:



  1. 3" Plank: 65 seconds
  2. Plank: 65 seconds
  3. Push-ups: 19
  4. Isometric Chin-up: 24 seconds Hold at the top of the motion
  5. Dead Hang: 52 seconds
  6. Blast Strap Row: 30
  7. 45-degree Back Extension: 14 reps
  8. Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
  9. Ab Wheel: 3x12

"V" Bar Low Cable Row: 4x15

Lat Pulldown: 4x15

Standing Single Arm Cable Row: 4x15.

Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x12

BB Curl: 4x10

Dips: 4x12

Hammer Curl: 4x10